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Everything posted by SWA_EMT

  1. After driving an ambulance for almost 9 years....I'm still trying to get used to sitting in the passenger seat...

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  2. Not gonna lie....I got a good chuckle out of a few of these.
  3. Welcome.....feel free to join in any discussion as you see fit. The best way to learn is by getting yourself out there.
  4. Realizing the questionable orientation of the term I used.....That's the most PC term I could use without getting crude. But, ah well. Yes, I will be required to carry one on me. Of course, it'll be stocked with the mandatory PPE, bandaging supplies, etc. So to clarify, I was looking more for ideas of different guides, "cheat sheets", etc.
  5. Doc, That is precisely what I've been struggling with for the past couple of years. I've decided on going with the med school route after I get my medic.....but now the struggle is whether or not to go D.O. or N.D. Although I aspire to have my own family practice (with a pediatric emphasis), I do want to keep my anchors in EMS and emergency medicine.
  6. For those of you that use them....I'm looking for some advice on what you keep in your fanny pack. Medics: Are there any specific items you carry that you use constantly? Medic students: Any school specific items? I'm a medic student, and I'm about to start my vehicular shifts....so as I'm required to carry one on me, I'm looking for helpful things to put in mine. Thanks.
  7. I know this thread has been sort of stagnant for a while.....but as a current medic student, here's my 2 cents: 1) Don't go into medic school blind....get some experience. You'll have a much higher chance of being successful if yo get some EMT-B experience first. 2) As far as courses to take, I would definitely suggest taking a Pharmacology course & a Cardiology course. You will be much more prepared for the more potentially challenging parts of a Paramedic program this way. Other than those two....I can only second the courses listed in posts above. Again, I know that the post has been stale, but there's no substitute for education, experience, & thorough preparation.
  8. I find myself without words right now. Although we never got to talk on a personal level....I took all of Rob's advice to heart....& I'm a better EMT for it. As I prepare to enter medic school now after almost 10 years as an EMT, I still remember Rob telling me that when the time is right, I will know without a doubt. His "Ok, here is how it really is" approach to EMS has been the driving force of how I teach and mentor new EMT's and medics in my agency. To Rob, Friend just seems to impersonal of a title. I am proud to call you brother....rest in peace. Your legacy will live on....because of the lives you have touched here.
  9. So, I'm thinking that maybe a change of pace would be nice. I'm not quite sure what will accomplish this for me, but only time will tell.

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  10. Being a pot o' poo stirrer may have finally caught up with me. Only time shall tell....

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  11. CRRRRRAAAAAAAZZZZZYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! How the bajeeeze are you??

    Life's good here....way to flippin' hot though...haha. :)

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  12. Seein' a man die, now that's not enough. You gotta get close enough to smell his nuts cook?

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  13. I learned this lil' trick about 5 years ago, and it has stuck with me since. We all know that G is for Gravida & P is for Parita. So..... G = Gettin' it. P = Payin' for it. Now before all of you nay-sayers start in on me......stop. I am fully aware that this would be completely inappropriate to use as professional terminology, and as such....I would not even come close to considering doing so. However, in the back of my mind....when the poop hits the fan, this pops up, and saves me from wracking my brain in order to remember.
  14. There's a town in AZ that has a reputation as a retirement community. As with most towns, this one had a park or two. One of those parks became known as "Doggy-style Park" because of the randy activity of more than several senior citizens. Kudos to them for not forgetting how to live.
  15. That is hillarious!!
  16. I would work the code. That said.......I would also be talking to my base hospital PHYSICIAN. Once he/she has decided that efforts should be continued or discontinued, I would immediately and fully comply. Key point here is: Share the $*!+ sandwich. Don't forget that you ALWAYS have someone of a higher medical level above you...they're just a phone call away. **Keep in mind that this is only my opinion. I work in an area that I run these exact types of calls every now & then. I will always give my 500% before I give up. BUT.....at the same time, I realize that no matter how much I give....people will still die. That's why I'm here.....so that those who DON'T die.....have a chance to keep living.**
  17. If this is actually the case, then you have a duty to act. This is your patient. Stop them from putting these rules into effec BEFORE your patient is killed. These people making the rules are going to kill someone. It WILL happen....I guarantee it. That person killed could be you, an actual HUMAN (yes, our patients are still human, no matter our preconceived notions about them), your partner(s), or a member of the unassuming public. The first step in doing "No Harm".....is making sure our rules are set to protect, not inflict.
  18. CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I been missing you.....

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  19. Sounds like Arizonaffcep's worked for my company. I work for a private service in Arizona. His statement is pretty darn near the truth. It seems that in order to make the local FD's happy.....anybody (EMT, CEP, RN, Manager) is replaceable. So, that takes care of the "Crews are replaceable" part. As for the ambulances.....even truer. We have rides that are old model High-tops. Talk about being there forever......scary.
  20. I don't know if this has been aspect of this topic has been discussed yet, but I pose this question to you: What about the EMS provider that is so obese that the can't even make it from the truck to the front door without stopping 10! (yes 10!!) different times to huff & puff just to catch their breath. Mind you.....there are no stairs, no inclines, or other obstacles to overcome. How can you expect someone to treat you, who can't even make it into your house?
  21. Your Stripper Song Is The Bad Touch by the Bloodhound Gang "Sweat, baby, sweat, baby sex is a Texas drought Me and you do the kind of stuff that only Prince would sing about" When it comes to dancing, you let your freak flag fly! What Song Should You Strip To? http://www.blogthings.com/whatsongshouldyoustriptoquiz/
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