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Everything posted by Mediclcems

  1. That's what you get for living in the "soup bowl of the south"! Good luck, to you all there. Maybe it will wipe out Mexico instead.
  2. On July 18th police officer Andy Widman responded to a domestic disturbance outside a night club. The suspect drew a 9mm handgun and shot him in the face with no warning. Andy was killed instatly. He leaves behind a wife and three small children under the age of 5. Please pray for his family during this time. The suspect continued firing on police and was shot by another officer. May he rot in hell!
  3. No signs, but I did clip the resuce truck...OOPS!
  4. We carry the premixed vials in the new baby fridge on the ambulance. Also kept in the fridge, succs, ativan, fluids and ice cream when you get a call from the grocery parking lot.
  5. Someone please tell the lawyers employed by our administration that we should be allowed to refuse to transport to certain people. We have a 10 point refusal documentation we have to write for EVERY "patient", whether or not they called. On the other side...we do have some very lazy people who don't want to trasnport anyone, even if they really need to go, so I can see the cover your ass factor too. It's that damned if you do, damned if you don't thing again.
  6. Another diagnostic tool is always nice to have. However the cost is definitely a big factor, especially to a large EMS service with 30 or more rigs to outfit. The other big problem I can foresee is the delay in transport. I do not think sitting on scene for an extra 10 or 20 minutes to do an ultrasound is in my patients best interest unless transport time is extensive.
  7. Leave it to AK to teach a class on masturbation!!!! He is the expert after all!
  8. Get your battalion chief out of my friggin sandbox! get out of my ambulance if you ain't going to the hospital...NOW
  9. :wav: :occasion4: :occasion7: :wav: :blob2: Happy Birthday you old broad!!!!
  10. Ok...after reading all this my head hurts! I see may good points given by people I have great respect for and many that I also do not agree with. I believe the original point was what are basics good for, please correct me if I am wrong. I have been with LCEMS for five years. I also worked in the ER as a tech for 3 years prior to that. I have seen incompetence on all levels, EMT, RN, MD. No one is perfect. Many of you think we as basic EMTs are not good for anything. And I must say, many basics are good for nothing. The worth of the person is dependent on that individual person. You can not group all of them together to be judged. Some basics want to learn and strive for education while others are here to be drivers. So for those of us who watch, listen and ask questions, this is for you....... Basics are not merely drivers but the ones who deliver you and the patient to and from the scene safely in a timely manner. Basics are the ones who can recognize a trauma alert at 3 in the morning when the paramedic is treating another patient of a multiple victim MVC and get said patient packaged, IV started, and airway secured without direction. Basics are the ones that recognize a patient in respiratory distress from the doorway and is already pulling the proper equipment out of the bags as the paramedic is doing an assessment. Basics are the ones who run the 12 lead on the cardiac patient who looks like crap. (We may not always be able to read the 12 lead but we know you need it) Basics are the ones who know what meds are needed for that patient who decided to code in the back of the unit while the paramedic gets the airway secured. Basics are the ones who stand with the paramedic in the ER as the nursing staff/ER doc is bitching because there is no IV and the patient just took a dump or they feel the pre hospital treatment was inadequate and assure them it wasn't and they did everything they could for the patient. So yes, a basic EMT is a basic EMT. What that person chooses to learn is what makes them a good EMT-B. Not all of us are just out there to be drivers and that is all they will be if they choose not to take advantage of the resources available for education. All of the things I mentioned above were not taught in a EMT-B course. Those are things learned from experience and self education. If you as paramedics want more from your EMT than just a driver, help motivate them to get the education and learn from you. You are the greatest resource for your partner. However, if you do nothing but belittle your partner and treat them like dog crap on your shoe, you will never have anything but a driver and a reputation as an asshole. LET THE FLOGGING BEGIN!!!!! Just be gentle Dust.
  11. Does 605 mean I was a bad girl?
  12. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Tell you not to do something stupid when drunk FIREFIGHTER FRIENDS: Will post 360 security so you dont get caught CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr. and Mrs FIREFIGHTER FRIENDS: Call your parents Drunk as hell and tell them about the fat chick you tried to pick up CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Hope the night out drinking goes smoothly, and hope that no one is late for the ride home. FIREFIGHTER FRIENDS: Know some wild shit will happen, and set up rally points and an Escape & Evasion route. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong. FIREFIGHTER FRIENDS: Will be sitting next to you saying, Damn...we fucked up...but hey, that shit was fun as fuck!" CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Cry with you. FIREFIGHTER FRIENDS: laugh at you and tell you to put some vagasil on your pussy. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back. FIREFIGHTER FRIENDS: Steal each other's stuff so often nobody remembers who bought it in the first place. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Are happy that someone picked up a one night stand and leave them alone. FIREFIGHTER FRIENDS: Will Low Crawl naked into the room with a camera and hope for the tag team. ha ha ha CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will listen to your relationship problems and hope it works out for you. FIREFIGHTER FRIENDS: Will listen to you over a long Fire, and will help you straighten it out better than Dr. Phil. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: know a few things about you. FIREFIGHTER FRIENDS: Could write a book with direct quotes from you. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Might try to hit on your girl behind your back. FIREFIGHTER FRIENDS: Have spent more precious times with more than your girl has, and would never even think about doing that. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that's what the crowd is doing. FIREFIGHTER FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowds ass that left you. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Would knock on your door. FIREFIGHTER FRIENDS: Walk right in and say, "I'm home!" CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will try and talk to the bouncer when you get tossed out of the bar. FIREFIGHTER FRIENDS: Will beat the crap out of the bouncer for touching you on the way out. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will wish you had enough money to go out that night, and are sorry you couldn't come. FIREFIGHTER FRIENDS: Will share their last dollar with you, drag you along, and try to steal free drinks all night. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will take your drink away when they think you've had enough. FIREFIGHTER FRIENDS: Will look at you stumbling all over the place and say, "Bitch, you better drink the rest of that shit, you know we don't waste.. That's alcohol abuse!!!" CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Want the money they loaned you back next week. FIREFIGHTER FRIENDS: Can't begin to remember who owes who money after taking care of each other for so long. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will say "I can't handle Tequila anymore". FIREFIGHTER FRIENDS: Will say "okay just one more" and then 2 minutes later "okay just one more" until you wake up for a three day hangover owwwww CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will wait until a decent hour to call you or merely leave a message. FIREFIGHTER FRIENDS: Will call your ass while still thoroughly drunk, talk to you until everything becomes an incoherent murmur, then call you again so they can leave a message. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will tell you they miss you when you leave. FIREFIGHTER FRIENDS: Will first get shit faced and then beat the crap out of you while your all wasted but be there in time to drive sent you off. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will tell you about all the harmful side effects of smoking. FIREFIGHTER FRIENDS: Tell you to take off your mask in a fire as they give you their last Camel Light, and then help you light up. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will talk shit to the person who talks shit about you. FIREFIGHTER FRIENDS: Will knock them the fuck out!! CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will tell you They Would Risk their life for you. FIREFIGHTER FRIENDS: Will actually Sacrifice
  13. Because all of you would understand... >>Yes, some of these are crude and rude, but if you >>have ever worked in the medical field or with someone who has >>worked in >>the medical field you know that we are a different breed. >>(And that's an >>understatement.....) Feel free to add your own witty humor >>and pass it along. >> >> Here are some tips to remember before your next >> visit to the ER >> >>You need to remember these are from some practicing and >>former Emergency dept. RNs! >> >> 1. Don't tell me yo u have abdominal pain as you eat >>Doritos in my triage booth. >> >>2. If you come to the ER by ambulance, the first >>thing I will ask you is how you are getting home. No, we >>don't have >>people on staff to drive you home, and don't tell me >>you don't want to "bother" one of your family >>members at this hour. You had no problem bothering >>911 for the back pain you've had for 3 months. >> >>3. You don't get to pick your own IV site. This >>will irritate me and I will probably miss your IV on >>purpose and start your site in the place I wanted to >>initially to prove a point >> >> >>4. "Butterfly" is not an IV size, this word signals >>me to put in a larger bore needle. >> >>5. Nausea is not a reason to come to the ER. If >>you are not in severe pain, are not vomiting or >>pooping your pants in front of me, your butt goes >>back to the waiting room. >> >>6. How can you have the worst migraine of your >>life, but be able to yell at me about the wait after >>you just put down a magazine you were reading? >> >>7. Don't ever say things like, "I usually get 4 mg >>of Dilaudid". Requesting your med and dosage will >>prompt me to squirt out half of the med before I >>inject, then I lie about the dose. >> >>8. If you are allergic to Tylenol, Toradol, and >>Motrin, I have already assumed you are a drug >>seeker. >> >>9. If you came to the ER having a family doctor >>appointment that same day, I will make sure you are >>still in the department well past the time of your >>original appointment. >> >>10. I don't care if you are neighbors with t he GI >>specialist. Unless he drove you to the ER himself, >>you can't be that friendly. >> >>11. Just because, "my doctor sent me here", does >>not mean you get right back to a treatment room. >>This tells me you are a pain in the ass, and he's >>pawning you off. >> >>12. The louder you moan/whine, the bigger size IV >>needle you get. >> >>13. Foley catheters cure pseudo-seizures. They >>also cure intoxicated persons. >> >>14. If you are on more than 2 medicines at home, >>bring a list. Don't say, "you know, the little >>white pill". I am not a pharmacist. >> >>15. RN is not synonymous with waiter/waitress. >> >>16. Don't bitch about missing breakfast when I'm on >>the ninth hour of my shift and haven't peed yet. >> >>17. What gives you the righ t to complain about your >>sore throat for a week while I have diarrhea from >>the antibiotics I've been taking for pneumonia? >> >>18. Broken toes are not an emergency. We'll make >>you feel stupid by putting a little piece of tape >>down there and kicking you out. >> >>19. I am currently inventing a trapdoor system in >>triage to be triggered when you say the word >>"toothache". >> >>20. Cover you mouth when you cough/belch. This is >>just common courtesy. When you neglect to do this, >>I am tempted to bust butt in your room, then close >>the door. >> >>21. If you tell me you have fibromyalgia or chronic >>fatigue syndrome, know that I'm rolling my eyes and >>thinking you're a loser. >> >>22. If you list Haldol, geodon, Xanax, and >>trazadone as allergies, don't t ell me you have no >>psych history. >> >>23. Never sign in with chest pain because you were >>too embarrassed to write "penile sores" or "foul >>smelling discharge". This will piss me off that I >>bumped you ahead of other people and I'll make your >>visit horrific. >> >>24. Although you've been in the ER four times this >>week, you cannot list the ER doc as your family >>physician. >> >>25. Do not talk to me while I'm trying to listen to >>your lungs. >> >>26. Don't tell me you have no money for medicine >>while you have a carton of cigarettes in your purse >>(next to your cell phone), and each of your seven >>children are playing their own PSP's. >> >>27. Gravida 7 at age 22 means you are a slut. >> >>My candle burns at both ends; >>It will not last the night; >>But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends-- >>It gives a lovely light!
  14. That's great! I should actually send it. HAHAHAHAHAHHA
  15. That totally sucks! We just got bumped to 13.38 hr base wage for EMT-B Tell them to stick that number in their pipe and smoke it!
  16. Hey Ak....Dwayne said you need to be spanked. I'll have that spanking waiting for you when you get back.
  17. Oh Ed!!!!! Stop telling everyone what knid of patients we have.....could be a HIPPA violation. Miss you around this dump!
  18. Have you been watching SAVED again?
  19. My favorite was a helmet sticker that said "Keep your battalion chief out of our sandbox"
  20. Asy...you sure know how to bring out the pervs! Glad to see you're safe.
  21. Sounds like your partner has a case of "Ricky Rescue". SHOOT HIM!!!!!!
  22. I saw one with the grim reaper on it that says' "Our day begins when yours is about to end"
  23. Make sure you come back in one piece! The welcome committee will be waiting for you.
  24. hose
  25. How about a VQ scan to check for PE?
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