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Everything posted by Mediclcems

  1. Mediclcems

    3 Word Story

    we needed showers
  2. Mediclcems

    3 Word Story

    pointed at itku2er
  3. Mediclcems

    3 Word Story

    AK was naked!
  4. Mediclcems

    3 Word Story

    They started stripping
  5. Mediclcems

    3 Word Story

    Then the crowd
  6. Why is it that as soon as you reach your stand by location another unit becomes available and you get released. Usually occurs at 3 am. Why does rescue cancel the ambulance off a mvc as soon as you pull up to the scene. Why does the nurse at the NH NEVER know anything about the patient she called you to pick up. ie...I just got here, I never had this patient before.
  7. Mediclcems

    3 Word Story

    proceeded to explode
  8. Mediclcems

    3 Word Story

    naked on the
  9. Mediclcems

    3 Word Story

    who threw nuts
  10. Dispatched to an assault call for a 40s F adamately requesting EMS for a broken fingernail! She's lucky we didn't trauma alert her for medics kicking her butt!
  11. Don't think this qualifies as dumb...but it sure was funny; Medic 19: we are en route to the county shop dispatch: can you advise reason Medic 19: we have a suicidal chicken buzzard stuck in the grill of the truck
  12. We're up to 39,000 calls county wide for the year. We have 27 24hr trucks and 3 12 hour units. Is that urban enough for you?
  13. C'mon baby...work that corpse! Lividly usually means DEAD! If rescue wants to race to the call....they can have the refusal! I ain't your secretary! Get out of my truck unless you want a ride to the hospital too... You should have gotten patient info in the 15 minutes we were on scene. And how come FD gets all the credit for the save when they can't even recognize v-fib! WTF
  14. My turn again!
  15. Terri will always be on top of page 31.... but that's all Gotcha again mom
  16. You can both bite me! I'm on top!
  17. We got our own threesome here! But I'm on top!
  18. Are we there yet?
  19. ME ME ME ME ME
  20. NOPE
  21. NOT!!!!!! I'm on top...just where I like to be
  22. HI Mom/.........Bye Mom I'm Queen again..., WooHOO
  23. Gotcha Tech!
  24. My turn again!
  25. I'm back on top...come and get me AK
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