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About Dominion300

  • Birthday 09/29/1985

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  • Occupation
    Paramedic Student

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    Louisville, Ky

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  1. Looks pericarditis, as ruff said until it's ruled out. Establish IV access, O2, continuous monitoring, do all your normal assessments and call for a transport to ER. I'd also try to get the doc on the line to let them know what you got, maybe they can get in or will have further orders for you.
  2. Happy Birthday Brother!

  3. Of course we need the fire department. Who else will carry the stairchair and patient for me up and down stairs. Who else would I call to carry the heavy ones. I'm just saying, they have a purpose.
  4. I miss living in Germany so much. =/ I'm gonna have to plan to come back for several months again. Wanted to come back this fall but that's not happening.
  5. hehe I've heard stories here about the days before GPS in the ambulance where people would be MILES outside of their stationed area to go to someones house and get it on. Or partners who were married getting it on in the back. One of which story was my old partner and his ex-wife getting it on in the back on a regular basis. Pretty sure one of their children was conceived in the back of an ambulance. Most of the stories i heard, I heard being retold in front of a command staff. Now whether or not the people above the EMS director knew (executives) I don't know. I've never heard of someone raping someone around here. I have heard of it in the news.
  6. I am with most on here about the firing of the officers. Was it a dumb decision? Yes. Do people make dumb decisions? Of course, and these guys got caught. If this picture did not have the fire arm in it? I probably would have voted no to firing them. Maybe disciplinary action but not firing. I'm not going to lie and say I've never seen or done something unprofessional, we've all made a dumb decision. Maybe not as dumb as letting someone sit on your squad car with an assault rifle. It would be the same as if a medic let a waitress hold defib paddles to her chest or if he was pretending to give her an injection. On a similar note of dumb decisions. Sex in an ambulance? I've heard of it happening but it was always a 'teehee did you hear' kind of thing. Despite command also knowing, no one cared. It wasn't reported. Should someone be fired for that if it was not caught or suspended or what? This is of course unprofessional behavior but what would you do if you were command and heard someone had sex in an ambulance, the person wasn't denying it (to the people they told the story to) and you had no proof. Just wondering while we're on the topic of unprofessional behavior (Oh in any scenario the sex was on duty, whether it was between partners or between one person and a wife/girlfriend not in EMS, or one person and a waitress (or hooker, someone they met, etc)
  7. Honestly we just call for the good ole FD and they usually handle the moving of the patient while the medic sees to the care of the patient We also only have one bariatric truck for the entire county. Reinforced suspension, bariatric (manual) striker, ramps, and winch. It's just a shame that it's broken down 70% of the time
  8. This is an actual scenario for me. 620lbs woman in respiratory distress, non-ambulatory. Broken elevator and on the 3rd floor. Call placed to fire department after a few phone calls to supervisors etc she was brought out on a tarp with handles essentially (forget the actual name of the item) The fire department placed her on the device and dragged her down the stairs. The type of material and the floor made the drag really easy. The stairs they lifted her as best as possible but it was still a bit of a drag. When she was released from hospital I was working IFT and was called to transfer her home with our bariatric unit (which was JUST repaired). Thankfully the elevator was working and we had no issues getting her home.
  9. Honestly I don't know too much on the accreditation. I know it's been talked about that they are gathering the materials currently to apply. I don't think the class will have any issue with it either. As far as the degree program I don't know 100%. I was told a few ideas were tossed around and considered. 2 year AS degree where you just have to get your gen eds and then take the program so you can either get your AS degree or enroll without having to get an AS (without doing gen eds). There is a department who said they were interested in giving students a BS in that program with a minor in paramedicine. You'd have to talk to the course leads about that specifically. It's a pretty good program and despite not being accredited I've been happy with it, I looked into other programs and if I'm not mistaken the only two currently accredited programs nearby are EKU and Ivy Tech in IN. I had considered once I get my license heading to Lexington or even nearer to EKU and getting a degree from there. That is if UofL or other college doesn't get one set up. There HAS been talk of making the AS at UofL (if they give it) retroactive for his class, so you just go do gen eds, basic science courses and you're done. Which would be awesome cause I'd only have to do about one semester MAYBE one year to finish up. Part time at that, I have 62 hours into a biology degree that I decided to not finish right now.
  10. Just looked and yea if I go one day it'll be Thursday for sure. Edit: Thinking Thursday for sure and maybe Wednesday, some good panels going on Wednesday too.
  11. The program was originally to run from August 2008 to August 2010. Brandon Heming is the main instructor and he's been doing a good job I think for his first medic class. It's an offshoot right now, officially it's sponsored by UofL and they are working on a degree program. If they can't get the details hammered out for that they want to shoot for accreditation. The program itself spreads the topics over a long period of time, so for example when we started cardiology we did an A&P class on the heart, blood, and vessels. Then we did cardiology. We also lumped in 'cardiology' drugs. So instead of giving us a stack of drugs to learn in a month or so we've learned some shortly over a period of time. Also we had planned on doing our clinicals near the end of class and running them concurrently with class. So instead of trying to fit in classes, study time, and clinicals we would replace a class day with a clinicals day. The books we're using is the Mosby Paramedic Super Book and A&P for Emergency Care. We're also doing the standard ACLS, PALS modules and PHTLS, ABLS, AMLS, and a couple other alphabet courses. However we since scrapped that idea so we could finish the classroom portion in october and we'll start our clinicals then. We are doing our Peds clinicals at Kosair (ER and OR), UofL ER and OR), Nortons for OR, Doctor shadow time at Kosair and UofL (or nortons), L&D, CCU/ICU, etc. I forget how long it's been since Kosair has let a paramedic class in. I don't think I'm missing anything, if you have any other questions let me know.
  12. Yea I'm looking forward to some of the topics. I've made plans to go but I gotta get the money together and see if I can go each day. Or pick a couple that look good. Not entirely sure which ones I want to go to yet. This will be the first year I've gone so I'm looking forward to it.
  13. I'll be going from Louisville. That's the week of my birthday and I have friends out that way.
  14. There are many quality programs in Louisville right now you can look into. The one I'm in (Associated with UofL and Dr. Price who is our director) has been very good despite being a pilot program. I don't know much about Know How, etc but I'm happy with where I ended up. I'd still recommend some kind of college A&P, biology and chemistry, math, etc. The class I'm in whenever we start a new A&P section we are given that particular organ system to learn with. Not quite a body a lab but still nice. I worked for Yellow for awhile, just your standard IFT company.
  15. The interesting part is this particular neighborhood isn't terrible. It's pretty much a long drag of shops and such surrounded by suburbia.
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