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About ems.rockstar2013

  • Birthday 05/24/1991

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  • Occupation
    Paramedic student

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  • Location
    Minnesota! :)
  • Interests
    I love reading, and skiing... and of course helping people!

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  1. I found that the damn mannequin arm is kind of a pain in the ass to get flash... lol However, I was able to start a patent line on a classmate, and thus far am the only successful one. The thing I find most confusing about IV's and IO's are the different types of admin sets.. 10 drip vs 60 drip, I guess I don't understand what it means I just know that one is recommended for trauma, and the other is for like when a pt has meds on board or the doc has something other than saline going. Geriatric pt, peds, and bariatric pt's are probably the hardest to start IV's on. Geriatric because there bodies have gone through a lot of degridation, and their veins are easier to blow. Peds because-- well the obvious, peds calls suck, and finding a good vein to hit can be difficult, this is where IO's are nice. If you know your IO landmarks you could possibly start an IO in less time than trying to fumble with finding a good vein on a peds pt. Now we get to the bariatric pt's. These are the pt's that you go to the most common places to find a good vein, and feel for them. Also trying to get a good tight constricting band on them that in of itself is difficult. The most dangerous drug to infiltrate would be D50. D50 because it is damaging to the the tissues, anywhere but in the vein. I was told if you infiltrate D50 that about all you can do is make sure to inform the receiving doc what happened and document well. If you feel like quizzing me more, go for it. It helps to be kept on my toes, and I really at this point don't have a "study-buddy". In skills we are going over some basics now, like KED, and longboarding, and Bleeding. All EMT-B stuff, but still important to keep as second nature. In class we are going over ambulance operations and system status management. Ok, it's only week two of class, but time for some bragging. I received this e-mail today. Dear Brandi Maxwell, Congratulations! You have been identified as displaying positive academic performance in Paramedicine Skills I. Below are your instructor's comments: You are doing good work and making contributions to the class. Your SCTCC instructors, staff, and student success team appreciate your dedication and hard work in the classroom. Keep it up! Sincerely, Student Success Team It's nice to receive e-mails like this, even if it is the second week of school. I must be doing something right!
  2. I started last week, and yeah its a two year, but two years of 3 days a week of class, and summer is nothin but clinicals and ride-alongs. Day 4 and we tested out on I.V.'s and Med admin. Later this week is I.O's. Should be fun. Wonder if any classmates will volunteer for this! Haha Doubt it!
  3. Dwayne, the BLS service was the service for the area, they called for ALS that was from a different area, an assist? But anyways dispatch sent both rigs out at the same time. Hahaha, I don't think your really getting that old that fast!
  4. So anyone who has been in the field for a while more than likely has been on or run a code (cardiac arrest). I know I have been on many, but to my dismay, I have only been on one that was a successful revival. So with this being said, I have a little story for you. Here I am driving home from St. Cloud (120 miles one way) and my dad calls, no big deal, he is probably just checking on me, seeing how far away from home I was... Or so I thought. The first words out of his mouth are "where the hell are you when I need you?" My dad is a logger (and an EMR) and equipment breaks down periodically, so I figured he was sitting on the side of the road somewhere waiting on me... But Noooo, he goes on to say that he had been doing CPR for the last 45 mins. At this point I realized that dad had went to an auction that morning instead of going to work. My heart sank, because I figured the guy probably didn't make it. I then asked dad if he was ok, and dad said he was, and that he was a little rattled, but he was ok. Then I asked what happened. Dad told me that while he was off to the concessions to get a pop, this guy just collapsed, and he heard a commotion, and the auctioneer calling out for a first responder, and for someone else to call 911. My dad walked around the corner and saw the man lying on the cement, but noticed he was still breathing so he checked for responsiveness, and there was nothing. just in that few seconds the guy quit breathing, and CPR was started darn near immediately. Not too much later a off duty sherriffs deputy who was also at the auction brought in a defibrillator, so they put it on the guy, and were able to shock him. They did CPR and shocked the guy about two more times before EMT's got there, and when the EMT's got there they called for an ALS intercept. ALS arrived on scene not long after EMT's got there because dispatch sent them out anyways. By the time the pt made it to the hospital he had a pulse, from that hospital they flew him to a better facility and by the time he reached that facility he was talking to his wife. How awesome is that? I have not been on such a successful code ever. To this day this pt is still alive. This event happend about 3 months ago. I hope someday I will have a successful code. It's always a bummer to have to break it to the family that their loved one didn't make it. :/
  5. Holy cow your a busy guy! It's no wonder why you haven't been real active, if I had your job posistion I don't think I would have time for this site either! Keep on keepin on!
  6. Welcome! Love the sence of humor!
  7. If all else doesn't work, and you choose the military route, I strongly recommend USAF! But hey that is my opinion, as Dwayne said, jump in!
  8. Ok, so I started a medic program before a couple years ago, but had some problems with they way the program was run. I like the setting of the program in St. Cloud. I can't wait till things speed up. You guys are too funny! totally made my night! Hope all is well out in the field with you guys, lookin forward to working alongside some fello paramedics and emt's in the near future!
  9. You make me smile! You sound a lot like my dad! Just thought I would add that.
  10. But with this being said you do get what you paid for. I bought a pair of el-cheap-o EMS pants for $20 and they didn't last very long, not even long enough to make it through my EMT-B class. But you should consider not spending too much money on school supplies. If you plan on going into a paramedic program or even EMT-advanced then spend the extra money for good pants because you are going to need them. My 5.11 are awesome, and that is my thoughts on that!
  11. Thanks for the advice guys! I will have to check out them hosemonkeys! Hahaha! DwayneEMTP Mora to st. cloud, now that is one hell of a long trip! Hahaha glad it was worth it if you caught a couple corn fed mn girls! Oh and how many medics or medic students started I.V's on their first day of skills? Cause that was pretty awesome! I had some experience in the field so I got to demonstrate to the class on a fellow student, and I didn't blow it! that made the whole deal a lot less nerve racking once I knew the I.V. was sound! Fun times!
  12. Welcome welcome! I am new to this site as well, but I think it is very neat! I do not have any helpful advice however, sorry.
  13. Well school starts on monday! I am super excited! I will have to check with financial aid for sure tomorrow. I am not sure what is more exciting, spending a day in airconditioning or finally getting started on the education for my future career! Haha these smiley's are kinda neat! Thanks guys for the welcome, and the advice!
  14. Hi guys! My name is Brandi, and I have just been accepted into a paramedic program through St. Cloud Technical and Community College! I am super excited about that! I have been an EMT-B for two years (still a young pup in the EMS field, I know). I am not sure what else anyone would like to know about me, but feel free to comment! Oh hey, anyone know of any Grants or Scholarships for MN for the paramedic student? That would be super helpful, I have applied for finacial aid, but would still like to avoid a loan if I can help it. So any other funding assistance would be great. So if you know of any helpful resources I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks guys!
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