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Everything posted by RiderRob89

  1. I am on top
  2. Oh come on now LOL -- lets be fair to ALS providers -- the schmuck who changed channels on you wasn't a dick because he was a medic, he was a dick first, and then became a medic. In fact, this guy would make a great medical director! P.S. : Anyone on this forum come to mind as the "high and mighty we hate BLSers they cant do shit" type? Or, more specifically "Every system should be paid ALS -- vollies are bullshit" Hmmmmmmm? P.P.S: Grab a few flares a light 'em up - we're gonna have ourselves a good ole' fashioned medic-hunting!
  3. yea defintely -- and the radio/ driver thing is so true. I actually had an EMT-CC tell me that I couldnt use the radio because I hadnt been trained or taken a course on it. I explained that I knew all the radio codes, etc....and she persisted. I actually looked at her and said "You're kidding, right?" She was serious.
  4. LOL! Yea we have a few of those in the volly service I'm with. The second they start ALS interventions, they don't want BLS assisting with anything. God forbid I swab the pt's arm with alcohol! or **gasp** even apply the electrodes for them! (P.S: These are all things BLS providers in our sysem are encouraged to do to assist ALS, its just that some of them think that Dr.McDreamy or something)
  5. Onscene times here on Long Island, NY vary, but we tend to stay on scene longer for a couple of reasons: 1. Alot of non-emergent/ non-urgent cases (not always BS, but nothing we can't handle on the bus) 2. The luxury of being very close to several major trauma centers, and several specialty centers. From dispatch to back in service times, we are usually out for about an hour, since we usually have to wait at the hospital for some time for a bed, and then to fill out the PCR. Naturally, if it's a trauma or something major, we move fast. As a side note, whenever we have another call come in when we are at the hospital waiting for a bed (which is quite often), the hospital is somehow able to find a bed alot quicker so we can get back in service. Naturally, for traumas and such, we scoop and run, and do our interventions en route (as opposed to most calls when we will treat and then roll to the hospital)
  6. No, it was accurate in detecting a normal sinus rhythmn, as well as sinus bradycardia and sinus tachcardia (yes, I realize the spelling is off) LOL
  7. I tried the scope out on a call today, and it worked pretty well, but ALS was of the opinion that us lowly- BLS'rs are/were "treading on ALS turf"
  8. ("Ridryder 911Again @ another going with the trend... one thing about them vollies they are proud of themselves!.... Part of being professional is not to brag on one self, it is a job.. short & simple no heroics no banners, no citations, no medals .. no lights, or sirens, whistles etc... You take care of sick & injured people until they get to the hospital. Go to school and get the education, [ do it right with a caring attitude.. that's it ! .....short & simple. R/R 911 What's so wrong with taking pride in what you do? I would hope that you are certainly not ashamed of your job, Ridryder. Yes, that is it -- do it and do it right -- and thats what we do.
  9. I don't really know why you dislike VAC's so much, nor do I care. You obviously do not understand the way the EMS system operates in suburban Nassau County, NY. Your "perfect" paid service, in this area has a response time of 15 minutes or more to the scene. The VAC I am with has a response time of less than 5 -- and we get out on over 90% of calls -- any that we don't are picked up by a neighboring department and responded to within 10 minutes. So if a paid service takes at least 15 minutes to respond, and a VAC takes less than 5, who is really "letting people in our community die?" The paid service. Furthermore, Dust, I notice you went to school in Syracuse at one point. Had you ever needed help up there, you most likely would have been saved by a VAC -- do you know why? Because the nearest paid service in Syracuse is overloaded and understaffed, and has a response time of over 20 minutes. Stay safe.
  10. That's right....we are the only reason. We there 24/7/365....we do provide quality care, and yes, I am proud of myself -- maybe vollies in your area are "bad" providers, but around here we take great pride in what we do, and furthermore, we provide care at or above that provided by paid EMS services, and we work closely with our local police department ambulances.
  11. I'll second that -- and this "EMS whacker" would just like to point out one thing --- If we don't answer the call...who will?
  12. As a BLS provider, I feel it is essential that ALS and BLS work together for the best possible outcome for the patient. On calls where the patient's condition is critical, I would hope and expect that ALS would take the lead, at least clinically. The exception to this would be where the ALS provider is new, or inexperienced, in which case I would expect that they would perform ALS interventions and let an (experienced) BLS provider deal with everything else. When push comes to shove, however, the public and our patients often will not make a distinction between ALS and BLS, so it therefore becomes essential that we work as a team and present a unified front to the public. Leave the politics, egos and infighting in the station, because they have no place on an emergency scene.
  13. I agree with the above posters. I would focus on the parents and family, and respect there wishes. If they wanted the child covered with a sheet, lets say, I would do that for them, and if they wanted to hold the child, I would do that for them, too. One thing I would not do is EVER put the child in a body bag or call the coroner in front of them, etc. It is EXCEPTIONALLY important to be sensitive and respectful.
  14. While flight-lp raises a valid point (artifact readings) when used according to the directions supplied by the manufacturer, it is helpful to assist in the recognition of potentially dangerous rhythmns before a "full" EKG is done. As flight said, nothing beats a thorough assesment and excellent clincal skills. P.S: The use of this scope is paticularly good if u are a BLS provider assisting ALS. However, each use requires the application of a gel, which can become rather annoying.
  15. that's true Dust, but, still I would hope that if they see how bad conditions are (for the patients) they might want to try and effect some sort of change within the system. Then again, look at how much trouble it is for us to do it, and we live in a free country!
  16. From what I hear, it works quite well, and is excellent to detect a potentially dangerous rhythmns before a 12-lead.
  17. I would defintely use something like this, but I don't own a blackberry -- is there a discount for EMS volunteers? or a trial or pilot program?
  18. that pretty much sums it up
  19. Wow! Is there any word on what else, if anything is being done to bring the system there up to date? Have the Japanese "Paramedics" expressed any concern about the scope of practice or do they not care?
  20. It seems this is a problem in more rural areas. Do you of your departments/ units/ squads have clear guidelines on this issue? Here in NY, we call for an Air Transport if we can save 15 minutes or more over ground travel time or the pt. requires specialty care that is only available at a facility 15 minutes or more away (For example, we have 1 level trauma center within a mile and a half of our usual response area, and a pediatrics trauma level 1 within five miles, but if it's a diving accident or burns, we medevac to the county medical center.)
  21. I'd have to agree with CanuckEMT, at least partially. However, because of legality issues in NYS (paticularly in the "downstate" region" you should be extremely careful in what you tell the police. IMHO, the best approach is to have the officer w/ you while interviewing the patient, thus eliminating the need for you to be called to testify or turn over your documentation (because the P.O heard it first-hand, the courts will only need his or her testimony.)
  22. Dustdevil can u clarify your question please? Yes we do have ambulances 'up here' -- when I say bus, I mean ambulance (myabe its a NY thing lol)
  23. I am certified, and I finish my EMT class in August
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