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Everything posted by saffamed

  1. I have a photographic memory...its just that I dont have film

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  2. I have a photographic memory...its just that I dont have film

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  3. I have a photographic memory...its just that I dont have film

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  4. iktu2er...though as much as feel like a bus has hit and then reversed back over me just for laughs......

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  5. Sorry Guys.... Looking at : EMS Ops member and control staff going off due to PTSD or exposure to death on the streets. What cost have been occured by the EMS it self, effects this loss of staff has on fellow ems members and the actual service long term and short term. Are there any studies out there that has info as to the above....... And anyones experience with bad situations from breaking the bad news etc Thanks
  6. Hey Guys, Anyone out there know of any studies that have been done or info on the affects of death, pre-hospital, and its impact on the EMS service. financials, PTSD, etc What issues are related these deaths that crop up that you have experienced ie hectic family, beliefs that impede ems work (any experience). Any help will be most grateful. Thanks SAFFAMED.....
  7. Howdie rm81dragon, As for all your qualies...All the fire fighting quilies will not help you out here. You will have to start from the begining again with those. Although will stand you in good stance once in the fire service.... You high angle USART etc might be helpful with some of the voluntry organisations here but not with the Fire service. SWAT training might help with some "first Aid" training but the police is a law unto themselves here so might prove very difficult use those skills with them and advise them. As for your para goodies...Look into the link with the Health Proffesionals web site. I know other Paramedics that had to submit their certificates and even their traininig logs or books/sign off books for skills learnt or done on the road or in the training dept. also had to add some of their patient report forms to prove that they have infact worked on the road. Its a bit of a ache in the rear but worth the look into. Although if succesful you will have to do the driving course over here. Sorry to not sound positive about it all. Also be prepared for a non existant development program here. Really sucks and all you do is off your own back. No support in any way or form from the Managers or financialy. Best of luck hope I have helped??
  8. Dear All, FF Qualies are not accepted here in the UK. From my experience they don't really like the good old USA Qualies. So unfortunately you will have to start all over again from the beginning with the Fire qualies. And things are very different here so be prepared of the change. As for the EMT goodies sorry don't know much about that. Although it is a hard process to get things through and registered.....will try find out more BE SAFE OUT THERE
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