I was put into this position, not so long ago. I was working with a new supervisor one night shift, we have SSM type postings. Basically throughout the night we did nothing but pick up paperwork, deal with trucks holding the wall and any type of call offs and such.
Well, come morning time the morning supervisor came in with the biggest bottle of water I have ever seen. She says to me that she is on her second one. I am the type of person that reads lips alot due to working in noisy arenas in the past, so I tend to still watch peoples mouths. When she talked part of her mouth was like she had a stroke and she lisped when she talked. This was not normal. When I got closer to her I smelled fruity type scent on her breath.
It was no secret that she was going through personal problems and had been drinking a lot.
I told the on duty supervisor that if he didn't say something to her I would, and I wouldn't be nice about it. I left and on my way home I got a phone call that she went home (driven by someone else) and never came in that way again.
Apparently it wasn't the first time for her, but everyone knowing my history with and my stance on drinking and driving knew that me talking to her was not a good idea. Yeah it would have been ugly.