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Everything posted by RaceMedic

  1. tcripp, thats how my medic class was. They did not go back over EMT-B material. other than skills refresher and how they blended in to medic but thats about it. As far as nursing programs, our local program does require CNA at a minimum for both ADN and LPN. I think it is a requirement of the state. BlackBelt, Your best bet, since you live in a college town is to go speak to a counselor at the college and find out what the requirements are. get all the requirements for everything your interested in and take that information go home and think about it. weigh the pro's and con's of each and visit with local EMS, Nurses, and/or RRT's whatever has your interest. Find out what your really interested in. Youtube video's are fine but only show a portion of the job ... a very very small portion. It is not all excitement and rescues. you have made a positive first step by coming here and asking. But you still have work to do to find out what is right for you. Good Luck to you ! Race
  2. I agree with you Dwayne, wayyyyyy to many old fat guys like us in EMS as a whole not just on here. There are a couple hybrid classes like that here in Kansas as well as distance learning programs as well. They have had mixed success both with pass rates as well as quality of the medic produced. I have personally precepted for one program that I will never precept for again. EMTchick, Good luck read and be active in the forums. Ask questions as often as you need, Remember there are no stupid questions. You will get out of your program exactly what you put in to it. As with most all of the others in the city I am happy to help in anyway i can. Race EDIT- Ohhhh and Welcome Back
  3. that sounds awesome and would also be good for ER staff as well. I wish i could go. I am due for an interview during that time.
  4. Well hell, For 5 yrs I worked our local dirt track and was introduced to new racers to out track as the "Race Medic" When I first joined the site in '04 i was still working the track so it used it. Been that way ever since. Though now i pretty well go by Race even in my personal life. The name has stuck and kinda evolved it to what it is. On a side note i have not worked a race 5yrs... Im now in critical care transport and flight medicine. Race EDIT- the avatar is me working in the ER
  5. Find a knife you like and take it to the grinder and make it how you want it. or find you a machine shop or welder that can make the O2 notch for you.
  7. Absolutely Richard, I have suggested all of the academies to her, The object of my affection's daughter is planning to attend West Point. My daughter however is planning to follow the family tradition as closely as possible.We are a Marine family and since the Marines do not have a medical division, Navy will have to do! LOL... Race
  8. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...... I LOVE IT !!!!!! Better than sending the Little sister along !!!! Agreed Dwayne, i have encouraged my daughter towards med school should she want to go in to health care. So far she is planning on going to the Naval Academy at Annapolis and letting the Navy pay for school ... I LOVE my daughter !!!!!
  9. Asys, I completely agree with you but with the saturation of cameras in everything and being everywhere it will never happen. The best thing you can do is to stabilize as quickly as possibly and get to the ambulance where you know you are in control of the entire situation from that time on. Race
  10. Why would you ask Ruff to go back and ask the same question again? He did as you asked as did i and the responses were the same. Do you even read the posts ? Race
  11. I am sure i have been recorded and will be more in the future. You can not stop it as there is no reasonable expectation of privacy in the public places, especially sporting events. Keep your head and do your job and your fine. Liberal use of blankets and sheets work very well for blocking the filming and also provides adequate coverage for exposing where your assessing. This isn't going to change and even the LEO's can not stop it from happening. Now once i am in my ambulance then i am in control and there will be no filming or pictures. Race
  12. Scrat, thats awesome !!!! I think i may have to update it as i am not old enough to have been in the rice patties outside Hanoi ... HAHAHAHA Not a lot to tell Bern. Sometimes a father just can not let go and she, they , you .. will have to wait until she is 18 or out on her own. I am sure he is having difficulty and thinks that the 20yr old instructor used his position to take advantage of his innocent little girl nothing will change that unless your instructor friend can convince the father in question that his intentions are honorable. Nothing you or anyone else can do except them, and most specifically him. thats my take Race
  13. Excellent answer !!!!!
  14. Yes by all means I totally agree and my daughter shares your daughters concern/fears of what i will be willing to do if i do not like him ! LOL
  15. we tried that here the supervisors here would show up and photo the scene and take it to the hospital to show the doc. cameras were property of the service and only used for such ... but it quickly went away
  16. Naw, Most of my oldest girls "boyfriends" are scared of me when they see me ... so that usually works best for the moment. my little one is only 9 so she is still my babygirl .. LOL
  17. Never mind, If it is a dual medic truck they get split and then both units are ALS... However i do not believe that that will be the case. PT one is most definitely ALS, although they will both be receiving ALS treatments prior to transported Both will be boarded and collared. IV's, One should be tubed and Bag assisted. obvious Fx's splinted. PT two will also need ALS as he is a neurologically compromised he is not compensating as evident by the hypotension and "normal" pulse rate. PT one could be a vegetable with a herniated brain stem already ... hmmmmmm im rambling ... whats next Mobey Race sounds like home
  18. First i want to know ... Is the ALS truck dual medic or mixed crew ?
  19. ok , its .... not... spam .... (slight shoulder shrug with questioning tone) Race
  20. This just in ... Snopes.com just uncovered a brilliantly orchestrated sideline business supported by privately owned hospitals and private EMS services. It seems that an EMT known only as "flamingemt2011" turned whistle blow has blown the lid off this long standing cover up. It appears that authorities have uncovered a stockpile of secondary patient care reports eluding to supposed "mistakes" that led to patient deaths and the ER cover ups that followed. Remains of the deceased persons were then transported via privately owned inter-facility transfer company to a mysterious plant well out in the middle of nowhere surrounded by security cameras, armed guards and barbed wire. Bodies were seen being unloaded in the building at the same time food service trucks are exiting the grounds enroute to make deliveries across the country.... More on this as it develops.... * nothing serious about this post, Just having fun at your expense flaming ... nothing personal just running with a thought process* Race
  21. Funny and very fitting !!! lol To hell with the black market for organs ... the corporate medical companies are making a stock pile of food pills for the future !!! Race
  22. I am very dedicated to my work. I wear Paramedic/EMS shirts every day, even when I'm not on duty. The EMS station is my second home, and my second family. It often seems as if my life revolves around the EMS department, but it means nothing compared to my little girl. I am normally a very friendly person, but if you hurt my little girl you will make me mad. I know my little girl is growing up, even if I don't like it. She seems to like you, so I'll tolerate you dating her, but here are a few things for you to think about while you're with her: First of all, I go into hostile situations to save people that I've never even seen before, you can't imagine how protective I am of my little girl. I once broke a man's sternum by accident while doing CPR to save his life. If that's how I help people what do you think I do when I'm pissed off? I know who investigates arson fires. They know exactly what clues to look for to prove it was arson, so they also know what not to look for should I mention anything... and I know where you live. I've worked more car accidents than you'll ever see, the sight of blood doesn't bother me one little bit. It's normal for me to IV catheters, Syringes, paralytics and extremely strong sedatives in my car.. Touch my little girl and me and you take a little ride. When my firefighter friends burn down a house for training, nobody ever looks in the closets. I use the jaws of life to tear doors off wrecked cars. They cut though solid metal like a hot knife through butter. So watch your paws or get the jaws. Sirens and air horns can really muffle the sounds of someone screaming. Most of my friends are cops, paramedics, or firefighters. WE ARE 911. If you make me mad who do you think you're going to call for help? I have access to explosives. I am well trained in emergency medicine. I know exactly which arteries are the easiest to sever and which ones bleed the most. (Remember the Medical training, IV catheters, Syringes and drugs!?!) Even though my little girl insists that you are a "nice guy" and not like most other guys, I know better. I was once your age, I know EXACTLY what you're thinking. Because of that I already have plenty of reasons to not like you. It wouldn't take much at all to push me over the edge, and I just stocked my med kit. So if you want to date my little girl you better keep these things in mind. Medics are protective by nature, and there is nothing we are more protective of than our little girls. Whenever you're alone with her, you better remember that someday you may be alone with me! (I modified this from "Dating a Firefighter's Daughter" I am having this printed on a nice paper and framed for both of my girls ) Race
  23. So it is a flawed system to start with... soooo delays in response could easily be from the area not keeping up with the separation of services. Not enough staffing to adequately handle the incoming calls and dispatch them properly, and not the fire unions putting undue pressure on something they apparently do not have control over ?
  24. Hmmmmm ... soooooo not all calls to 911 are funneled to Grady for dispatch, Just the sniffles and flu calls that can possibly be scheduled in to a doctor or clinic visit. But the REAL 911 calls are dispatched by the 911 call center. Seems to me the slow down is a natural occurrence that happens when you have 2 unrelated agencies are trying to triage over the phone and are actually double covering each other. Real call comes in and they dispatch first response, then EMS .... ok THEN apparent non emergent call comes in 911 triages as such and sends the call to Grady who then triages the call further and if possible schedules a clinical visit, BUT if not able to then dispatches EMS and then shoots the call back to 911 to dispatch first response crews And you call this an effective system ? also is Grady the ONLY hospital that dispatches ? In my experience with big city 911 is that there are several 911 call centers handling calls. Do all of these call centers funnel to Grady ? I am not a fan of the unions either but i have never seen or heard of them delay response times. I do not think a single member would follow that directive if even it was pushed by the union. That sets the member up for legal action not the union.... WOW ... Still can't see where this thread came from ... Race *edit* nevermind ...
  25. First off i am pretty sure Asys was making fun of me with what you quoted. Secondly, i am guessing you have never been involved in a lawsuit. I wish you the best of luck, not if but when you do. Race
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