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Everything posted by RaceMedic

  1. Our shifts here are 24's but the schedule runs a bit different. we are 24 on, 24 off, 24 on, 48 off, 24 on, 24 off, 24 on, 96 off. so every week and a half we have 4 days off in a row and still cover 10 days a month. the admin is screwing us on over time though, not bad but enough. every other month we are scheduled a 12 instead of a 24 so we lose that 12hrs of overtime. anyway thats how we roll!!!!LMAO Race
  2. i have a Palm treo 650. I use it for both work and personal use. great little phone. Has a camera with a 2x zoom, can take up to ten minites of video with the onbaord memory. memory can be expanded to 2 gig with an SD card. also has mp3 player email and internet access, not to mention all of the normal palm software. Race
  3. I couldn't agree with you more Rid. Race
  4. OK so you have seen the first episode. Great good for you. but the rest of us that only get to see what the previews and 30 second trailers on the net have to show, well we have to go by what is seen. If he ends up truly loving being a paramedic then let him show pride in himself and him service by dressing in the uniform and not having it unbuttoned, untucked, and open showing a concert tee shirt or what ever it is. and as far as being forced in to med. school by his father, sorry again, bad story line. Can not be forced into anything after 18yrs old. So that doesn't fly either. The statement made by whom ever about this being a hobby and not a career is the biggest problem. How someone could possibly think that a statement like that would not live in the mind of a kid or even an undecided adult that could be looking to make this a career is beyond me. IF you have been reading the posts in other forums and notice the over all attitude of this site or at least of the main contributors you would know that professionalism and education are the paramount in the continued improvement as forward push of EMS. Those of us that have made this our careers and dedicated ourselves to the drive for professional recognition are the ones that can see the damage this can and will cause. And as far as how the media represents EMS here where i am from ... well it is slowly improving. i can still see a young reporter seeing this as their first " experience " with EMS and letting it sway his judgment. We are consistently being treated like the red-headed step-children. Because of this kind of influence. Race
  5. Yea, i caught that about him not saying it... just really pisses me off !!!! i busted my ass through school to be Paramedic then they put $hit like this on TV .. and to have a Doc or even his father say that this is a hobby on TV, not matter if it is fiction is a huge slap to all of us. not to mention the younger kids that will watch this and see this guy in a freakin Tee shirt and a medic jacket workin on an ambulance.... Come on lets just stop and fuckin think for a second about this ... Its hard enough to be taken seriously by the general public ... but then with this it is ten time harder to do ... Im sorry for the ranting, im usually not like this ... just lots of other stressers right now ... Have a great night !!! Race
  6. OK i was not going to post any comments on here, but i would like to hear more about this orginzation you all are planning here... sounds like something i would be more than interested in joining helping get going or whatever ... count me in guys.. i like it!!!! Race
  7. YEa .. i would. i love it way to much... hell don't tell my bosses but i would even do it for free, but i do prefer to be paid. The care i give my PT's has nothing to do with the uniform or my ambulances lights and sirens. I get more action off duty than on anyway, so i guess maybe i am doing it for free ...LOL I will admit that i do like playing with the siren and the lights. Race
  8. This should never have made it past the trash can after it was written. "this is not a career, its a hobby." WTF.. if that isn't a slap in the face.
  9. Dust had said that the TV shows were not what this career is like.... very true... I couldn't agree more.. however i do watch them... Is there any Glam or heroism in this job.... Yea kinda ... there is but its not US its the outside world that puts us up on a pedestal ... that has a huge hand in how fast you become burnt out... It seems to ME that sweeper, you are a burn out!!! just by reading your posts ... you have a ton of years and miles under your boots ... nobody here wants to take that from you ... you have alot to give back to those of us that are new in the field.. I have only become a medic in the last couple years... i am 31 yrs old ... but have been in EMS since 1992... i have alot to learn and really don like people that don't know me or my motives for becoming a medic to tell me I'm too old to do it and that i am not serious... As you have seen you have picked at the wrong person ... 8 is only trying to make a point that you have no clue who we are or what we have planned in our own future as medics.... you should be here to help us build a stronger profession and help to move out of the "ambulance driver " status we have been locked in to for many years... But it seem you are only here to push us back another 20 yrs. We don't need it nor do we want it... If your career in the streets has been so miserable that you hate EMS so bad that you have nothing positive to share or tips to us that will help correct some of the wrongs committed to you and others like you then please leave.... we don't need it or want it here... we have all committed ourselves to furthering our education as well as professional status and need all the help we can get to gain that recognition that has been kept from us. Sweeper please ... help us .. don't come in here and continually try to burn out others before they have a chance to find out exactly what this field is like. It is a great job and full of rewards as well as hardships... we need your help and the help of others like Rid and dust that were there in the beginning and are still around to forge us in to the Medics we need to be to carry us in to the future... before they decide that the medic are an antiquated idea and start placing nurses and PA's on the trucks... i know that is far fetched but think about it the Nursing profession is established and has a support system in place that gets them what they want.... we can't even agree on what a medic is 90% of the time.... OK my rant is over ... Race
  10. You go girl 08 18 ..... that day is the best day of the year ...... Leo's rule !!!!!!!! Race
  11. When you hear the heart beat.... simple enough Race
  12. That was cool as hell micheal.... and so very true... Good work!!!!! Race
  13. i gave a lap dance to a llama because i was drunk!!!!!
  14. that fairly easy. If they are in custody at the time of treatment ... then the bill goes to the arresting agency. would be the same as if they were in jail...
  15. :twisted: defininitly PCL...... pre code looking .....LMAO
  16. .... i should have been more clear i guess ... i understand what your saying Rid and thank you for pointing it out... and the D50 is for the insulin. Insulin drives K+ into the cells not the D50 ... albuterol does this as well. They D 50 is for hypoglycimia caused by the administeration of insulin in to a normally non diabetic PT. ... I will find the paper work and post if needed.. just went over this with the doc's. Ohh and as far as the syndrome VS. injury..... i was refering to an earlier post what someone had refered to the injury as apposed to the syndrome... maybe i mis read... have done before. but otherwise ... yes i agree there is little to no difference.. I concede on the injury part ... i have know idea where that came from .... forget i mentioned injury LMAO Race
  17. i have seen these protocols before... except this is the first time i have heard of lasix... most Doc's here would rather see manitol used for the kidney function and an amp of D50 along with the insulin to prevent hypoglycima. but here there is a difference between crush injury and crush syndrome. and of course the treatments are going to be different. .... but thats what i have for now.
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