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Everything posted by RaceMedic
yea they are as well as Gaveston Island and quite a few other coastal areas ... thats where im centering my search.. although i am finacially embarrassed at the moment so moving will be a stretch .. may have to wait till the spring or summer
thats some funny fecal matter right there, i have been noticing that texas is paying very well and have been looking in to going back that direction. But am looking at maybe further south down around houstonish area... lived there before and LOVED it but a weak marriage kept my time there short
couldn't care less about the cool equipment, high pay is only part of it. I wouldn't stay for the money or toys if im not happy there. and 54K for a starting medic ???? where is that ? and whats the cost of living there?? i have been looking from border to border and coast to coast and have yet to see any starting wage close to that, that is unless your in an area where you need that wage to get by. you know high cost of living and all... kinda like making 60k in hawaii is comparable to 30k in the midwest ...
BAN HBO and other PORN from EMS/Fire Stations
RaceMedic replied to iamyourgod's topic in General EMS Discussion
JPINFV thats awesome you are the man, That is nearly a carbon copy posting !!!! -
BAN HBO and other PORN from EMS/Fire Stations
RaceMedic replied to iamyourgod's topic in General EMS Discussion
BAN HBO and other PORN from EMS/Fire Stations
RaceMedic replied to iamyourgod's topic in General EMS Discussion
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA i am so glad i had my boots on after reading that. thats great. Assume your a lawyer with no experience in the field of emergency services.... so you go trolling on a web site discussion board for "professionalism standards" whatever.... Besides questioning your background in emergency services, what legal training do you have to claim a "slamdunk case" against a service? just curious, not saying that this scenario has not been played out before but it has been far and few between. besides if you know that this has been going on for yrs and you knew it was happening when you had your "rookie female partner" why would you not warn her about what she may see when you walk in the door? sounds like a complete set up if it is in fact true. as was said earlier, this is a broken record, yet it keeps getting played. come up with something new. -
BAN HBO and other PORN from EMS/Fire Stations
RaceMedic replied to iamyourgod's topic in General EMS Discussion
I would like to know why this has continued as long as it has ( this discussion) We are all aware that Fire/EMS as a whole are not traditional work environments. These things you are bitching about have been going on since the beginning, if you are just now noticing that after 24yrs in the business then you have had your eyes closed for a long long time. That or your experience has been more clinical that street level on a full time basis. That being said the Dayrooms, bunk rooms and living areas of the services i have worked for have always and will always be off limits to the general public. Family is allowed at anytime however if a call comes in or there are duties to be completed they are to cut it short or not come in till things have been finished up. Of course we all know that the local elected officials are always allowed in as well however it is strongly encouraged that they give notice of visits due to normal day to day running of the service. Also you elected officials are generally not as stupid as we like to think and are aware that Fire and EMS services are NOT normal business as usual departments, and are usually keenly aware of what happens in the station houses, As well as what channels are on the TV cable packages. I do not tell you how to live in your house, Please dont preach to me on how to live in mine! -
AMR has hidden camera in EMS Union's negotiation room
RaceMedic replied to akflightmedic's topic in EMS News
Welcome to the wonderful world of Corp. EMS !!! Get used to it, even if they are found in the wrong, AMR is the Largest private Ambulance company in the United States. They will not change their business practices nor will they change how they treat the steady stream of paramedics they herd through the NCTI "BE A MEDIC" paramedic programs. Why should they. Easier to replace a stubborn experienced medic that has formed an opinion with a fresh, wet behind the ears hungry parapup out of their own school. -
Just remember that Colorado is one of those states that EVERYONE is looking to move to. And as far as fire, if your looking to get on a dept. near denver you have the group testing with the DRCOG. (opps you got it)... Your best bet would be AMR or Pridemark to get you there. AMR has that "private service" stigma and as i don't know how the Pikes Peak Operations is, I DO know full well how that administraition is in the Mid-West. While the medics are some of the best i have worked with or seen, the admin was more that i could tolerate. TVEMS is a great service and runs hiring drives with Weld County, FYI i have had my resume in with them for three yrs and have yet to recieve a call. I renew it every 6 months as well. Maybe its me who knows, lol. Weld County paramedics have thier protocols available for download on thier website in both .pdf and .doc if you wanted to look before deciding. My only word of advice for you is this, If fire is your goal and that what your going to do at all costs. Start there, do not goto a third service and leave for fire unless your planning to spend at least 2 yrs with them. That is the amount of time 90% of services figure it takes for you to "pay for" your training to work for them. Besides whats it going to look like to the Fire Dept. when they see you have only been with your current service for a few months and your already looking for another. Not going to have much faith in you sticking around... just my opinion ( have also heard this from several hiring boards ) Good luck to you and maybe we'll run in to each other sometime, I am also looking to relocate and Colorado is one of the states im looking at. Race
A&E Intervention: Medics can accept refusal from a drunk
RaceMedic replied to BEorP's topic in General EMS Discussion
First i did not watch the show nor do i ever watch it my comments are solely based on what i have read in this thread I know this system and it is no different than many others. In this case, and in many other larger cities, county VFD's do cover areas in the city. These are areas where the city has grown around smaller townships. these townships maintain their little areas roads and yes even fire protection and also respond to medical calls as first responders. as EMTgirl posted, these are Volly crews with NO TRANSPORT capability or ALS PROTOCOLS, what would they possibly have done prior to the ALS units arrival ? take vitals? ok so you have a PT thats awake still with a set of vital signs.... hmmm sounds great, not that i would mind that but as far as being able to treat an overdose as a B thats all they could do, they have NO MEDS, IV's, OR the certification to administer either. I guess they could really piss off the PT and compound the problem for the medics that did arrive by forcing O2 on her if she was in fact refusing. So what would you all have done for this apparently uncooperative PT at the BASIC level with NO TRANSPORT OR ALS capability before ALS arrived ? I read a lot of critacism but no suggestions -
the ultimate is a banana bag (IV vitamins) but LR is better than NS, NS is better than nothing...
it is a nice dream ... will never happen, cant happen.. we can't even keep our Medicare/medicaid system working with out constant cuts. not to mention all the illegal aliens we supply with money for food and free or extremely reduced health care. now if you would add in all the rest of us that are currently paying the taxes to fund those projects and programs... it would never work out It will take for more government spending and budgetary reform to ever even think about this working. not to mention you would greatly cut in to saleries for physicians, i realize they are already problably over paid but now they will be making less. so how many will leave the profession further increasing the shortage. I say shortage because hell when i cant get an appointment to see my doctor in less than three weeks as it is. shoot i remember being able to get in on the same day, and not due to a cancellation. My thinking may be flawed but this is what i see happening. anyway ... have a nice day
i might be a little buzzed but i dont think i was being harsh. and said basically the same thing you did ... as far as the suprise part ... i have been a member of this site for a few yrs and took a break for awhile.... dust was just saying he was suprised to see me ... lol Ohhh and yea i have seen this scenario played out more than once and in more horrific ways ... and have kids of my own ...
how about this, I like your idea Dwayne but lets modify it a tad... he is awarded the 5 mil, then court ordered Gastric bypass or some other form of weightloss program to lose at least half the weight, then ... a portion, instead of being awarded to the PT, make FDNY spend that money to invest in the electric cots and added resources to make life a bit easier on over worked and most likely fatigued crews, then whats left after that to the charity of the PT's choosing ... mind you it has to be a recognized ligitimate charity that they themselves will not benifit from.. Just a thought
In most cases that prolly works, however unfortunitly my dispatch is in another state, they have no clue what things are like on our streets not to mention they have 4 dispatchers for several counties in several states ... so we end up telling them what we're going to do ... right or wrong that how we do it.
Non emergent transports that have yet to be picked up usually do and as far as im concerned will always take the back seat to Emergent calls or unreported accident scene's A loaded ambulance with PT. If you stop that ambulance and "abandon" that PT in the back ( and that is what it is if you leave them alone) is just not the smart thing to do. your crew and ambulance is already rendering care to an individual.
Im sorry i fail to see where the government is responcible for my healthcare... they have other things they need to worry about. I work and earn my money that i spend on health insurance, i demand better care for doing so. However everyday i pick up people on the street that are fully capable of working milking the system. so in a sence we already have government sponcered health care, all the medicare cuts have made us do is find new and better ways of falsifying our paperwork ( and we all do ) to get the re-embursement. medicare and medicaid are so far behind because ALL administraitions have milked it for loans for decades... republican and dems alike are responcible for how it has declined and is going bankrupt
Suprise !?!?!
You know what i somewhat agree with all of you, but lets look at the big picture here. This happened three yrs ago... so what she hasn't seen anything like it since? She is supposed to wash out due to one call? Please thats just stupid!!!! I was first certified as an EMT-A in 1992 ... i have been round the block and seen a few things in my career. But you know the one thing that wakes me up at night is a call that happened about four yrs ago. so what am i supposed to quit after 16yrs because a call still bothers me ? I dont hardly think so. Im not saying that Dust and the others are hardened inhuman freaks, they maybe freaks but then again we all are in EMS, but like Dust said, as humans we are different and handle things differently. Ashley, get help if you feel you need it. yes i would look at a possible change in career but not until i exhuasted all doubts that this is not what you really want to do. thats what i had to do. As you can see, Im still here.
Paramedic Shortages......Paying For It?
RaceMedic replied to pmedic623's topic in General EMS Discussion
Thats wrong information. Yes KS does still recognize the NREMT-P however if you are not KS certified and are coming from an out of state training you have to have a degree and have to go through what they are calling "legal recognition" goto KSBEMS.org to see for sure but you can not just cross lines with an NR card any more. Basically it would be easier to have the degree coming in to the state. This statute has been on the books for a couple of yrs and they have not been enforcing it until recently. and also make sure that your program is accredited. they will research you program and if it does not meet or exceed KS standards you will not get the KS cert. -
Paramedic Shortages......Paying For It?
RaceMedic replied to pmedic623's topic in General EMS Discussion
Thats a good point about the I's handling calls if you like the person pushing firstline meds not knowing much more than what color the box is, not to mention not being able to monitor or defib if needed. What KS did with the Medic cert and requiring a AAS degree before testing is a good thing. However i didnt see a rush of increases in starting wages for the degree. So the price war is not a valid arguement at this time. It also blocked all the caned unregulated 600 hr runem' through and collect the money cert. programs out there that kicked out medics by the dozens that had no clue what they were doing from coming in to KS when they were not hired in there states. My service did the field internship for one such class one time. hte student were not prepared, Ill leave it at that. I fought the degree requirement at first but now that it is over with and i have it i realize that it has accually opened many more doors than i ever really imagined. Not only in just putting me ahead of many others in the application pool but also in being able to instruct if i so choose as well as moving on to a higher degree ( many classes out of the way helps when deciding to go back to school) -
ok here you go ... " sometimes your the girl , sometime he's the girl.... thats hot.!" (possibly slightly miss quoted but if you know the movie you know the line.)
How old is she hammer? I know it is a stretch but look in to Arnold Chiari malformation. Just a shot in the dark.
Trench, you appearently talk to her more on the phone or email or whatever than you do on here so just tell her to log on and fix it. Its not your blog so its not your responcibilty to fix it. She is a big girl, she followed the directions to set it up. Be Safe Race
Rid, Your not to far south east of me. We have not seen it much here but i have it on fairly good info that herion use is rearing its ugly head around here. (SW Kansas). I have not run in to it personally and i will not speak for my co-workers as i have not heard anything from them about any runs made. Meth and cocaine still remain on top of the drugs of choise here. Be Safe Race