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Everything posted by Retread

  1. Take it- put stars in pocket and shoot a moon! Leave-one half eaten krispy kreme and a cold cup of coffee.
  2. I'll take the paper to start a fire in the fireplace and leave an................. extra log to keep you warm on this cold November night!
  3. I hereby cast one (mentally challenged) vote for Dusty!
  4. As a vollie I can run from home on call or do station time.
  5. the certification system is like a rat maze wherever you go!
  6. not funny
  7. calls it Mr. Thunder
  8. NY PA there is always good ole H.A.C.C. Harrisburg area Community college.... they have an established paramedic program too. They are in Harrisburg, not really Philly area but a paramedic program in PA.
  9. WOW!! day ja vou all over again!! and still going. Been there --did that--and got a whole drawer full of t-shirts. My first certification was a state Ambulance Attendant course.... and my EMT cert number has 00 as the first two digits. and the only gloves on the unit were in the OB Kit. I even remember replacing the Pontiac with a new '76 Caddy, and being the young and progressive "emt" who thought that a van was the way to go. what a rebel.... Times have changed but I still manage 100+ vollie runs a year.
  10. Age appropriate comment: I started EMS as an "Ambulance Attendant" certified in 1971. I've been associated in various capacities since then. I retired from the 'day job' and have re-certified EMT-B. I volunteer 1-2 days a week and find it fulfilling. I just wanna help.
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