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Everything posted by Caduceus

  1. Thanks for joining! Ask questions and learn lots! Just not from me.
  2. Yeah. . .I'll probably do that before my birthday. -_-" Thanks.
  3. Turning sixteen soon, and still thinking about that ambulance ride along. Rather than advice on what to do ON it, how do I go about landing one? And what should I expect in the process?
  4. Like I said, Ad Block. It works for all that stuff. I didn't even know EMT City had pop ups till Triemal said anything. -_-" On another note look at my drawing!!!! http://leastrandomnumber.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/DSCN2605-e1389056418590.jpg
  5. Do you use Google Chrome as a browser? If so, go to the apps page and download Ad Block. It's free, and blocks all those annoying pop ups.
  6. It's a good thing there's not a portion of the NREMT just on the different levels of EMTs. (There's not right?)
  7. It's really confusing reading EMS books set in. . .earlier times because the ranking so scattered. Thanks for the clarity guys. And that's kind of cool about the EMT-D ERdoc!
  8. @Mari Yeah I am seeing that more and more often now, but when I talk to some paramedics they say EMT-B and when I talk to others they say EMT. Thanks Scuba.
  9. Washington state?
  10. I recently read an article online and it raised a few questions for me. Are we not using the EMT-Basic, and EMT-Intermediate anymore AT ALL? (They've been replaced I thought with simply EMT and AEMT.) I was wondering if this was something that is exclusive to the US, or even if its been adopted by the entire United States. That'll be all!
  11. *turns out pockets* *shrugs when there's nothing in them* Puts in a quarter.
  12. *puts in THREE quarters* *holds hand out expectantly*
  13. Oh my god. X"D Also, congrats on your retirement Mr. Island!!!!!!!!
  14. Welcome! Don't ask me for advice.
  15. Have a light-up sign that has your family name on it to put beside you car when you get stuck in a ditch. It's a precaution against your dad just driving past you on the highway, home from work.
  16. I tried.
  17. Happy negative Christmas eve! I hope every one had tolerable holidays with the folks!
  18. Caduceus


    Chief1C, I think you need to put away the spirits of Christmas past.
  19. And what happens after you come in contact with above objects.
  20. Caduceus


    I don't post pics of myself online and I don't have a Facebook. If you want an image of me, imagine these traits: -looks like a guy -dresses like a guy -Terminator sunglasses -could pass as a cop if I had the uniform That's all I'm giving you. Hence, my username should be GuyTerminatorCop
  21. Caduceus


    Doesn't matter. My username's da bomb.
  22. Caduceus


    Scubanurse Ruffmeister Paramedic SWA_EMT Richard B the EMT paramedicMike
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