Hey guys. I read through your replies earlier and I thank you all for them. I read them before I talked to my friend today and so they were helpful to me.
Well my friend came to my club and I told her to step outside of the library for a minute because we needed to talk.
Basically what happened was I told her I was upset and frustrated. I gave her my view of what had happened, that I had to walk home by myself. She thought I could have gotten a ride, and I told her that that wasn't even possible. I think the most meaningful thing I told her was this:
"Lucy, girls have to take care of each other, they can't do this to each other, because shit happens when girls are by themselves. We have to have each others backs. I've got yours, I need you to have mine."
I have known this girl for ten years. I can tell she realized she did a really crappy thing, and I forgive her, but I do not trust her and I told her as much. She promised she would not do it again.
I think we both grew from this. My friend realized that she needed to be more considerate. I realized that I can't trust my BF. Which sucks. But at least now, she can earn my trust, rather than me just giving it to her to begin with. I think in the long run, we'll be closer because we could talk out our problems calmly and without fighting. Next time I can only hope it won't happen.