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Everything posted by Scaramedic

  1. Yeah I heard he had some 'personnel' issues and has since departed. P.S. I know I put personnel not personal I did that on purpose. Towhead will get it.
  2. Stage. Continue to eat my lunch. Lasagna with some Fava beans and a nice Diet Pepsi. Let PD track down, disarm, cuff, and secure patient then give us an all clear to come in. Place my lunch back in the cooler on way to the call. Arrive on scene, take one last swig of Diet Pepsi, pop a breath mint, jump out and serve my community.
  3. Oh, I can definitely tell where you work. Let me guess a caduceus on each collar, brass name plate right side, and badge left side. Oh yeah, award pins above name plate. Topping it all off with that hideously ugly new patch that Aaron designed. :wink: I also preferred the 4 pocket slacks better than the poor fitting 6 pockets.
  4. We're thinking of going with this look. That way we will look more like the Californians that keep moving up here.
  5. I've seen units with them on the action wall, bench wall, and in the roof. Like Dust said run a Fire Rehab and you can never have enough. Not to mention smoke inhalation victims and toxic fumes.
  6. [align=center:1a124a8295]I got dibs on Mary Ann and Ginger! [/align:1a124a8295]
  7. You know we need to scrap the whole "scene safety" crap anyway. It's antiquated and counterproductive. We should be, like the rest of the modern world, be thinking in terms of job safety. The idea of job safety requires us to think beyond one situation and consider the safety risks in all aspects of our job. We tend to worry about the scenes that involve violence yet the records show more EMS personnel die from traffic injuries than anything else. EMS needs to be taught to look at all dangers not just the ones on scene. It is like the Medic who concentrates on a leg bleed when the patient is dying from a head injury. We are looking at the small picture and are missing the larger picture. We should be concerned with safety from the moment we clock in till we clock out. Not just worry about safety when we are on a call. The scene safety/BSI crap they teach in school is getting people killed. Examples. How many of your schools taught you how to park the unit on a busy highway? How many taught you to look in the side mirror before you open the door? How many taught you which side of a vehicle to approach when on the highway? How many schools taught you to lock the doors when your in quarters? How many taught you to look up and back when going up stairs for dangers? I could go on forever.
  8. What are you 3ft tall? Are you telling me you cannot see over the stretcher with a patient in semi Fowlers? If you can't I suggest you get yourself an L.A. phone book and strap yourself into the airway seat. The single most dangerous position for a Medic during transport is on the bench. I try to do all procedures necessary in the back before we roll. I then plant my ass in the airway seat and strap on the seatbelt. From that position I can see my patient just fine, I can see the monitor, I can see any drips I have going and in case of a crash my ass will not be flying around in the back injuring my patient. If I have to do something en route I do it quick and get back in the airway seat. If I have a critical patient odds are they are in need of airway control, I.E. they're intubated and on the vent. There is no better place to monitor the airway then at the head of the patient. Hence the name "AIRWAY" seat. Your first priority is your safety. You are not doing your patient a damn bit of good if you knock yourself out when your partner swerves to avoid some idiot on a cell phone.
  9. O[sup:03799db4a3]2[/sup:03799db4a3] bars? Please enlighten me. Is this concept as stupid as it sounds?
  10. From the Episode 'Nurses Wild' not to be confused with 'Nurses Gone Wild' which is a totally different series. Roy has called in a chest pain patient, Dr Brackett is checking the EKG on his high tech base station... ...and pronounces the patient is in V-Tach. Looks atrial to me, but I'm from the future so what do I know. I was looking at the huge Defibrillator they were carrying in and thought "wow, that must weigh a ton!" Then I realized it probably weighed less than an LP12. :wink: Thanks for the link Ruff.
  11. The funny part of these state PCR's is they are usually only used by smaller services. Larger services create and print their own. So any statistics gleaned from the state forms are skewed. This does not even take into account that many services have gone electronic anyway.
  12. I don't see what the big deal is. They do it all the time on TV. :wink:
  13. Hey I got it right 2 out of 3 times. Give me a break I'm almost 40! I'm just happy to be able to see the screen.
  14. In one system I worked at we had a Nursing home right across the street from a hospital ER. It was not uncommon to transport from the nursing home to the ER. Literally a distance of about 50ft. So I used to right 50ft on my runsheet. Billing finally caught it and went apeshit saying I couldn't write fifty feet and I needed to change it to one mile. I refused saying there is no way you can round up 50ft to over 5000 ft. We finally compromised on me writing <1 mile. :roll:
  15. This might be old but I just got it in an E-mail from my sis and I thought it was funny. 10 signs that you might be Taliban... 10. You refine heroin for a living, but you have a moral objection to beer. 9. You own a $300 machine gun and a $5,000 rocket launcher, but you can't afford shoes. 8. You have more wives than teeth. 7. You think vests come in two styles: bullet-proof and suicide. 6. You can't think of anyone you HAVEN'T declared Jihad against. 5. You consider television dangerous, but routinely carry ammunition in your robe. 4. You've never been asked, 'Does this burka make my butt look big?' 3. You were amazed to discover that cell phones have uses other than setting off roadside bombs. 2. A common compliment is, 'I love what you've done with your cave.' And, the NUMBER ONE SIGN you might be a member of the Taliban: 1. You wipe your hinney with your bare hand, but consider bacon unclean.
  16. Does anybody use GOOGLE? It took me about 5 seconds to find this. Ryan White Bill Side by Side Comparison
  17. I bet he is REAL popular in the bathhouses! :twisted:
  18. Retroactive abortion, soon to be legal in California and Vermont.
  19. Damn, I actually looked that up hoping it was a real book. :evil:
  20. Well you're already spelling like an Australian! Sorry my friends from Oz I couldn't pass it up! :wink:
  21. Thanks Doc, I am going to throw my lunch away now!
  22. Do not know anything about this company. Anybody have more information?
  23. No Dwayne, he is still waiting for you to drop the soap.
  24. I feel dirty now.
  25. I am glad you are working things out I wish you the best of luck.
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