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Everything posted by Scaramedic

  1. Hi Eleanor, How are you doing. I think what everyone is trying to say is that spelling and grammar are very important in EMS. So the first thing you should do on your road to becoming an EMT is work on your English skills. Now onto the subject at hand. I do not believe we are mean to the mentally ill. I believe you are taking some of the comments here personally. Please do not take them as a put down to you. We are just picky about professionalism on this site. The first step in being professional is being able to communicate effectively.
  2. I have an idea let them put an addendum that any Paramedic must have at minimum a Degree level education in something other than Fire Science.
  3. Am I alone on this memory, but didn't this used to be a standard interview question? Your partner's mother is dying from cancer. She is in a lot of pain and cannot afford the proper medications. You discover that your partner has been replacing the MS with NS what would you do? I swear that was a standard interview tactic.
  4. You know they could always pull a Patton. At the end of the Parade they could set and play from the sidelines as FDNY's Bravest pass on by. It would be cool to do at the end of the parade so the press coverage would be low but they could still make a statement.
  5. Taco Bell! Nuff said.
  6. You know if I remember right there were a lot of people who said the only reason Walter Mondale picked her for the VP slot was because she was a woman. Funny she would use the same tactics to push Hillary.
  7. Isn't Abu Dhabi where Garfield used to mail Odie all the time?
  8. I've gone through and cleaned up some of the history on it. You would not believe some of the bullshit people write on there. Haven't looked at the EMS listings though.
  9. You know this video gives me hope. Hope that this self involved dumb ass generation will wipe themselves off the earth and therefore severe the bloodline of dumb asses that was started in the late 40's. We can only hope.
  10. Here's a link to the official Oklahoma EMS PCR.
  11. Especially when their E-mail is a freebie E-mail service. Some sites won't except Hotmail addresses anymore since it is so easy to make free accounts.
  12. Figure's it always comes down to money. Thanks AK. I'll stay in the cities, you guys can have the frozen tundra.
  13. I am going to leave the judgments about Philadelphia EMS to people who actually know the system. I have no clue what their system is like. I have worked in some gnarly areas and I like to treat on scene. The only exceptions are critical pts where my interventions are limited, i.e. I can't perform surgery. I also would be careful about casting the city in a bad light. It might just be the crews you worked with.
  14. So Tniuqs is there an advantage MTC's have over say a 4x4 ambulance? Or is it purely a cost thing?
  15. Let me put this into perspective, this kid is not driving a van or normal truck unit. He's driving one of these!!! That is a 1990 GMC Medium Duty Ambulance, I doubt the '93 is much smaller. Imagine driving this behemoth around town waiting for the big one.
  16. I'm guessing.
  17. A true Scotsmans answer to what they wear under their kilt? Your sister's lipstick!
  18. I agree, kudos for having the guts to come back and explain yourself. I do not agree with you but I respect your honesty and integrity.
  19. No apology necessary. Your spelling and grammar are better than most of the English speaking members of this forum.
  20. You know they hang people for that in Montana!
  21. How important are allergies? Well an anaphylactic reaction can cause death. That seems pretty important to me.
  22. First off welcome to the city. We have a fine group of lads and lassies here. They are willing to answer questions and debate a host of issues. They do not approve however of ad hominem attacks on our members. So please refrain from attempting to bully your way into our home and insult our family. Now to the the issue at hand. Sadly your system must be what we in the Sunny NW refer to as a 'Mother may I' system. In other words your protocols are spelled out in a five hundred page manual or you must call Medical Control for the simplest of procedures. This is a sign of a very weak system. A system that does not trust it's Medics to make proper judgments on the patients condition and interventions necessary. My system for example has a protocol Manual of about 90 pages. They are seen as a guideline for the Medics to follow. Our Medical Director has left us a very wide latitude in the treatment of our patients. Why? He believes that the education we have received is sufficient to use our judgment rather than paw through a book looking for treatment regimes. In our protocols for IV access it simply states 'I.V. TKO or saline lock.' If fluids are needed it is left up to the Medic to decide when and at what rate. This is a sign of a strong system. A system that EDUCATES rather than TRAINS it's Paramedics. A system one can be proud to work in. By your statements so far it seems you are 'cookbook' Medics. You follow the recipe without thought or judgment. That is once again, the sign of a weak system and one I would not be so proudly boasting about on a forum that respects professionalism via education. A forum that is trying to further the profession of EMS not leave in the 70's with Johny and Roy. So you can get on the horn with Dixie and Dr Brackett if you like. The rest of us are using our education to further patient care and advance our chosen profession. PERSONAL ATTACKS REMOVED - ADMIN
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