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Everything posted by Scaramedic

  1. Interesting the '700' has Laryngoscopes and ET tubes yet it has no BVM. Apparently your supposed to use a pocket mask or just blow into the tube? :? Now the '900' has a BVM.
  2. Look Michael, I have apologized 1,000 times for letting everyone know you like to wear a thong under your uniform. Geez!!!!
  3. To be quite honest I think it should become a "sticky" thread so all the talk can be done on one thread instead of 60 threads covering the same ole' crap. ADMIN??
  4. [align=center:1460978ebe]:wav: 1,000,000 :wav:[/align:1460978ebe] [align=center:1460978ebe]Congrats to everyone, this is the millionth time we have discussed the merits or lack thereof of EMT-Basics!!!![/align:1460978ebe] [align=center:1460978ebe]:D/ :thumbleft: WOO-HOO!!!!!!!! :thumbright: :D/[/align:1460978ebe] [align=center:1460978ebe] :banghead: [/align:1460978ebe]
  5. You are such a geek. You forgot... DOB 2230 Science Officer Son of Sarek Vulcan and Amanda (Human) Killed while realigning Dilithium Crystals to save Enterprise Body regenerated on Genesis Plant Shared his katra with Dr. McCoy Full regeneration on Vulcan via the fal-tor-pan Saved James T Kirk from fall off El Capitan Saved Kirk and McCoy from Klingon Prison planet Rura Penthe
  6. Settle down girls, I am already betrothed!
  7. I've always wanted to apply for a job I am totally not qualified for. You know like Account for Microsoft or something. Go to the interview in shorts, flip flops, and the most horrid Hawaiian shirt I could find. Then I could go into total Peter mode from Office Space. God that would be fun!
  8. Shit!! It's not?? What about having a really bitching Star of Life tattoo, that still counts right? If not I am screwed. Ruff, it is more like a Wimbledon Match on a rainy day. That clay is getting awfully muddy. I am not even sure what the original post was about anymore.
  9. Oh, Oh, Oh, To Touch and Feel a Very Giant Vagina and Hooters? Or something like that.
  10. :evil: Do you have a problem with patients getting the faster care? If the patient is critical that time waiting for you to get there might make a big difference in their outcome. Remember it is not about scrounging for dollars but caring for patients. Correct me if I'm wrong but if they are transporting 40 miles to the hospital does that mean you are going twenty miles or more to get to the patient?
  11. You would be amazed how many crews seem to forget this...
  12. Aren't gunfights still legal in Colorado? Meet at noon and settle this like men, or men and women I guess. Sorry Dwayne I'm putting my money on Wendy. She's younger and more spry. Does anybody use the term spry anymore?
  13. That was you? Sorry I was having a bad day and the smell of Dom on your breath was making me thirsty.
  14. Those MT cylinders do show up a lot. Especially when getting the unit from another crew. Seems like you find them all over the unit then.
  15. Fine. I'll throw my opinion hat in the ring. Mnemonics are a learning tool, and only a learning tool. Like CC said you will develop your own little rap when it comes to interrogating... I mean interviewing patients. It will happen faster then you can believe. In all honesty I had to stop and think about what OPQRST even stood for. Odds are it might not even be in the same order, you will set your own order of importance. Also the patient will set the tone for you and might answer all those questions in one sentence. Learn what you need to know from the patient through mnemonics and in time you won't even realize your getting the info you need on your own.
  16. Oh yeah, well your icons real name was Marion!
  17. The moment we all opened our mouths!!!
  18. Just for the record I gave her a real mnemonic! How it got past the broads on this thread is amazing though. :wink:
  19. My favorite was always AWAM Age Weight Alergies Meds ... or as I also remembered it All Women Are Morons. :twisted: Duck and cover!!
  20. From page 3... Am I psychic or what? :wink:
  21. I could see their point ten years ago when pumps were still huge and sensitive to movement/vibration. They have seemed to work out the bugs and have smaller and more stable pumps for transport. I have a feeling it comes down to money. 1. The hospitals are afraid of letting you use their pumps and not getting them back form receiving facility. or.... 2. Your service does not want to fork out the cash for their own pumps. What about Dial a Flow? Are you using them?
  22. Once about every two months I go to the barber to get my haircut. Now cutting hair seems to be a pretty easy skill. I never understood why the barber would do the pull the comb thru the hair and trim the ends thing. It seemed really tedious and unnecessary. Just cut my damn hair, don't worry about the ends. That and the constantly combing it out looking at it and trimming some more. It wasn't until I tried cutting my own hair that I found it is harder than it looks. If you don't know what your doing the hair just doesn't lay right. You always have little pieces that stick up or you can't get behind your ears right. I even read the instructions that came with the shears but in the end it never looks right. I'll tell ya cutting hair is harder than it looks.
  23. Mine was 4 days and cost me A fifth of Jack and a six pack.
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