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Everything posted by Scaramedic

  1. I notice once again that the 'S' word keeps coming up again. As has been stated about a 1,376 times on this forum it is not about 'skills' it is about education. I can teach a monkey to start an IV, I cannot educate it to understand why it is starting the IV.
  2. Sorry for not answering D-man but I've answered questions like this numerous times and it gets a little old. Plus I know where this thread is going. Hurt feelings, Basic vs Medic, snappy comebacks, LOCKED.
  3. Here is my little creation.
  4. Yeah I have one that matches my star of life tattoo! :roll:
  5. $75!!!!!!! It's a paperback, damn I wonder what a used ones going for?
  6. I agree with CH, you should never feel 100% at ease. It is best to go on every call with a little bit of trepidation, it keeps you on your toes.
  7. Good luck finding a copy but I feel the best book ever written about EMS was Street Dancer by Keith Neely (not the Keith Neely that writes childrens books). It is out of print, it was published by JEMS, ISBN #978-9993966357. It is the story of a rookie Medic at Denver General in the seventies. A great read if you can find it.
  8. Congrats on the ACLS and good luck on the surgery.
  9. Oh God here we go again. Fishing for info for a lawsuit counselor? What's wrong 4 pages of answers on EMT-Life not enough? EMT Life I'm sorry I just don't buy it that this bothered you so much you searched out EMS forums for answers. Somebody is fishing for info. Oh wait, what's this... Yahoo So what's the truth here are you 17 or "was 18" Did they roll you in to the ER fully exposed or did they cover you up when they got there? How's the fishing going? I think your done here Counselor.
  10. Yes, but I am willing to bet you would become legend after doing that. I love it.
  11. I agree with CCMedoc. A majority of the public does not see us as the ones who are going to fix their issues. No matter how many cool "skills" and toys we have most of the public sees the hospital as their goal. The Doctor is going to be their savior not us. I am not saying this is the way it is, it's just how Joe and Jane Public see it. They want to see a Doctor not a FR or Paramedics.
  12. Häagen-Dazs?
  13. Line #1. First on scene. Hi, my name is XXXX so what is going on tonite? Line #2. Fire on Scene Hi, my name is XXXX the Fire department tells me your having some chest pain tonite. This is something I stress to new Medics. It's rude to take info from a first responder and then turn around and ask the patient what's wrong. Include their information in your introduction, it goes along way with good inter-department relations. Line #3. Nursing Home You do realize this patient has been dead for 4 hours don't you? Sorry Terri couldn't resist!
  14. Personally I like Dickies. The pants you perverts!!!!! :angry1:
  15. Do you understand what TKO stands for? It is the minimum amount of fluid given to keep the fluid flowing. Usually an insignificant amount to the patient. I'm really racking my brain here to see how that is going to help the patient big time. So you can intubate without the ability to push meds? What happens if you elicit a vagal response? A Homer Simpson 'Doh!' is not going to help the patient much. This can be a real danger especially in pediatric patients. Sorry if it seems like we're jumping down your throat but please do not make blanket statement that have no place in reality. The problem is not you Jen, it is this mish-mash of crap that permeates EMS today. Medical Directors trying to plug holes or save money by giving privileges to under trained/educated staff. It is a pet peeve to many here at EMT City. Don't take it personally.
  16. Is that from the episode where he marries Marge's sister?
  17. Of course it's not the same VS I was being a smart ass, two years now haven't you figured out I can be that way. My main point is for the most part it is not out decision, most protocols cover just such a situation. The people on this forum are not the first ones to think of this. And no in twenty years (Majority of which was major cities) I have never had the situation you mentioned. Now I have seen tons of crashes, falls, fights, men down etc, but never had a situation like you mentioned. Maybe I've just been lucky. Also consider some of those years were working in a system where as the Medic I was always in the back with the patient.
  18. What if, what if, what if, what if, what if? VS you could easily flip your situation and say your working a cardiac arrest and someone stops you for a broken ankle. Hey you got multiple people in the back working a stable (dead) patient why not help Mrs I've fallen and can't get up? I've been in this field since 1988 and never had a situation like the one above. So let's drop the what if crap please. In short, some systems say you must stop, some say you can't stop. The real answer here is that none of us have a choice either way. Our directives state what the response is, not our personal feelings. It would only come down to money here VS if we still had the cowboy system of ambulances services. Luckily most of those have gone by the wayside. Everyone get over yourselves and learn what your department/city/county/province/country says you must do. I have the feeling a lot of the people stating their opinions here have very little experience and love to deal with what ifs. JEMS = Fancy adds and superferlous articles, so who cares if they are stroking up some more wannabes to 'serve their community.'
  19. 1. Depending on his pain level, MS. 2. At minimum take him to see his Pediatrician, let him make the decisions for care. What's DSD?
  20. One of the partners I was thinking of was 45 yrs old, 5'6", 145 lbs and female. They would have to pull her off this idiot cop with a pry bar.
  21. Wow, the Captain acted a lot better than I would have. I would have lost my f'ing mind and defined a new level of resisting arrest. Isn't it illegal in most states to interfere with the duties of an EMT? Why wasn't this dickhead brought up on charges? Also I found it weird only one FF came to his aid, hell I've worked with partners that would've been sitting in the cell next to me. Edit/Addenum: Watching it again I can't help but notice traffic was getting by just fine, so what was the issue of having a lane closed?
  22. After a few years on the streets I quit wearing 'EMS' pants. I didn't need the extra pockets, they fit like crap, and I just got tired of things catching on the straps for the scissors. I went to uniform type pants, same color, better fit and an overall much more professional look. I carry most of the equipment I need in my jump kit which I always take with me so why carry it on my person. In my shirt I carry a pen, penlight and my narc keys. On my belt I wear a pager and a stinger flashlight on my right side and radio on my left. My ears go around my neck. That is all I carry on my person. I just don't like the look of 'EMT' pants, were Civilian not military Medics.
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