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Everything posted by Scaramedic

  1. I'm shocked they have Epi-pens. Here, because of lawsuits schools nurses can't even a child Tylenol. Seems to be a good idea though.
  2. Hey it only took two years but I finally caught a Dustdevil typo!!!
  3. My quick comparison is this. It would be really cool if Paramedics had a portable Olympus Chemistry Immuno Analyzer on board. We could get LDL's, HDL's, Amylase, Sodium, Calcium, etc, levels. But, if we cannot do anything with those results what is the use of having them?
  4. Wow!!! Brit Fight!!! DO you guys still have duels over there?
  5. Here ya go Cap. Might I suggest a snorkel?
  6. Your local bar is never going to be the same. :shock: Woman: Vodka please. Bartender: Straight or on ice? Woman: No on Tampax please. Bartender: OK, one cootchie shooter coming up.
  7. [web:881736f591]http://bluebuddies.com/gallery/Smurfagrams/jpg/Smurfs_Smurf_A_Gram_Blue_Congrats_Drink_To_That.jpg[/web:881736f591]
  8. I found that the "kill, kill, kill" thing from Friday the 13th is good motivation to run. Actually when I work out I like classical, keeps me even.
  9. I called an ambulance for my mother because she was having chest pain. I told the local 911 dispatcher she was pale and diaphoretic, he then asked me if she was sweating. :shock: Here's your sign. Some dispatchers really suck, not including you in that Brent.
  10. Annie, great minds think alike.
  11. Chat room pole? I personally love the idea. Oh wait you meant a "poll."
  12. I think they are enforced in Texas. They still have a dowry on girls under 14 on the books.
  13. Ummm isn't the scenario presented crush injury not compartment syndrome?
  14. Let me add some gasoline to this fire. This has nothing to do with Islam. It is about power. There is a movement by certain clerics to do away with secular government. They see the world, as well as many Christian and Jewish leaders, as needing a government based on the tenets of whatever version of God's word they believe. Issues like this are simply a way to pursue their goals, one step at a time. In can be compared to issues like prayer in school or the ten commandments at city halls here in the states. In the UK the National Healthcare system is a prime target for such power plays. If the state bends to the will of one groups religious views on a small issue they eventually could bend on larger issues. A domino effect if you will. People as a group tend to follow the easiest and less controversial path. As long as the trains run on time they let the government decide for them. This is the reason the founding fathers of many countries have left religion out of government. Let the people choose their faith and the tenets within rather than big brother telling us what faith to follow. All of us, Muslim, Jew, Christian or Hindu must fight against any one religion dictating our governments policies. We must not let the right or left wing leaders of any faith dictate our beliefs. Peace, Marty Hammer, it was an article from The Telegraph in the UK.
  15. Where does the line between religious freedom and patient safety intersect? I think it is a bullshit argument on the part of the Muslim women (Medics). It is immodest to publicly bare their arms, but they could always go into a bathroom for privacy. Discuss.
  16. The lady on top is Itku2er and the other is incognitogirl. Photos from Spring Break last year. :wink:
  17. How many times can this thread be resurrected? P.S. What can your EMT-B's do?? In the system I work in now, drive wheelchair vans. That's it.
  18. How about these... Booty Cocktails.com
  19. Maybe we should try a new approach. How about putting these up around the station.
  20. I already donate to my other favorite website, NAMBLA.
  21. The companies Director of Operations and their Attorney had no comment.
  22. Mistaken for a cop? No Mistaken for a member of ABBA, definitely. I thought I already answered this post but alas it was another post on the same subject. So once again my answer is no, never, not gonna happen wouldn't be prudent. See one of the other 20 answers I have given on posts like this for further clarification. Dust vs PMS'y student and Dust still wins. I haven't seen such one sided fights since before Tyson became a cannibal.
  23. Which is why I haven't posted much lately. I got tired of seeing joke after joke thread, or the same threads recycled time after time. Also I got tired of people asking for help, googling and researching something for them, and then getting no reply or even a thank you. The time some us give to the City is precious, I work full time and go to college full time yet I was finding time to post here. Yeah I post some garbage but I have always tried to answer serious questions when I could. I have tried to help the new people when I could only to be bitched at or ignored because it was not the answers they wanted to hear. It comes down to three types of people in here now those of us who have been there, those who are willing to learn and a bunch of whackers who want to hear about 'cool calls'. It's the whackers that almost ruined this contest. On my part, sorry Ruff for not posting that I was working on this contest. Maybe next time all those working on a contest should post it so Ruff knows. Sorry for the rant. Peace, Marty
  24. I'm in the same boat Wendy is, I have been working on mine as I have time. I am up to five pages right now and expect a few more before I am done. Is the Jan 31st date still the day?
  25. OK Dwayne let's try some visual aids... This is a 12 yr old male. This is a baseball bat. This is a 17 month old. And this is an article from my Lifespan Psychology class I just passed with an A. Why Teens Get Away with Murder
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