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Everything posted by Scaramedic

  1. Scaramedic


    [align=center:66cd0833ac] A WARNING TO ALL EMS PERSONNEL It all started with one tattoo, now Paramedic Smith can only work in Santa Cruz.[/align:66cd0833ac]
  2. To quote Dr. Bledsoe from this thread...
  3. I have had Littman's for most of my time. I have been considering going to a DRG, I've heard good things about them. Also if BOSE is involved in it you can bet it has good acoustics. I like the idea of disposable diaphragms as well. Right now I am using a Master Classic II stole from my wife. Hey Dahlio, the steths you mentioned are going for about $25 on E-Bay. Noticed that when I had to look them up, I had never heard of em. So I can't give you an opinion on them.
  4. This one is different... ...from this website. http://www.speedyawards.com/award_pins.htm
  5. Spend five minutes cleaning dust of [sub:461bf86a1d]MAST PANTS[/sub:461bf86a1d] and trying to remember how to inflate. Legs first, then abd, or abd then legs, or right leg, abd, lef... oh screw it.
  6. Have some one maintain manual traction on femur, have sam sling on board, roll patient onto board. Secure pelvis with sam sling and place hare traction. Total time: < 2min. Take pt woo hoo to hospital calling trauma alert. Drop off pt, do paperwork. Finish 12" Subway Meatball Sandwich. Clear from hospital.
  7. They have protocols, this falls under protocals.
  8. OT a bit but Incog's post reminded me of my personal record for a patient on medications. 29!! 29 oral medications this patient took per day. I cannot even imagine how she kept track of them. Sorry back on topic.
  9. Great list Doczilla, only one thing to add. One of the most common drugs for elderly people, especially A-fib patients who are on Lanoxin. Coumadin or Warfarin - A blood thinner that keeps clots from forming in the heart due to the A-fib. If I had a dime for every patient I've had on Coumadin I wouldn't need to work in EMS anymore.
  10. Scaramedic EMT-P, Secret Undercover Operative :?
  11. You know this one is just too easy.
  12. Seattle is the least major target in that area of the state. 1. Bangor Naval Submarine Base - "Bangor Sub Base manages the third largest collection of nuclear weapons in the country, with approximately 1,700 Trident missiles either stored at its hill-top depot, or inboardr its fleet of eight Trident submarines which still roam the seas on secret missions." 2. Everett Home Port (Nuclear Carrier Base) 3. Bremerton Naval Station (Nuclear carrier and attack subs) 4. Whidbey Island Naval Air Station 5. Mchord Air Force Base 6. Fort Lewis - 25,000 soldiers 7. Boeing - Seattle 8. Boeing - Everett 9. Microsoft 10. Seattle Basically you need to be really North of the border (like almost Alaska) to not feel the effects of the hundred or so nuclear weapons they figure are aimed at the Seattle area alone. Basically were screwed. edit: Oh yeah I forgot if we did have a big ole nuke exchange and Russia decided to expand it territory guess what their route is going to be? Yep across the Bering Strait into Alaska, Canada, and then the good old lower 48. Stopping to make a "grouchy but well qualified prehospital care provider" their bitch. Personally if it gets anywhere near what your talking about this grouchy well educated Paramedic will be in Mexico. What the hell is there to nuke in Mexico?
  13. I found a picture of post 53's training center.
  14. I think I found the second part of this video, it looks like the same setting and is obviously after drainage has been done. Has a bit of explanation with it. Video part 2??
  15. Hey Doc, What about a snake or spider bite? I know from personal experience that the brown recluse can do massive tissue damage, that ends up draining a lot of pus.
  16. Have faith Wendy, In your doctors, their choice of treatment, yourself and take solace in the fact that their are a lot of people who care about you. As far as the viral infection, the product Airborne has drastically shortened bouts I have had with the flu. Might check with your doc to see if its OK to use.
  17. What am I thankful for? Gravity, can you imagine what life would be like without it. We would be floating everywhere, crashing into each other, it wo...oh wait. Thankful for at work. :? The diversity, both in the patients you meet and the various conditions/traumas we come across.
  18. Alex Jones - Conspiracy whacko. CT - Conspiracy theorist, people who live for conspiracy theories.
  19. I was making more of a comparison to FDNY EMS.
  20. Well if you guys would just buy 'em dinner first the death rate may be lower! :wink:
  21. Does GIVING nerve agents make you a tactical medic?
  22. I noticed that too, gives the Alex Jones wacko types a nice conspiracy theory. I don't know if you know it but Ron Paul has become da man for the CT types. :roll:
  23. None of the above. There hasn't been a candidate that hasn't seemed completely full of shit yet. It's gonna be a lesser of evils election again. Wouldn't it be nice to vote for a decent human being again?
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