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Everything posted by Scaramedic

  1. [align=center:8038d4990d] 87 Tools!!!! [/align:8038d4990d]
  2. That list of states to avoid getting hurt in is growing bigger every month. :shock:
  3. Essentials of Paramedic Care = 24 used & new available from $5.00 Paramedic Care: Principles and Practice Series Volumes 1- 5, 2nd Edition = $ 224.95
  4. Dust he's from New Jersey, he could have volunteered at ten different volley ambulances at the same time all within a mile of his house.
  5. In the movie the The Prophecy, Chris Walken plays an Angel who hates humans. He has a great line that applies to this situation. "It's a big universe Jerry and some things in it are talking monkey work, monkeys like you." Talking monkeys play with toys, like Hurst tools. I'll stay with my patient that's my job.
  6. I was going to be a Doctor, then they found out my parents were married.
  7. Is that the new Prime Minister and his family?
  8. Going to travel Nurse CH? Let us know what thats like. I'm kind of curious.
  9. Evil Republicans like Lincoln? Before you go with your "the party has changed since then" lets talk about the Dems. The true Democratic party died on a street in Dallas. The chance of a re-birth for the party died in hotel hallway in L.A. You use the term Neo-Con why don't we use the term Neo-Lib. When I think of the Dem party now I think of the Clintons, Pelosi, Teddy, Jimmy Carter and UFO boy Kucinich. I also find it amusing that Neo-Libs think they are the majority yet they can't even keep a radio station on the air without paying the stations to run it. Quit believing the lies little one, there is no difference between the parties now. Politics are just like pro wrestling, all talk and fake action. If not explain to me why congresses approval rating is at 11%, a Democratic controlled congress mind you. They haven't taken action against the President because in reality they are playing the same game. Give it another 20 yrs and you will finally understand. My old man used to tell me that and I thought he was full of sh*t. It took me a long time to realize he was right.
  10. Patients with real medical issues get the stretcher. Anybody else (notice I didn't use the word patient) gets walked and benched. Walked in to the ER, and 99.9 of the time they will have us take them to triage.
  11. Check your city for patterns. A lot of cities use alphabetical names: Ankeny, Burnside, Couch, Davis, etc. Many cities are divided up by north, South, Northwest, Southeast etc. Many cities assign the term "street" to roads that run east-west and "avenue to ones that run north-south. Neighborhoods can have themes. Birds: Oriole, Cardinal, etc. Presidents: Wilson, Washington, Lincoln. Trees: Elm, Oak, Spruce. Of course the easiest is numbers 1st, 2nd 3rd. Find the patterns it make things much easier.
  12. Ummm nice try. Anytime you use the word Neo-con your showing your ignorance by repeating what you heard on Air America. Global climate change is the term NOW preferred by proponents of global warming. They feel the public was getting confused by the talk of colder winters involved with global warming. The "neocons" you speak of just call it bullsh*t. But nice try to throw in a much repeated SP term.
  13. I wish, he could have survived that, I'd be working at 7-11 but he would have lived. The way it was he died and his piece of sh*t father is probably out of prison by now.
  14. I remember one for sure was under one. I remember because we got him back only to get to hospital and see the cx x-ray to verify my tube placement. It looked like every rib in his chest was broken, to top that CT of his head showed a massive bleed. Appearantly dad had held the baby in one hand and slammed him against the wall several times for crying. So we got him back, only to be a carrot for a year before he died. That's why I remember that one.
  15. Kids are airway, airway, airway. Most pediatric/toddler/infant arrest are due to airway/breathing complications. A majority of adult arrests are cardiac involved hence the reason most AED's are programmed for adults. I can count the times on one hand I have had to defibrilate an infant.
  16. The problem is the touchy feely, kumbia singing motherf*cker they have for an EMS Commissioner. "oh people won't have access to healthcare unless we haul every douche bag with a hangnail" :roll:
  17. Didn't think you were Ak.
  18. I see the rabbit ears you are talking about in III and AVF, which would be indicative of an LBBB but I just don't think they are wide enough. LBBB's or any branch block tend to be wider. I could be wrong, hopefully we can get one of the Docs to weigh in.
  19. I didn't realize we had a Fire Chief on the boards.
  20. Hell Cheney's aim is the only thing I like about him. Come on he shot a Lawyer in the face. You can't tell me you haven't wanted to see that at least once. Johhny Cochran? Gloria Allred? Allan Dershowitz?
  21. There is a slight arrhythmia. A quick way to check is on lead II, count the boxes between R waves and you'll see. But I am not seeing any widening QRS jumping out at me. If I had a clue where my calipers were I might be able to tell you a bit better.
  22. Two questions for the OP. 1. Is your girlfriend hot? 2. What nights are you working? Get married, trust me after about five months you'll come to love that time apart.
  23. Carbon offsets are very important to the earth. By offering carbon offsets caring and environmentally friendly companies all over the planet are making our planet better. Take for instance... [align=center:2795935537] Scaramedic Inc's Methane Pollution Reclamation Project. One of the largest causes of Global Warming is the gas Methane. It is responsible for Hurricane Katrina and the fall of World Trade Center #7. I know your asking yourself but what can little ole' me do? Well, Scaramedic Inc has an answer. One of the causes of methane is human flatulence from eating Mexican food. Scaramedic Inc will help offset your personal pollution carbon footprint by planting environmentally friendly flora and fauna. For the fee of just 5 cents a fart or a flat fee of $29.99 a month for you flatulent types (like firefighters), you can help save the planet. Just call 1-800-FARTSRUS AND HELP SAVE THE CHILDREN. [/align:2795935537] [align=center:2795935537][/align:2795935537]
  24. [align=center:35e64520ff] What are you trying to say mate?[/align:35e64520ff]
  25. Ok, I hope you realize what a pain in the ass this was. I had to create an account with NJ EMS to get this for you. Go to this web page, create an account. Once you finish creating an account you will be able to access the reciprocity info. NJ EMS If some goombas show up to break my legs I am going to be real unhappy.
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