Rather than hijack another thread I'll start another one.
First off I am not a tree hugging environmentalist, but I am concerned about fossil fuels and how they are effecting our planet and pocketbooks. Having said that I have a question, is this really necessary?
Do we have different patients then they do in Europe where ambulances tend to look like this. NO fat American jokes please.
The problem as Al Gore and I see it is that WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!! OK, maybe that is a little extreme, but we are using up our oil supply and now a barrel of crude is over $100. So as fuel prices climb, budgets get larger and we have to charge more or milk more money from tax payers. Also there is that whole pesky global warming issue. I am not sure whether or not fossil fuels are responsible but why add to a potential problem?
Is it patient comfort? Nope. I used to work with Medics that started out in the Caddies. They always said that nothing rode like those Caddies. Yes they didn't have much room to work in but they were more comfortable for the patient. I see it like this, the patient only cares about the 3 ft by 6 1/2 ft they are occupying. That and how smooth the ride is. I have worked in all three types of ambulances and I have found that the bigger you get the rougher the ride. No matter how many snazzy air shocks you have, the higher the center of gravity the more sway and the rougher the ride. Don't believe me? Go drive a semi and then get in your car, you'll see the difference.
The other thread was about buying a huge ambulance to do long distance transports. Having done many long distance transports I have a simple question. How much actual medical care do you on an LDT? Usually not much. So instead of a big, diesel sucking rough riding concrete truck with a box wouldn't this be better?
I bet it has a lot smoother ride than a truck and gets a lot better gas mileage. Change the color and you have a pretty snazzy little ambulance.
So the question is with the change in fuel prices and with the world going towards more economical vehicles is it necessary for us to have such big ambulances. It seems pretty obvious to me there are going to be changes in the future. I do not see EMS, Fire or Police being immune from this. So what do you think?
Oh yeah I found this picture while looking for ambulance pics. I thought it was pretty funny.