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Everything posted by Scaramedic

  1. Thanks for that Dust, I have been debating my focus. I was thinking ER because it was the most like EMS. Yet I was also thinking the units might be a bit more interesting. You have given me a bit more to think about. Peace, Marty
  2. foramen
  3. Thanks Flight, thats the kind of response I was looking for. I am just trying to get an idea what these "schools" are about. They recently took over a school here in the Portland area and I am curious whether or not I should still recommend that school. Peace, Marty
  4. slow
  5. I've been bouncing around whether or not to post on this subject and since I am done with my homework tonite I thought what the hell. For those of you who do not it AMR has its own EMS school, The National College of Technical Instruction. NCTI In my mind this brings up several issues and I was hoping to get some input from the City. Is this a good thing for EMS as a whole. The idea that a large for profit private ambulance company is teaching future EMS professionals? The Hamburger U approach, is it what we want in EMS? Are they teaching their students to be Paramedics or to be AMR Paramedics? Just in case you were wondering how many schools they have... ...does this not make them the largest Technical school teaching EMS in the U.S.? How many students can they punch out a year? I am thinking a lot, in the future will a large portion of EMS professionals be from these schools? What are the implications? Does this post seem like a homework assignment? Damn, I've been in school too long. I have nothing against these schools and I have no clue if they are good or bad. I am just curious what others feel about this. Peace, Marty
  6. priority 2
  7. The following could be applied to Basic vs Paramedic Peace, Marty
  8. There ya go JP. Peace, Marty
  9. monitor
  10. OK, now I'm insulted!! Peace, Marty
  11. I won't take that personally. :wink: Peace, Marty
  12. sticker
  13. sugar
  14. See and that is something I wish the public would wise up on. You cannot tell me that after paying a private contractor with their profit margins that it is not cheaper than the county doing it directly. Hell the city and county is getting sued daily for some absurd thing, so it seems liability would not be an issue. Recently a fire officer was caught on video beating a patient, he still has a job and no charges were filed. How much worse can things get if they eliminate the middle man, meaning AMR. EMSA (Another Jack Stout creation as Dust and Rid know) is another prime example, why pay Paramedics Plus? Why not just hire the staff directly. F'ing government makes no sense. Never has, never will. Peace, Marty
  15. EMT = 1982 Toyota Corolla Paramedic = 1983 Toyota Corolla It is different per state and per hospital on the duties of ED Paramedics. Less and less 24 hr shifts, too dangerous. Yes you can sleep, doesn't mean you will though. Peace, Marty
  16. Yes there is an exception see it plastered right on top of the ambulance "Multnomah County EMS." Supposedly that makes it a "county" agency not a private ambulance monopoly. That is what I understand at least and trust me greater men than me have taken them on and lost. Peace, Marty P.S. That is a publicly available picture on the internet, no private pictures were published. :roll:
  17. I agree it would be nice to have a choice, unfortunately in the Portland metro area you really don't have a choice. Notice the article said the following... "Multnomah and Clackamas in Oregon, and Clark and Cowlitz in Washington." This encompasses all of Portland, it's suburbs, Vancouver & it's suburbs, and all the way north to Longview. Plus the union doesn't cover cities that are covered by AMR along the I-5 corridor all the way to and including Seattle (Medic 1 back up). The only area in the Portland Metro Area that isn't AMR is Metro West in Washington county. They tend to be cot Medics for the local fire, hell no. AMR came into Portland like a whirlwind and bought up every ambulance company they could. They then received the exclusive 911 contract with Multnomah and then Clark County. It comes down to this, if you want to be a non fire Paramedic in Portland you only have 1 choice, AMR. Also keep in mind a lot of these employees never wanted to work for AMR. They were sold down the river when their employer sold them to AMR. Peace, Marty P.S. AMR is pretty good here believe it or not.
  18. So am I. :twisted: Peace, Marty
  19. You can write with Epi?? Cool!! What will they think of next. Peace, Marty
  20. Yeah I know Dust, my bad. It's just I am in a really bad mood. Idiots rejected a good contract based on lies initially told by the union. AMR is giving a 5% raise since the union left. That's down 3.6%, now I can't buy my Ferrari. Peace, Marty
  21. I agree ruff and I am sorry for only posting the article I first posted. The Plasma and 180% are crap. I never heard that. As far as being involved have you noticed where I live? The OP is just someone with an agenda and a website trying to get back at NEMSA. I agree it could have been handled better. Also, I am not a union person, I just think people got screwed over by false claims to promote and spread a union. I refer to this thread... EMT CITY - NEMSA wins oregon thread Peace, Marty
  22. So Nurses aren't Medical Professionals?
  23. 180% pay raise and plasma TV's, umm no. BS. Crap. Maybe just a union rep (Labor Relations Representative) trying to cover their ass. :wink: Gee I wonder where these high expectations came from... Original letter is here... Colcord Letter If you want to bash people please don't juse facts from a newspaper, I think we all know how biased they are. It is partially my fault for posting that article from The Oregonian. Having said that these expectations are what NEMSA was throwing around to get people to vote for their union. It had nothing to do with the rejection of the contract. As far as the original poster working for AMR, well DUH. That does not make his argument any less valid. Peace, Marty
  24. Here's the full story from the daily fish wrapper, AKA The Oregonian.
  25. Let them report you, let them bitch who cares. If your system doesn't tell them to pound it then as I have said before to others, your system sucks!!! Let me give some answers next time you run in to this. RN: Why doesn't this patient have an IV? You: I didn't feel that a hangnail needed an IV your highness. RN: Yes but we might have to draw blood. You: I suggest you call the lab and ask a Med Tech if they want you to draw from a line or a saline lock. They will tell you NO, it skews the results. Any good phlebotomists knows you do not draw out of lines or locks unless it is absolutely necessary. RN: But your protocols state that you must start an IV. You: No, my protocols state an IV SHOULD be obtained on any patients who might need pharmaceutical intervention or fluid resuscitation. It does not state an IV MUST be obtained on every patient I bring to your damn ED. Since you are quoting my protocols let's discuss the portion that says that Medical Control is considered the MD you are dealing with on MRH (Medial resource Hospital, or receiving facility) not the RN on MRH. RN: I am going to call your supervisor. You: Please feel free the number is XXX-XXXX and please leave your name so we know who to laugh at later. Have a nice day. YOU are the patient advocate for the patient in YOUR care. It is not ethical to base your decisions on whether or not you are going to piss off a nurse at the ED. Peace, Marty
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