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Everything posted by Scaramedic

  1. Very true, will wait for further information and/or a reply from the accused. I'll go shut off the propane heating up the tar. :? Peace, Marty
  2. red (Are you talking about my "trunk" again Terri?)
  3. Personally I would like to give big time kudos to NREMT-Basic for calling him on his BS before the rest of us (or at least me) did. NREMT-Basic Layeths the Smacketh Down!!!!! Favorite line "...you wouldnt be able to read enough to know which side of a claymore says "this side toward enemy." Peace, Marty
  4. OK FINE!!!!! Since the truth is going to come out anyway I am not married to Salma Hayek, I did not win the Nobel Prize for Thong design, 12 inches might be exaggerated and I did not invent the internet. JEEZ!!! Marty
  5. I have A GPS locater in the seat next to me. She usually reads the map and bitches about the way I drive. Peace, Marty
  6. Hey Ruff this was the girl involved, I also believe she was on top. Peace, Marty
  7. [align=center:041efd993b]The typical drug seeker??[/align:041efd993b] Peace, Marty
  8. I don't know about NYC but basically we were told the odds are that we would be using the Mark I's on ourselves. At least the first crew in, since we probably wouldn't know at first it was an attack. So technically it would be self-administered, at least until we were so covered in our own excrement to continue treatment. :shock: See, this is the kind of crap that made be enroll in Nursing School. Peace, Marty
  9. My father was a State Patrol officer, this was his favorite joke of all time. Peace, Marty
  10. Favorite line from a thread on another site regarding this letter... :wink: :!: :!: Peace, Marty
  11. Help me here, what is the use of a braille T-shirt when the only people who could read it cannot see it!!! That's kind of like a musical gift card for the deaf. Peace, Marty
  12. Doesn't I-15 meet up with I-85 just below I-5 and I-25 but just after the I-45 exit to I-99? Peace, Marty
  13. The company I work for provides us with great notepads... ...they come in a box of a hundred. They work great and their always at your fingertips. Of course you can write AEIOUTIPS, AWAM, AMPLE or WTF on them at will. Peace, Marty
  14. Do you ever give patients "tough love"? I don't remember, though I did give a patients daughter "good Loving" once. :wink: Peace, Marty
  15. Be kind to the guy, he forgot to mention the stool did not taste like it had blood in it. Jeez, so judgmental. Peace, Marty
  16. Ah yeah the old in-out therapy. Savage, very savage. Peace, Marty
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