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Everything posted by Scaramedic

  1. I just want to know how this battle began. I have a feeling it was something like this... Yo yo yo homie, that's the punk ass bitch who jacked my Paul Mitchell Awapuhi Moisture Mist Aerosol!!!! Damn, let's go put a cap in that bitches ass!!! Straight up, lets do it!!! Peace, Marty
  2. Ummm how about 1" staples? Sterile staples of course. :wink: Peace, Marty
  3. Gang banging hairstylists? :shock: Peace, Marty
  4. I would like to nominate this thread for the "Longest thread to never come to a sensible conclusion" award. Congrats to all, let the party begin!!!! Peace, Marty
  5. Mi sheberakh avoteinu mekor habrakha l'imoteinu May the Source of strength Who blessed the ones before us Help us find the courage To make our lives a blessing, And let us say: Amen. Mi sheberakh imoteinu mekor habrakha l'avoteinu Bless those in need of healing With refuah shleima: The renewal of body, The renewal of spirit, And let us say: Amen In our prayers, Marty & Lila
  6. So you have been to an EMSA ACLS course!! Peace, Marty
  7. ACLS is a scam, always has been always will be. I have never understood why it is required for Medics who do not work under ACLS protocols but work under their Med Control Protocols. Exactly what have I learned over 15 yrs of ACLS? Nothing new thats for damn sure. ACLS has it's purpose for some caregivers and for new caregivers but it is a waste of time for most. Why not just have an in-house protocol/EKG review rather than waste my time sitting thru a class just to get a useless card. Peace, Marty
  8. Dust I equate those commercials to the snazzy commercials the US Navy has. The Navy always shows a group of SEALS going up some third world jungle river or an F-18 launching off the deck of a carrier. They never show the guys in the kitchen of said carrier preparing dinner with the same equipment that prisoners at San Quentin use. They never show the guys changing toilet paper rolls or cleaning 'cinnamon swirls' off the toilets. It's always the glamour they show to entice people to join. The J&J commercials are no different they want to equate Nursing with the 'heroic' images of medicine. Do you really think they are going to show a Nurse ramming a donut down their throat or taking a rectal on a 90 yo ALZ pt? Like you said it's all about the perception not the reality. Peace, Marty
  9. Things that are easy to say when your drunk, way too easy!!! I do. :? Peace, Marty
  10. What about hiccups Whit? Peace, Marty
  11. Must be a glass half empty thing, I see his avatar as a boy wrapped up in pussy. Ever the optimist I am. :wink: Peace, Marty
  12. Damnit!!!! Damnit!!! Arrrrrrgh!!!!!! I've been on this board for too long, Dust is actually starting to make sense to me!!! I can actually see his point about volunteers... Do you see volunteer garbagemen? Volunteer meter readers? Volunteer Mailmen? Yet somehow the city/state/feds find the funds to cover these expenses? How do they do it? They have no choice, no one is willing to volunteer to do those jobs. If there was lines of people wanting to "help their communities" by delivering mail for free they would probably be willing to not hire when people retire. They would decrease their paid workforce since they have volunteers to do it. Ugggh I am getting old and grumpy!!!! Peace, Marty
  14. I like the idea, it would make me call 911 more often. Peace, Marty
  15. No I think that is a quote from "Charmed." Sounds like something Piper would say! Enchantment!! :roll: Peace my Wiccan unshorn sisters, Marty
  16. Scaramedic


    So if you like to check all things out have you seen Fahrenhype 911 or read Michael Moore Is A Big Fat Stupid White Man? Peace, Marty
  17. Libertarian here, F#ck everyone is our motto. :wink: Peace, Marty
  18. Once again I must say this is turning into a... :3some: Peace, Marty
  19. Scaramedic


    So on a Nursing site the following subject came up. I have seen their opinions I am curious about the EMS opinion. I know I am in dangerous waters here but it should be an interesting comparison. The subject... Michael Moore's new film "Sicko"[/font:06e2f6fda1] Peace, Marty EdiT: I misspelled Michael with big fat commie bastard!!!
  20. Poop!! I thought this thread was someone looking for a date. Damn!! Peace, Marty
  21. I find it interesting they never shut down the damn siren, maybe I'm getting old but in situations like that I just shut down and use the occasional chirp. No need to blow the ears out of drivers who can't get out of your way. Peace, Marty
  22. Have you ever been out in the woods (the bush for you Oz) and suddenly all the crickects and frogs stopped making noise and you knew there was some dangerous predator waiting near you? This thread seems very quiet as we all await Dust's comments. This thread does remind me of something though... :3some: Peace, Marty
  23. Wait does this mean there is no scientific basis for PHTLS's platinum 10 minutes?? :wink: I always translated the "golden hour" as nothing more than a concept that says time is of the essence. I have never believed the human body had a timer that says "61 minutes, ok boys shut it all down." Every patient, every situation is different, the concept of rapid transport should be taught not a random time set. Peace, Marty
  24. Cool you are now ready. We will be shipping you Michael Moore and Rosie O'Donnel overnight mail. Peace, Marty
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