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Everything posted by Scaramedic
NBSP you do not believe there is financial incentives in intelligently monitored gun sales. Let's look at it from 2 points. #1. The viewpoint of the agency making money. There are approximately 256,000 Federally licensed gun dealers in the United States. If you are a gun dealer and you wanted to protect yourself from the liability of multi-million dollar lawsuits how much would you pay? Let' say each gun dealer pays $100 a month for this service. That's over $300 million right there. Now an average of over 4 million guns are legally sold a year. If we charge a $25 fee for every gun sale to cover this service that's another $100 million right there, bringing our grand total to $400 million a year. Of course we would have to mandate this for all gun dealers and close the gun shows. The 2nd Amendment say the right to bear arms, not the right to easily buy them at your local fairgrounds. #2. The viewpoint of the agency losing money. A credit card company lends money to a loser and they might lose a couple of grand. This make believe agency screws up and they are looking at a multi- million dollar lawsuit. Sounds like a pretty good incentive to make sure and do their job right. If they take every bit of info they get and process it immediately and efficiently they would be immune from liability. They are only responsible what is reported to them, if mental health or law enforcement drops the ball then they should be liable. The incentive is there , it's just getting laws passed and lobbies ignored to make our country a little safer. Peace, Marty
I feel the need to point some things out. #1. A2L as far as the Native Americans go, the problem with most nations was that they were fighting rifles and pistols with bows, arrows and spears. The outcome would have been different if the tribes were armed with the same weapons as the Cavalry. Case in point, Little Big Horn. #2. Why do we have an elaborate system to check our credit with no less than three agencies that decide whether or not we get a credit card yet no such thing for weapons? Why not have a private company that verifies a persons ability/sanity to buy firearms? If your late making your cable bill payment they report it to an agency. Yet if you go nuts and threaten to kill people there is no way to alert firearms dealers that your cheese might be off the cracker. So why not have a centralized system in place for police and mental health agencies to report dangerous behavior. If you decide to go buy a weapon they run a check and get a simple yes or no answer. No elaboration needed, just like credit checks the dealer would not know why you are being turned down. #3 This is a Pistol. AKA sidearm, handgun, piece, roscoe, or nine. Seung-Hui Cho used two of these to kill 32 innocent people and 1 crazed loner. This is a rifle. AKA hunting rifle, long gun or elephant gun. Charles Whitman used several of these to kill 15 people from a tower at the University of Texas in 1966. This is a gun. A Howitzer to be exact. AKA Cannon. Have been used to kill millions by armies for the centuries. The Machete. Used to kill hundreds of thousands of ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutu sympathizers in Rwanda. No background check needed for these in any country. Ironic isn't it? Peace, Marty
Rosie O'Donnel made a workout video?
Medics Involved in Virginia Tech Shootings.
Scaramedic replied to Ridryder 911's topic in General EMS Discussion
:scratch: :dontknow: Peace, Marty -
A cute but weird story to lighten up the thread a bit. Grandma's gotta gun. Peace, Marty
That's funny right there, I don't care who you are!!! Bucketfairie..... Peace, Marty
Suggested Reading Material for Paramedic Student
Scaramedic replied to AMESEMT's topic in Patient Care
Minus 5 for the most generic title I have seen on this site. Learn your anatomy and physiology backwards and fowards, it will help more than anything. Peace, Marty -
Medics Involved in Virginia Tech Shootings.
Scaramedic replied to Ridryder 911's topic in General EMS Discussion
Nice article Michael, and I agree with it. I feel bad for the shooter and especially for his family. This young man was sick, very sick. He needed to be treated for multiple issues, unfortunately he fell through the cracks a number of times. Rid, good point. I was touched at the convocation ceremony when a young man was overcome with grief. Almost immediately a Medic was at his side to check on him. He then placed an arm around him and helped him out. I'm sure the EMS personnel for the school are going through their own hell, yet they were there to help others. Touching very touching. Peace, Marty -
Wait, I'm confused. Is this thread for or against domestic violence? Isn't it ironic you are debating proper grammar and spelling in a thread titled "dometic violence?" Peace, Marty
Thanks everyone for your replies, it should be fun for the next few years. Rid: I'm taking an English class to learn MLA and APA format just for Nursing school. Dust: I am taking my pre-reqs before I start the program like you said. The school is really good about making sure you have the background materials before you start the program. Play dumb, so your saying I shouldn't show up for classes in my Medic uniform? I plan on keeping my experience pretty close to the vest. I just want to learn Nursing, not to convert Nursing to Pre-hospital care. Once again, Thanks everyone I will keep you updated. Peace, Marty
Here's another scenario A2L, you attempt to back out of the store and the guy grabs your son and puts a knife to his throat. The police show up and attempt to talk him down, he starts to lose it, the police fear for your childs life and the police shoot. Oh damn they missed, they just shot your son in the throat and your son dies on the way to hospital. Sound far fetched, it happened in Portland about ten years ago. I knew the officer who fired the shot he was never the same again. It happened at the kids home, maybe if dad had used deadly force before it became a hostage situation his son would still be alive today. My scenario was real A2L, the reverberations of which are still felt in the Portland Police Bureau to this day. Your point was a what if, what if is fantasy just like NBSP pointed out. Peace, Marty
First off let me say I agree with A2L when it comes to gun proliferation, I do not want to see everyone carrying a weapon. I firmly believe that there should be controls on guns. Yet I do believe in the rights of decent, intelligent, law abiding citizens to have sidearms to protect themselves, though I not thrilled with the idea of Joe Blow with a side arm it is a right in this country. If we could do away with all guns I would be happy, but like we said before it's not going to happen. As far as the Home Depot scenario goes if I was armed in that scenario I would fire a double tap to the chest. Plain and simple, like I have said before I come from a cop family, a knife is deadly force and should be answered with deadly force. I know you well enough A2L that you are going top come back with how someone in that situation disarmed the suspect with a door knob set or something. That's great but they risked their lives and everyones elses at that point and I don't belive it was worth it. Peace, Marty
They had a booth at the Convention in Vegas, seemed nice and gave out some decent swag. 1. Snazzy water bottle. :thumbright: 2. Cheap Bic pen. [-( 3. Flyer... :tongue: Which is in bad shape because it got rammed to the bottom of my convention bag. 4. One of their patches. :thumbright: Peace, Marty
Help me A2L, you live in New York City, you know the place that doesn't make Pace Picante Sauce. Now in New York City aren't, for the most part, guns illegal? That is unless you want to go thru a lengthy and expensive process for a limited permit. www.ci.nyc.ny.us/html/nypd/html/dclm/ldinfo.html So if you believe gun laws work well why would you ever see gun violence in NYC? See it's the point Dwayne was making you can't undue guns, it's too late the genie is out of the bottle big time. So if we make guns illegal tomorrow, not to sound cliche, but wouldn't only criminals have guns? Peace, Marty
Are we down to the level of paraphrasing Agent K from Men in Black.... "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals, and you know it" Peace, Marty
Ahh the good ole days! Now you have to buy them Dinner to find out! Peace, Marty P.S. I am only kidding Ladies. Don't kill me!!!
Wendy you need to get back to Colorado, Michigan is corrupting you, salamander procreation??? Voluntary Castration??? :shock: Peace, Marty
Not to be argumentive NREMT but where did you hear that? I have checked the major online stock websites, Medtronics website and several EMS sites and have not seen that anywhere. Peace, Marty
Thank you for my new signature. Peace, Marty
Just for the record, in my original post did I ever once bring religion into the subject? Not all people of faith shove it down others throats, I only defended religion when it was brought up and denigrated by others. Peace, Marty P.S. Not everyone on this board who defends religion is Christian. :wink:
So then it will continue, you will bash religion and you will be bashed. Like I said it's what you live for. Peace, Marty
Oh my god and I thought I was an uber SW geek!! Yes he was temporarily a Dark Jedi serving under Palpatine but Leia saved him. I love the expanded universe, though I am bored to tears when it comes to stories about Han's and Leia's kids. I am going to shoot myself now!!! Peace, Marty
Fine we will keep our god to ourselves as soon as you stop stirring up debate centered around religion and change your avatar. You keep your lack of faith to yourself and will keep our faith to ourselves. Otherwise your just being a hypocrite and a troll, stirring up debate and then bitching about the opinions people post. Oh who am I kidding this is what you live for. :roll: Peace, Marty
I just recently took a PHTLS course for re-newal and I don't remember anything about intubating while ventilations are going on. Like VS said it can't be done unless someone has come up with a cool AMBU/Laryngoscope combo. I think your friend is confusing pre-oxygenation, but who knows. :dontknow: Peace, Marty
Umm if you are a Christian then you believe that Jesus brought a new covenant with God, ie the old testament and its rules/laws for the most part are null and void. Leviticus and Daniel are old testament. The OT books are mainly used by people of the Jewish faith, hence the name Jewish or Hebrew Bible. Rid & Eydawn can probably explain the new covenant better than I can. Shalom, Marty