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Everything posted by Scaramedic

  1. When I was going thru Paramedic school I was assigned to MD's in the ED and learned my assessments, treatment and charting from them. We had a patient who crushed his thumb between the trailer hitch and the ball on his truck. I wrote this long speil on the chart describing in detail the above scenario. The Doc took one look at it, ripped it in half and said too wordy. He then grab a new chart and wrote the following... Crush injury left thumb. Charting is short and sweet, get to the basics and only the basics. On your example is it necessary in your system to mention the pt was in bed and the rails were up? Also do your charts have separate areas for such things as your PE, if so why repeat it? Also in your example you never stated why the patient was seen in the hospital and what the outcome was. What you want to do is paint a short picture of who, how, what, & when. How would I write this up, like this. () indicate where I would use shorthand. C1 transfer St Bobs Ed to XYZ NH. 60 y/o M, S/P fall @ NH w/ C/C ® hip pain, (-) fx per ed. Pt A&OX3 in no acute distress, PE as noted above. V.S. B.P. 140/65, HR 65, EKG SR (without) ectopy, RR 16 U/L, SaO2 99% on room air. Non emergent transport with incident. VS signs can be placed in appropriate boxes if available also. This is just my example, your system may be different. Peace, Marty
  2. I have not been here much lately, and it has been forever and a day since I was in chat. I'm sorry to Admin and the other Mods for not doing my time in the chatroom. The last six months have been really busy with work, life and preparing for today, my first day of pre-req classes for my BSN. Yes I have fallen to the darkside. :twisted: The temptation of better career opportunities, a temperature controlled environment, and of course higher pay have broken me. So for the next year I am taking the courses I need to take and some I am taking because it has been a long time since I have taken college level courses. Can you say Algebra! My question is for the RN's on this site... Any classes you would take prior to entering a Nursing program beyond the usual chems, biologies, math, etc.? How challenging is it to go from Paramedic to Nurse mode? Any other advice you might have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks & Peace, Marty
  3. Since AK broke the whole lesbians and how men love watching them I'm betting if these two ever make a sex tape y'all will be first in line. Right behind me!!! Heartbreaker Peace, Marty
  4. Kumbaya, my Lord, kumbaya! Kumbaya, my Lord, kumbaya! Kumbaya, my Lord, kumbaya! O Lord, kumbaya! Someone’s laughing, Lord, kumbaya! Someone’s laughing, Lord, kumbaya! Someone’s laughing, Lord, kumbaya! O Lord, kumbaya! Someone’s crying, Lord, kumbaya! Someone’s crying, Lord, kumbaya! Someone’s crying, Lord, kumbaya! O Lord, kumbaya! Someone’s praying, Lord, kumbaya! Someone’s praying, Lord, kumbaya! Someone’s praying, Lord, kumbaya! O Lord, kumbaya! Someone’s singing, Lord, kumbaya! Someone’s singing, Lord, kumbaya! Someone’s singing, Lord, kumbaya! O Lord, kumbaya! Kumbaya, my Lord, kumbaya! Kumbaya, my Lord, kumbaya! Kumbaya, my Lord, kumbaya! O Lord, kumbaya! :roll: Peace, Marty
  5. I miss Bloom County. Opus was my hero!! Peace, Marty
  6. I do not have a problem with people being gay. I have had numerous gay and lesbian friends and both my uncle and sister are gay. My uncle's partner for 40 years developed Liver CA and I took care of him, I always considered him my uncle. Why is it such an issue? I blame much of it on the gay community. In the early days of the gay rights movement it was all about getting out there, letting people know that their friends and family are gay. Letting everyone know they are normal people, this was a wise and noble stand. Unfortunately this has changed to let's be outrageous as we can be. Have you ever been to a pride parade VS? I have gone numerous times with friends, they used to be about showing who they are, now they have turned into S&M and drag queen shows. The last one I went to had people juggling dildoes down the main streets of Portland. What kind of message does this send to the straight community? Do you see straight people wearing leather chaps and whipping each other? It is not acceptable yet I have seen this happen in pride parades. If you want peoples respect and acceptance you need to live within their norms. Straight people like kinky sex, really love it in fact. Yet do you see straight women walking down the street wearing strap-ons? No you don't, why because sex is between you and your lover, and most straight and gay people want it that way. It's unfortunate that a small segment of the gay community is still clinging to the idea that gay relationships are all about sex and sex is the face they are going to wear. That's the message they send when they engage in outrageous behavior in public. Oh, and to kill the "straight people do that stuff to" argument in the bud, are straight people who flaunt this behavior accepted anymore than gay people who do? No not really, that's why men getting caught getting BJ's from your local working girls are shown on TV. Society wants to keep sex in private as it should be, gay or straight. If gay people want acceptance they need to show the straight world that being gay is about monogamy and love, not bathhouses and glory holes. Peace, Marty I think our dog is gay, she only plays well with other girl dogs. Little pervert!!!
  7. Don't forget this classic from Bloom County... Peace, Marty
  8. Can we please drop the stereotypes A2L, I am sorry you have this attitude that all southerners are just simple minded hicks with a beer in one hand and their sister in the other. Do you really believe everyone from the south who has a carry license is an ignorant redneck? I am sure that some of the people who work for such redneck magnets as NASA & Boeing will be among those with concealed weapons at home. The fact is that ignorance and prejudice are everywhere, even in this very forum everytime you stereotype a large part of this country with your comments. The people of Texas who might carry guns are normal people, they live in the burbs and have normal jobs. They do not live in fear of anyone, they just want protection in case something terrible happens. To be honest I have been all over this country and by far the most paranoid people I have ever met are from major urban areas along the east coast. I have never seen such rude & paranoid people as I have seen in cities like New York and Boston. My wife and many of my friends are from the South, they are all good people and extremely intelligent. My wife still says Hi to strangers when she walks down the street even though that is very foreign to most west coasters. Please drop the Bubba stereotypes and I will not start with the New Yorker stereotype of an uptight businessman with a latte in one hand and a PDA with the number of a crack addicted transvestite in his favorites in the other. :wink: Peace, Marty
  9. Ummmm NO!!! Sorry AK you can't get married , in case you forgot me, we were married in Massachusetts two years ago. HELLLLOOO!!! Don't you remember Reverend Scooter married us under the Rainbow flag of Unity and Love. Obviously I need to go to Afghanistan and reclaim my man!!! Peace, Marty People really need to read the small print.
  10. Uh oh, it's the battle of the geezers!!! :roll: [align=center:3ee973614d]DUSTDEVIL VS MTNMANMEDIC[/align:3ee973614d] [align=center:3ee973614d]THE FREE FOR ALL FROM GERITOL!!![/align:3ee973614d] [align=center:3ee973614d]I want a clean fight, no hitting with your walkers and no pulling out each other foley's![/align:3ee973614d] [align=center:3ee973614d]OK back to your corners, take a hit off your inhaler and....[/align:3ee973614d] [align=center:3ee973614d]LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!![/align:3ee973614d] [align=center:3ee973614d] :headbang: :hello1: :happy1: :wav: [/align:3ee973614d] Peace, Marty
  11. Is it just my old eyes or are the Firefighters on the cliffside not even tied on?? :shock: Seems a little reckless if their not, you can't help your patient if your dead at the bottom of a shear drop. Peace, Marty
  12. Word!! Of course they have to get past me, my wife and our new super protective of kids Rot pictured to the left. God help them if the last two get a hold of them!! Peace, Marty
  13. Yeah I saw that, yet physical contact with a suspect is dangerous for the officers also. Once you are on the ground wrestling with a suspect the odds of you getting injured or getting your weapon stripped go way up. The professional and safe way to make an arrest is not to take someone down immediately who is following commands, this cowboy crap I've seen lately is what is giving Police officers a bad name. I know my father would agree, it used to drive him nuts when the local cops would drive by our house at high speeds (over double the posted)on their way to a call. He saw it as part of the "we're cops we can do what we want" mentality that is hurting the profession as a whole. Can you imagine being in your local grocery store and seeing four officers run in and tackle a shoplifting suspect? Of course not but the odds of a shoplifting suspect being armed are about the same as a kiddie freak or any other member of the public. I am not defending these suspects I just worry about what the general public is going to think and I guarantee that one of these suspects is going to sue for excessive use of force. Peace, Marty
  14. I'm sorry I didn't answer sooner I was outside burning my copy of Durbin's book and taking a shower!! I feel much cleaner now. Damnit!!! Next your going to tell me that James Taylor was a junkie or that Elton John is gay!!! Peace, Marty P.S. In regards to Rid's point do you think NBC or PJ will ever do a story on older women trying to hook up with young boys??? Don't hold your breath. :roll: P.S.S. Is it just me or are the testestosterone levels a little jacked up on the part of the Police Departments involved in these shows? I think tackling kiddie pervs to the ground is a little overkill, keep in mind this is coming from a guy who grew up in a cop family. "Quick act tough the cameras are on!!!!" Probably officers who grew up stroking themselves to Cops everynight! :twisted:
  15. Jenn, your family is in my prayers. I lost my father to prostate cancer that metastasized to his kidneys in 2005 so I can understand what you are going through. If you would like to talk about my experiences please feel free to E-Mail me, I would rather not post personal experiences on an open forum. I agree that you contact Hospice, they will help you and your family through this. I have never met such compassionate and wonderful people as there are in hospice. Peace, Marty
  16. Boondock Saints, the scene with the cat. I missed it the first four or five times I watched the movie because I was laughing to hard, right towards the end of the scene.... Rocco: Is it dead? Once again you have to see the movie to get it, but damn funny. Peace, Marty Oh and another great line Rocco: I killed your cat you druggy bitch!! Druggy bitch: Why? Rocco: I felt it would bring closure to our relationship!! ROCCO FOR PRESIDENT 2008
  17. A little reality check... #1. The attacks on the WTC had been in the works for years, long before the 2000 election. If you really believe that Atta and his boys would have called off the attacks if Gore had won you are seriously stroking yourself. Remember the attacks on the African Embassies and the USS Cole, all under the Clinton administration. Al Queda hates the U.S. it does not matter which party (read puppet) is in power. #2. Katrina happened because a tropical low hit a jetstream high or some kind of weather crap like that. The hurricane really didn't much care about smaller government, it was just doing its job. The crappy response was because we have and always have had complete and utter morons in our government. Having lived through the only volcanic eruption in the lower 48 I can tell you more people would be alive today if the Pols would have listened to the geologists and made the "Red Zone" larger. Just like the idiots in New orleans they were more worried about image than listening to the experts, 57 people died, if the eruption would have been on a Monday the toll would have been in the hundreds. Politicians are the most self centered creatures on the planet no matter what party they belong to. #3. Windows on the World was overpriced food with a view, I'd rather have a Nathan's Dog with Kraut! :wink: Yeah I know I'm a cheap date. Peace, Marty
  18. MMMMM the 50's! June Cleaver would be proud. :roll: Peace, Marty
  19. Not a good year for Clark County EMS, we've already had 1 Medic fired from AMR for kiddy sex crimes and now this. No wonder Dr. Wittwer hasn't answered my E-mail, he's probably busy pulling his hair out. :? Peace, Marty
  20. Wow VS nice artwork, please don't quit your day job. :wink: I hate to sound juvenile but am I the only one that thinks the LMA looks like some kind of Japanese sex toy? Seriously would you want that thing rammed down your throat? I find it interesting that we are always inventing new airways to put in the hands of under educated personnel. Let's be honest this isn't about better patient care it's about money, Basics are a lot cheaper than Paramedics and FD's can whip out a class of Basics in a few weeks. When it comes to EMS the US is always looking for a cheaper way to provide ALS care, this is part of the reason we are becoming the backwoods of EMS. Oh VS, I talked to Jesus and he says this is the dumbest f*cking idea he has heard since Ecce Homo! Peace, Marty
  21. According to the state website a course is going to start on 1-20-07, one day a week (Sat) thru 5-21-07 at Indian Capital Tech in Stillwell. Might be another option for ya. OK EMS Peace, Marty
  22. Yeah those were great if your partner actually noticed them, it was just easier to say something than wait for them to notice the pretty red light. :roll:
  23. Ummm I agree with ya Dwayne "Code" has always meant no pulse/respirations to me. The only thing I can think of is that some people refer to lights and sirens as a code. :dontknow: Peace, Marty
  24. This one is not made up to be cute, its real. A little backstory, I was living in sin with my girlfriend at the time who had two children. She was going to be a Maid of Honor for a wedding and was putting on a Bachellorette (sp?) party for the Bride. At the same time her two year old came down with a case of the flu. So my GF asks me to stop by Walgreens and pick up a few choice items for the Party and something for her sick kiddo, so this is what I take up to the cashier... 2 boxes "Magnum" condoms. 2 boxes normal size condoms. 2 big tubes of KY Jelly & a package of Childrens Tylenol! There were two rather long lines of people at the cashier and I was getting some pretty disgusted looks so I found myself explaining why I was buying what I was buying to complete strangers. :roll: Peace, Marty
  25. It was Dust wasn't it? Was he using his uniform to sneak into a local teahouse? Seriously though, very bad form on the part of the City member who is using his position to illegally buy alcohol. I agree with what the others said, if you get caught your career is going to take a big hit. As far as abuse goes let me tell a little story. When I worked in Tulsa we had several area restaurants that would give free food to EMS, Fire and Police. During an OT shift with a part-time Para we were posted close to one of these fast food joints so I decided to grab some chow while we could. As we pulled in I asked my partner if she was hungry and she said no. So I hope out, walk up to one of the speakers (It was a Sonic) and place my order, my partner then pops out of the unit and orders food. I asked if she had changed her mind and she said no, she was just getting it to take home to her son after the shift. :shock: To me this was wrong and being the Senior Para on that truck I cancelled our orders and then explained to her how not cool that was. It really ruffled her feathers but I did not care. The franchise owner has made the decision to provide crews with food when they are on shift, not to feed their families. This decision costs him money and I was sickened that someone would abuse it. When I related this story to my usual partner he informed me there were employees who would go to some of these restaurants off duty in uniform to get free food. Just goes to show there are a never ending supply of assholes in EMS. Peace, Marty
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