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Everything posted by Scaramedic

  1. First off please use paragraphs and proper grammar. Failure to do so makes your opinion very hard to read and many of your points will be lost in translation. Also capitalize the first words in each sentence and 'ur' is not a word. Now onto the points you covered. Every Paramedic on this site does accident reconstruction in some form or another. This is how we convey to the Doctors what happened on scene. In the photo above I see a truck parked on the side of the road. The vehicle is parked off the road, to the right of the white line by at least two feet. The only way the accident could have happened is the driver of the unit crossed the white line and struck a parked vehicle. Now whether or not this is because he was distracted or not does not matter. It is the drivers fault this MVC happened. The injuries the driver sustained do not absolve him of his role in the accident. It does not matter he was driving an ambulance either. I cut no slack for EMS personnel involved in MVC's. In fact I expect a higher level of diligence from an EMS driver. EMS personnel are trained to drive vehicles and are responsible not only for their partners safety but the safety of the patients they transport. I will not hold my opinions based on personal feelings or pressure from a vocal minority because those involved are part of the same business I am in. The driver screwed up, it is his to live with this failure and the permanent injury of his partner.
  2. Tow truck drivers? If this creates more CISD or group hugs crap I am going to have find a tower and take out some PTSD ala Charles Whitman.:evil:
  3. I agree Dwayne, you did nothing out of line here. If one chooses to use a forum like this to advertise their product then they also risk getting ripped if the product fails to live up to the expectations of the buyer. It's a double edge sword. One of these days I am going to order one of those snazzy O2 wrenches from NYC. I always carry an extra wrench in my jump kit. I believe the one I currently carry is from the Civil war so it's time for an update. If I order it and it turns out yo be crap (which I doubt it will, this is just an illustration) then I am going to call him on it the very forum I heard about it on. Wendy, I am sorry I do not understand your 'sharing space' comment. If I am working with someone who is selling a product and it is not what I expected and I feel ripped off. It is my duty to my co-workers to let them know the insufficiencies of the product. It is called being an informed buyer. It is only fair to let others know of the problems with the product. On the reverse side this gives the seller the opportunity to learn of customer dissatisfaction and make changes to address the issues. The onus is on the seller of the product to fix the issue. It is not the buyer who should just suck it up and keep quiet. EMS solutions, it sounds like you have a few issues to work out. It would be best to go back to the drawing board and fix some of those issues. Especially the shortcut issue. This is the age of Windows not DOS, the user should not have to look for .exe files. Finally I LIKE VISTA. Maybe I am the only one in the world who does but I have only ran across a couple of incompatibility issues.
  4. This is just plain stupid. How are you going to load if your on the side of a highway. Park the unit eight feet onto the highway to do avoid a guardrail? Put the patient in from the other side and place them eight feet onto the highway? Also if your sitting on the back side, the normal position to face a patient in the left lateral recumbent idea, and get rear ended hard your toast. You would be sitting with your back an area that tends to crush like a beer can. They mention frontal impacts multiple times, apparently they fail to realize that an ambulance is more likely going to take a rear hit when parked on the side of a highway. Finally what forces are going to effect the patient. Now when the vehicle is slowing down the patient feels the pressure pushing them into the cot towards the head. In this vehicle the patient is going to be feeling lateral pressure. If you think boarded patients are paranoid now about falling off imagine them lying sideways. I put this up there with the fire truck/ambulance, thought up but never thought out.
  5. Quick and simple. We have a positive political relationship with the Vietnamese government, the Paris Peace accord recognized the independence of the Vietnam Republic. We withdrew our troops and the North took the South. In 1986 the Communist Party moved towards a free trade program. We now not only trade freely with Vietnam we even have an Embassy in Hanoi. Cuba and the U.S. have no political relationship. We still have an embargo against doing business with Cuba and have no embassy there.
  6. The State of Florida EMS has that school listed on it's website as approved for CME. When I had to re-new my NREMT-P I went out of state and NREMT had no problems with it as long as the school was approved by the state the course was in and that the course met the NREMT Refresher rquirments. I would verify with the school what is going to be covered and I would also verify with NREMT they will accept it. Make sure and get names and departments of anyone you talk to at NREMT, it seems like everyone has a different answer.
  7. Submitted for your consideration.
  8. It does show the 70's Galactica and a Cylon Base Star, look just above the Star Trek Space station. As far as the fighters I think they were to small if you want to keep it to scale. Your right they do look alot like the old Vipers. The difference is they are more realistic, instead of turning in space with no gravity (fake) they have thrusters around them that make them turn. Making for some really cool flying scenes, Lee Adama at the refinery anyone?
  9. New Galactica New Viper New Cylon Raider New Centurion Old Centurion
  10. There is no doubt there were Irish before the Civil War. But the fact is the greatest immigrations to the U.S. came after the Civil War. Almost every ethnic group grew exponentially at the latter part of the 19th to the early part of the twentieth century.
  11. I would think as an RN you would be better educated than to make a blanket statement like that. But then again I notice that all 3 of your posts were within 8 minutes of each other so Welcome to chat. The basic fact is you are all arguing over something you will NEVER have any control over. You might as well argue over super string theory. The AIDS Lobby, The Mental Illness Lobby, etc, have made it so it impossible for employers to screen for this stuff. We are at the bottom of the food chain here people, the real decisions are being made by highly overpaid public servants wining and dining with the lobbyist crowd. We have CNA's working in nursing homes who do not speak English do you really think that nursing home cares if their HIV positive?
  12. A couple of important points. #1. If you actually go to the KATU link supplied at the top of the OP's post you will see this. "Story Updated: Aug 20, 2006 at 10:07 PM PDT" #2. If you go to the ODF website you'll find this... So basically we're are arguing over a two year old bullshit story that has been spread around the internet. Kaisu I never meant to say you were liberal. I said drop the liberal history book. Too many history books today teach that if your skin was black you were the only oppressed group in history. Not a slam on you.
  13. Amen. Personally I love the 'Eco-Friendly' mansions they build where they only had to cut down 20 acres of timber too get a view of the river.
  14. You might want to drop the liberal history book there Kaisu. Mediccjh is from an Irish background. During a large portion of American history the only people hated more than blacks were the Irish. You ever heard the term 'beat you like a redheaded stepchild' or the term 'paddy wagon' both Irish slurs that are still used today. P.S. Most Irish came after the end of slavery.
  15. Once again do you see why I hate crossing the border into Oregon!!
  16. Umm because those are geezer ships nobody cares about! Actually I loved Space 1999!
  17. Yes but if ones compares ship sizes from this handy chart. You can see that the Galactic Empires Executor class star ships were the largest ships in space history. Easily capable of taking out anything in the Star Trek, Babylon 5, or the Farspace universe. Well anything but a single rebel fighter, you would think the Empire would have figured that out by part six. :roll:
  18. Here's my two cents. AMR West coast good company. AMR Midwest good Company. AMR East coast absolute shit. The first two I can say because I have worked for them in those areas. The last one because that is all I hear is how shitty it is on the East side. Hah, spell check doesn't accept defibrillate but it it accepts shitty.
  19. The next whacker toy? Light Bar, check. Jump Kit, Check. 12 lead Palm Pilot, Check.
  20. Continue with BLS (BVM/Chest Compressions) and call medical control. In my system odds are you are going to transport C3 w/ BLS procedures and let the hospital Docs, Lawyers and Ethics people figure it out. I had the same situation with an adult female terminal from ovarian cancer. Family wanted no resuscitation, husband wanted her worked. He actually tore up the DNR in front of me. I elected BLS only and transported to the hospital. ER Doc and our Med control Doc stood behind my decision.
  21. Ahhh that's better.
  22. I think I just heard Harold Schaitberger gasp in shock and pain!
  23. So here's the question. Is this the beginning of the end of marriage... ...she is a Japanese receptionist robot. Not bad in my opinion. So in five or ten years I can foresee some pretty hot robots out there. So my real question, and this is going to piss off the ladies, as robots become more realistic (think Bladerunner) do you think marriages will decrease and robot ownership increase? Imagine a Jessica Alba, or a Salma Hayek model. :wink: Ladies would you rather have a slovenly husband or a man-bot? Me I am waiting for the Buffy-bot model and my wife is out the door. JK. P.S. In reality the ethical questions on this are endless.
  24. Ya think? Nahh not here!!
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