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Everything posted by Scaramedic
[align=center:a4ccd3c9ae]Robot[/align:a4ccd3c9ae] [align=center:a4ccd3c9ae]You are 85% Rational, 28% Extroverted, 0% Brutal, and 42% Arrogant. [/align:a4ccd3c9ae] You are the Robot! You are characterized by your rationality. In fact, this is really ALL you are characterized by. Like a cold, heartless machine, you are so logical and unemotional that you scarcely seem human. For instance, you are very humble and don't bother thinking of your own interests, you are very gentle and lack emotion, and you are also very introverted and introspective. You may have noticed that these traits are just as applicable to your laptop as they are to a human being. You are not like the robots they show in the movies. Movie robots are make-believe, because they always get all personable and likeable after being struck by lightning, or they are cold, cruel killing machines. In all reality, though, you are much more boring than all that. Real robots just sit there, doing their stupid jobs, and doing little else. If you get struck by lightning, you won't develop a winning personality and heart of gold. (Robots don't have hearts, silly, and if they did, they would probably be made of steel, not gold.) You also won't be likely to terrorize humanity by becoming an ultra-violent killing machine sent into the past to kill the mother of a child who will lead a rebellion against machines, because that movie was dumb as hell, and because real robots don't kill--they horribly maim at best, and they don't even do that on purpose. Real robots are boringly kind and all too rarely try to kill people. In all my years, my laptop has only attacked me once, and that was only because my brother threw it at me. In short, your personality defect is that you don't really HAVE a personality. You are one of those annoying, super-logical people that never gets upset or flustered. Unless, of course, you short circuit. Or if someone throws a pie at you. Pies sure are delicious. To put it less negatively: 1. You are more RATIONAL than intuitive. 2. You are more INTROVERTED than extroverted. 3. You are more GENTLE than brutal. 4. You are more HUMBLE than arrogant. Compatibility: Your exact opposite is the Class Clown. Other personalities you would probably get along with are the Hand-Raiser, the Emo Kid, and the Haughty Intellectual. Woohhoo I'm Gort... Klaatu barada nikto! Peace, Marty :hal
This week's game of "What's Wrong With This Picture?
Scaramedic replied to JPINFV's topic in General EMS Discussion
OK, it's time for Scaramedic's bullet points again... 1. Jmac, in defense of my flippant response, the post when I read it initially said nothing about a terrorism incident or I failed to read it all. Either way I would not have made the comments if I knew the situation. Not only because it was a terrorist incident but because I honestly thought it was a pic from a drill. Notice that the patient is undamaged as far as we can see. Flip flops still on, clothes intact, no blood and no burns. It is impossible to see any kind of injuries in the pic, so I just assumed it was a drill. Once again no offense or belittling intended. 2. The Trendelenburg Position, I came to the conclusion that it made no sense long before many of the people on this forum where out of Elementary School. I place it right up there with MAST trousers as a good intention that really did not work. If you believe it works I suggest you further your education in A&P and the mechanisms of shock. 3. Jmac's spelling, before anybody starts ripping on Jmac for his spelling errors consider this. Many of my college professors were from the Republic or from Northern Ireland. Something about the Northwest attracts ex-pats from the Emerald Isle. The education system there is far better than ours. I had a philosophy prof who nicely point out at what "grade" he learned things that we Americans in the class had never heard of. I am willing to give Jmac the benefit of the doubt that he didn't care about spelling errors rather than he is "uneducated." 4. As far as terrorism in the USA, Jmac is right. Americans have not felt the effects of full on terrorism yet. In our lifetime we have had three major terrorist attacks on American soil, 1993 New York WTC, 1995 OK City Murrah Federal Building and the attacks of September 11th. As horrible as these attacks were they were very isolated. Imagine a country were bombs are going off on a weekly basis all across the country, bombs going off in bars, theaters or shopping centers. This the reality for people living in places like Turkey, Israel, India and in the past Ireland and the UK. Only four cities have been affected in all the modern terrorism attacks in the states. Al Queda so far has been all about the large scale attacks in the US and abroad. If they ever change their tactics then we are in a world of hurt. The FBI says there are potentially thousands of terrorists in sleeper cells all across America. When 30 terrorists strap themselves with bomb vests, go to 30 theaters in 30 separate cities across the country, then America will understand terrorism. That is a day I hope never happens but many experts say it is a matter of when not a matter of if. I myself now live in a part of the country that is 2000 miles away from the nearest terror attack. The attitude for many here is that terrorism "will not happen here" and it's an "East Coast thing." Don't believe me? Portland, Oregon has refused to cooperate with a Federal Anti-Terrorism Task Force. The city council is afraid of offending members of the Muslim community even though seven people were arrested here for planning attacks on Synagogues in the Portland area. Thankfully as of right now we feel safe, that can change very quickly and I agree with Jmac that after that day our attitudes will change. Let the flaming begin... :violent3: Peace, Marty :joker: -
This week's game of "What's Wrong With This Picture?
Scaramedic replied to JPINFV's topic in General EMS Discussion
The totally cool pants that say EMT on them?? :roll: Peace, Marty :glasses2: -
What do you call your ambulance??
Scaramedic replied to Scaramedic's topic in General EMS Discussion
Shoot, I knew I forgot one. Hey admin any chance we can add Rig to that poll? Peace, Marty #-o -
After perusing the boards I noticed that everyone has a different phrase for ambulance. Some call it a bus, others a unit and still others a truck. So since the weather is bad here I decided to create a new poll question. What do you call the vehicle you ride in, you know the one with lights and sirens. Besides answering the poll, give us an idea where in the country your at, so we can all see if it is a regional or personal preference. Peace, Marty
What do you mean fake stripper name?? My real stripper persona is Zorro, the Bandit of Love. Peace, Marty :joker:
My God, I can imagine the sounds in the Midol aisle of the store... "Leave me alone" You hate me" "I'm so fat" "I hate you" You don't know what its like" "What are you looking at?" "No were not watching Football!!!" "are you sleeping with your partner?" "these cramps are killing me!" Of course they're all intermingled with inarticulate screams and crying. Peace, Marty :joker:
AMR and Piners vote to strike in northern California
Scaramedic replied to hugopreuss's topic in General EMS Discussion
I think its official Dust, you've been in Iraq to long. Whats wrong tired of seeing all your females in black shawls or desert camo and BCG's? Peace & be safe. Marty :joker: -
Interested in career change/possible part-time - questions!
Scaramedic replied to Jmacot's topic in General EMS Discussion
I feel better my school was on both lists. 8) +5, Good resource Dust for those thinking about Para school. :thumbleft: Peace, Marty :joker: -
Hold your head up guy, a lot of people bomb the first time. Study a little harder, maybe review some of the literature available and you should do fine the next time around. Peace, Marty :joker:
Oh I am definitely intolerant, it has nothing to do with race, gender, sexual orientation, etc, though. I hate stupid people! White, black, purple, orange, gay, straight I don't care, but stupidity gets no love from me. If you call 911 and I have to respond because you think the orgasm you just had is going to cause a miscarriage you are a moron. Real call by the way. As far as anything else I do not see any of that stuff, I see a patient who needs to be treated for whatever malady they have. I see Chest Pain, GSW, or a seizure nothing else. Peace, Marty :joker:
The deepest definition of youth is life as yet untouched by tragedy. [align=center:6ed80b1238] Alfred North Whitehead (1861 - 1947) [/align:6ed80b1238] Peace, Marty :joker:
This is incredibly messed up....check this out?
Scaramedic replied to PRPGfirerescuetech's topic in General EMS Discussion
Your wish is my command. -
Does this mean he was sending her home? Correct me if I'm wrong but you don't send femur fractures home. So did she have a femur fracture or not? If she did not I would seriously question your diagnostic abilities. Also if no femur fracture then the sager was a bit of overkill was it not? Please answer these questions before I can tell if you were out of line or not. Peace, Marty :joker:
What scares me is how much his car looks like an undercover police vehicle. Forget dingy vans and tasty candy now we psychos with pseudo cop cars and guns. :shock: Peace, Marty :joker:
This is incredibly messed up....check this out?
Scaramedic replied to PRPGfirerescuetech's topic in General EMS Discussion
Your insane! Nice hat though. Peace, Marty :joker: -
Nursing Homes - Your general experience?
Scaramedic replied to vs-eh?'s topic in General EMS Discussion
You cannot generalize all Nursing Homes as bad anymore than you can generalize all ED's as being bad. In my career I have seen horrible nursing homes I would not take my dog to die. I have also seen ED's that had staffs I wouldn't take my dog to after he died. I have found some great patient care in nursing homes, I have found caring staff that did know their patients. And yes, I have seen horrible care and ignorant staff. That list of excuses is amazing VS, its the same excuses I have heard in NH's across in this country. It is human nature to remember the worst of things, and we tend to focus on the bad NH's. As far as bad reports from staff I have gotten those off the floor of some well known hospitals. When we talk about good or bad NH's what we are really talking about is staff, and that comes down people. Every occupation has its good and bad, don't believe just look around you at work, or for some look in the mirror. :wink: In closing please keep in mind that due the costs of longtime health care and the greed of a lot of owners NH's are often dangerously understaffed. So try to be patient with the staff that tries to deal with impossible situations. Oh and keep in mind that with the over 65 crowd getting larger everyday its going to get worse. Peace, Marty :joker: -
...Rant continues. Your arrogance is astounding. Unless you have M.D., F.A.C.C. behind your name and work at the Mayo clinic your arrogance is unfounded. To debate the rhythm presented is really futile. For starters it's only in one lead, and its not a very good tracing at that. If you believe that you can adequately interpret a rhythm in one lead you are misguided. There is a reason we have so many leads to look at the heart. We look at different leads to garner info from various aspects of the heart. What you see in one lead might steer you in the wrong direction, that is why you look for info in another lead. You have the typical monitor tech attitude, I can diagnose anything from leads I, II, and III. You say your well educated, written and read, yet you are a monitor tech. Hmmm interesting, doesn't monitor tech require like a sixteen hour basic EKG class? It seems to me that Nursing and Paramedicine have a little bit higher standards. Also do not come into this forum looking for fights, we tire of that crap really quick. Dust has made his bones on this forum, he is respected and his views are appreciated. You on the other hand are a troll, so please find a spot under someone else's bridge to hide. Peace, Marty :joker:
No, keep in mind I said forget the whole is there a god debate. I am talking pure life experience, I could care less whether or not you find god. Look at my earlier post on this thread, faith is a personal issue. I am simply saying you have not been tested enough to find your own inner strength, when you are truly tested you will understand. Hell I just was tested last year, when my the best friend I ever had died, my father. Life does not have one big final test, its a whole shitload of pop quizzes. You never see them coming but that's when you are going to find out who you really are. I was just responding to the "these are my beliefs and they will never change" attitude in your post. See that's what I am talking about. A Real community does not care about your beliefs. A real community accepts you for who you are. In a true community you do not have to "conform" to any ones ideal. That is the problem with the communities we grew up in, we believe we have to follow the community rules. Guess what, we don't. Real community is a mixture of ideas and beliefs, racists next to minority, Jew next to Christian, Muslim next to Atheist. That is community, not a bunch of closed minded people spouting their beliefs to everyone around them and shunning those that disagree. This goes for right and left wing communities, you need to find somewhere in the middle. I seriously doubt you can find a truely middle of the road community in the bay area. OK, I am going to ignore that "a lot" older comment! Peace, Marty :joker:
I have had pts who have looked good and were in confirmed V-tach with a long history of episodes of V-tach also. Are they picture perfect like you described? No not really, looked good yes, but RR was increased and they were extremely weak. Non ambulatory on arrival, been walking around the fairgrounds sudden onset weakness and that good ole fluttering feeling in their chest kind of thing. I believe for some the body can compensate temporarily for the decrease in cardiac function, but your right for the most part they are catching the train to V-fib. If you were thinking SVT did you consider vagal maneuvers? That might have slowed the rate down long enough to see that A-flutter. On a side note, I am going to assume you do not have 12-lead capability, whats wrong FDNY spend too much money on those snazzy new boots to go with your PPE gear? Peace, Marty :joker: P.S. Good job on the IV, I personally hate sticking junkies. =D>
I'm sorry that whole "cynical" thing just made me laugh. Newsflash your 18 years old, you do not have the necessary life experience to call your self cynical. Forget the whole debate about is there a God, you need to put some mileage on your tires before you dare to judge others. I am sorry if this seems insulting but damn, you are living in a microcosm of this country and are under the belief you understand everything. You remind me of someone, who was it? Oh wait it was me, I also grew up in a very liberal, very wealthy and very closed minded community. Yep I said closed minded because super liberals are just as closed minded as your most hardcore right wing TV preacher. It is obvious you are still living under the umbrella of your parents . Why do I say this? Why would anyone have to illegally download or buy the DVD's of South Park? South Park is on every night on multiple stations, so I am guessing your parents do not allow you to watch it or they have all those channels locked out of your TV. Or maybe you don't have television instead you just sit around reading books from Al Gore or Cindy Sheehan. My point is you are in a very controlled environment, what you see, hear and just plain experience has not challenged you to think beyond your own doorstep. Finding your own strength at your age is easy, you haven't been challenged yet. Take this advice from someone who thought just like you (sigh) 20 years ago. You don't live in a community you live in an agenda, just like I grew up in. Do yourself a favor, move away. Live life outside of the bay area, then and only then can you truly understand what community and life is all about. Peace, Marty :joker: P.S. Have some fun, print off what you posted above. Save it and in twenty years read it again, I guarentee you'll get a good laugh out of it.
Ummm, I see the censor software is working well. :roll: Sad case, I agree its insane this kind of stuff happens. Coming from a family of cops I have a feeling this idiot is going to hang himself in his cell. Its funny how that happens so many times with cop killers. Peace, Marty :joker:
If the car and complete whackerdom is not enough for you, continue thru the thread to the picture where he shows off his guns. :shock: Not only is he a whacker he's a psycho to boot. Peace, Marty :joker: P.S. Ya gotta love the lead pipe look holding up his laptop.
Just out of morbid curiousity I looked up GAAS and found this on their website... [align=center:6b4f3d8ca2]Mention This Web Site to Receive $5.00 Off Para Transit Services[/align:6b4f3d8ca2] What the hell? "OK mom they're going to take you to the hospital, oh yeah and mention their website for five dollars off." Peace, Marty :joker: