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Everything posted by Scaramedic

  1. Venture capital?? We're paramedics Ruff, the only venture capital I have is to buy the premium style of Top Ramen noodles! Seriously though, the hospital I used to work in developed the idea for the new "Pelvic sling" that is now hitting the market. They used SAM Medical products to market it. Just an idea for an investor, I have no connections to them. SAM Medical Products Peace, Marty :joker:
  2. Your point is???? :dontknow: Well that post deserves some recognition...:thumbleft: Congrats and Welcome to the City! Peace, Marty :joker:
  3. :stop: Everyone calm down, luckily I speak Kentuckian. I believe he was trying to say.. "Would training in Fire & Rescue be considered positive in regards to a lad getting a job with Rural Metro? I currently have 140 hours of Fire & Rescue training obtained through matriculation at various learning academies. I would also like to give my personal regards to all of the posters who were kind enough to post answers to my earlier query. One last question Lads, what if I wanted to transfer within the Rural Metro Cooperation to another location, would that be possible?" Peace, Marty :joker:
  4. [align=center:10a261db92]Brown-Sequard Syndrome [/align:10a261db92] Pathophysiology: The pathophysiology of Brown-Séquard syndrome is damage or loss of ascending and descending spinal cord tracts on one side of the spinal cord. Spinal cord anatomy accounts for the clinical presentation. The motor fibers of the corticospinal tracts cross at the junction of the medulla and spinal cord. The ascending dorsal column carrying sensation of vibration and position runs ipsilateral to the roots of entry and crosses above the spinal cord in the medulla. The spinothalamic tracts convey sensations of pain, temperature, and crude touch from the contralateral side of the body. At the site of spinal cord injury (SCI), nerve roots and/or anterior horn cells also may be affected. The structural and ultrastructural changes that occur in the cord have been studied in animals and postmortem human subjects. Scattered petechial hemorrhages develop in the gray matter and enlarge and coalesce by 1 hour postinjury. Subsequent development of hemorrhagic necrosis occurs within 24-36 hours. White matter shows petechial hemorrhage at 3-4 hours. Myelinated fibers and long tracts show extensive structural damage. Frequency: In the US: The true incidence of Brown-Séquard syndrome is not known. No national database exists to record all spinal cord syndromes resulting from both traumatic and nontraumatic etiologies. The incidence of traumatic SCIs in the United States is estimated at 11,000 new cases per year, with Brown-Séquard syndrome accounting for 2-4% of the traumatic injuries. Prevalence of all SCIs in the United States is estimated to be approximately 247,000 persons. Internationally: International incidence is unknown. Mortality/Morbidity: Acute mortality rates are measured for all traumatic SCIs without differentiation according to level or completeness. The mortality rate is 5.7% during the initial hospitalization if no surgery is performed and 2.7% if surgical intervention is performed. Mortality prior to hospitalization is not known but has decreased with the advancement of emergency medical services. Long-term mortality has been studied extensively for complete and incomplete spinal cord lesions based on age at injury and neurologic level. Statistics on mortality ratios, life expectancy, and the underlying and secondary causes of death are available from the National Model Systems Database. Morbidity following any SCI, regardless of etiology, is related to common secondary medical complications. The most prevalent complication is a pressure ulcer, followed by pneumonia, urinary tract infection, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolus, and postoperative infection. Race: The SCI database indicates that 70.1% of cases of Brown-Sequard syndrome occur in the white population, 19.6% occur in the African American population, 1.2% occur in the Asian population, 1.3% occur in the American Indian population, and 7.8% occur in other races. Sex: Various demographic studies have consistently shown a greater frequency of SCI in males as compared to females. This finding primarily reflects traumatic injury data and may not be reflective of frequency of nontraumatic etiologies. Age: Population-based studies reveal SCI primarily occurs in those aged 16-30 years, but the mean age has increased over the past 30 years. If other etiologies of Brown-Séquard syndrome were considered, mean age would increase further. History: Clinical history often is reflective of the etiology of Brown-Séquard syndrome. Onset of symptoms may be acute or gradually progressive. Complaints are related to hemiparesis or hemiparalysis and sensory changes, paraesthesias, or dysesthesias in the contralateral limb(s). Isolated weakness or sensory changes may be reported. Physical: Diagnosis and identification of Brown-Séquard syndrome is based on physical examination findings. In clinical practice, the pure classic syndrome is rarely seen. Motor examination reveals spastic weakness or paralysis with upper motor neuron signs of increased tone, hyperreflexia, clonus, and a Hoffmann sign on one side of the body. Motor strength of key muscles representing cervical and lumbar spinal root levels should be graded on the standard 0-5 scale. Special care must be taken to test in positions with gravity eliminated and against gravity. The sensory examination is notable for contralateral decreased sensation to light touch and hot or cold. Sensory function should be recorded in representative dermatomes from C2-S4/5 for absent, impaired, or normal sensation to light touch and a pinprick. The findings then can be classified according to the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) standard neurological classification of SCI. The neurological level is defined as the most caudal segment with normal function. Complete or incomplete assessment is based on sensory or motor function in S4-S5. The ASIA impairment scale reflects the degree of incomplete injury based on motor and sensory function below the neurological level (see Images 1-2 ). Causes: Brown-Séquard syndrome can be caused by any mechanism resulting in damage to one side of the spinal cord. Multiple causes of Brown-Séquard syndrome have been described in the literature. The most common cause remains traumatic injury, often a penetrating mechanism such as a stab or gunshot wound or a unilateral facet fracture and dislocation due to a motor vehicle accident or fall. Traumatic injury also may be a result of blunt trauma. Numerous nontraumatic causes have also been reported, including tumor (primary or metastatic), multiple sclerosis, disk herniation, herniation of the spinal cord through a dural defect, epidural hematoma, vertebral artery dissection, transverse myelitis, radiation, type II decompression sickness, intravenous drug use, and tuberculosis. Poiseuille's Law...
  5. As a matter of fact I do Whit. Jennifer Lopez? Yuck, she had sex with Ben Affleck!!! I am not batting after the likes of Affleck!!! :puke: Peace, Marty :joker:
  6. Put me down for 1 tickle please. Peace, Marty :joker:
  7. Peace, Marty :joker:
  8. You should harbor no guilt on this one JB, you did right by your partner. Like everyone else said he was already walking down that road, probably before you knew him. You can only do what you think is right, and you did that. the rest was up to him. On a recent trip back to Oklahoma I found out that an old partner of mine had died secondary to an OD the day before I arrived. I couldn't bring myself to go to her funeral, I wanted to but I just couldn't. I felt guilty that maybe if I would have stayed in contact with her I could have helped her. Then I realized that we all make decisions in life and in the end it was her choice not mine. Though I will always feel bad things ended like that for her. Peace, Marty :joker:
  9. Who made that decision? I always treated both Pre-Eclampsia and Eclampsia as an emergency, i.e. lights and sirens to the hospital for the definitive care the pt. needed. In this case the definitive care was 100 miles away, yet you have stated it was not a "true emergency." I disagree and it seems all the posters so far also disagree. So I have this question is for our flight medics, would you consider this a flyable case? Peace, Marty :joker:
  10. NIMS courses I have taken... IS-00100 Intro to ICS IS-00200 ICS for Single Resource and IAP IS-00700 NIMS an Intro IS-00800 National Response Plan IS-00003 Radiological Emergency Management (We're near a nuke plant) So what have I learned? The government loves abbreviations, FCO, FPO, ICS. etc. Do not use 10 codes Radiation is bad! Very Bad!! The government knows what its doing, just ignore that whole Katrina thing. Peace, Marty :joker:
  11. Yeah right, next thing you'll try to tell is there no such thing as 250ft of flight line. Peace, Marty :joker:
  12. Did someone get called to the principal's office? Peace, Marty :roll:
  13. Especially with a transport of a 100 miles? Peace, Marty :joker:
  14. Serenity "First wash all cars...then wax..remember deal..no questions. Wax on, right hand..wax off left hand..breathe in through nose...out of mouth...don't forget to breathe...very important." Peace, Marty :joker:
  15. Go for it Doc, I found it the other day on an old floppy disk. I have no idea where it came from. Peace, Marty :joker:
  16. Boy doc if she didn't like your avatar, she's really going to hate my sig. Peace, Marty :joker: P.S. Lighten up Pat. :wink:
  17. I am assuming there was an ass kicking on general principles here? Peace, Marty :joker:
  18. From Wikipedia... Grey Turner's sign Peace, Marty :joker:
  19. Office Space a true classic. Heres another for y'all... Yeah, but when the Pirates of the Carribean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists Peace, Marty :joker:
  20. Since its hot as hades in most of the country and a lot of us our hiding indoors I though this might be a fun way to pass the time. The rules are simple name the movie the quote is from and leave your own movie quote for the next poster. Any debates regarding what movie the quote is from can be settled here. The Movie Quotes Site I'll start us out with one of my favorite movies.. "He didn't disappear, he was skinned alive! And my orders were to get someone in who could crack these bastards! So you cooked up a story and dropped the six of us into a meat grinder." Peace, Marty :joker:
  21. What do you think they make the Fillet-O-Fish sandwiches out of? :puke: Peace, Marty
  22. I agree with what others have said, this is an excellent discussion. It's refreshing to see the understanding of the various aspects of an MI. Anterior, Inferior, 12 lead, 15 lead, these are all terms that we did not use in the field when I started out. We had 3 leads, 4 if you counted MCL1, and we spent most of our time on lead II. There wasn't a definitive way to know exactly where the MI was and treatment was straightforward, 02, NTG and MS. This thread shows just how far Paramedics and EMS have come in the treatment of AMI. Thanks to everyone for such informative and well thought out posts. Rid, you are THE MAN!! :notworthy: I think we should get CME credit for reading your posts. Peace, Marty :joker:
  23. Wow! Here's a little more info I managed to find that might shed some light on this. First some pictures... Not exactly dream conditions to work in. Excerpts from a more detailed story from NPR... Excerpts from Boston.com News... This is not an easy case to judge. I have asked myself this question numerous times while reading this story, "would I want my mom to suffer in those conditions or would it be better for someone to help her to pass on?" No simple answers in this case, it's a no win situation. Peace, Marty :joker:
  24. I do not believe Ace is a bully. Bullies attack people for no reasons, Ace tends to attack people who err in regards to pt care. To be honest I believe Ace is a good pt advocate. He requires us to think, not just to react. Too many people in EMS cannot think outside of Protocol when they should be thinking medically. Ace and all his studies require us to think in terms much like an MD and not just a reactionary street provider. Education is the most powerful weapon we have on the streets and Ace is always there to pass more ammo. Ace and I have disagreed on occasion but I have always respected his opinion and ability to back it up. By the way if you think Ace is tough you should thank God you did not have the preceptor I had when I was a baby medic. Peace, Marty :joker: P.S. You might ask yourself "Do I really want to start a fight with Ace?" I guarantee your outgunned.
  25. Scaramedic

    3 Word Story

    The paragod turned kool fire works onto big crowds of aggressive midgets who pissed on all their shoes in darkest forest singing happy birthday during the storm. Then the paragod ate pineapples while his sister picked her nose then flicked it onto techmedic05 who turned around three full turns and sat down on a cowpie and yelled DAMN! Suddenly a big bear appeared growling That’s Tech’s Friend. Is that trouble nope, needs Charmin. Out came superglue and farted loudly scaring the squirrels causing a riot inciting many millions to go after hundreds of small nut gathering freaks who threw nuts at moronic rats until they decided glueing nuts together in heart shapes would be fun. Then all of took techmedic to the local psychologist to fix his wonderfully amusing personality. Is started to rain down pennies into Tec medic’s boots making it difficult to use pee of the alphabet. The sun sat fri, thu, wed, she began weeping I’m sorry mom. The party begins at midnight sharp we all dance naked on the freshly cut grass. Fade after the cue to black the sun’s up Wow it is. Finally emerging from the depths of a really dark blue water toilet. Our loving friend just went to say hello to the family and then was a king and queen sized beds for the people galore to sleep on. When suddenly there was a ginormous band on the last thing hanging on their tiny little, itsy, bitsy wash cloth hangers that caught fire. So the big brown pile of rotting horse manure sent a wonderful box of chocolates dipped in a tart yellow sticky goblin, whose name one mustn’t say for fear of Jackie, the bad transvestite queen reporter. Forgot how fast she ate breakfast. Took a nap, while she slumbered, he kissed her tenderly on the board of nails of her fresh cake she was startled. The raccoon had bit her nose then yelled out Oh Holy Hell! As blood spurted from every orifice a passing EMT could not help when he touched his wacker belt then dropped dead. Oh My Goodness!! Meanwhile the raccoon which waddled awkwardly began rabidly hallucinating about thirteen midgets prancing about naked without any clothes and very big ears and toes were scattered about along the path following a flood of biblical proportions. Chocolate milkshakes cascaded through bendy straws, then a troll charged blindly into the ladies room yelling that he was nine months along with dust devils thought was female but baby boy was without gender. All the time the crowd was fueled by gasoline which had been dusted off then proceeded to explode BOOM BOOM BOOM. Then the crowd went absolutely wild! They started stripping, it was HORRID! AK was naked! So everyone ran and got knives slicing and dicing through the watermelon and throwing twinkies at EMTCity Admin who in turn pointed at itku2er who promptly said “just bite me.” She turned into a cherry bonbon in a large electric blue toilet with automatic flushing and explosive diarrhea containing pyroclastic clouds. Then along came the master proctologist “What an ass!” He proclaimed loudly, shaking his head, drinking his bear, with ice cream, and sliced pineapple and corn dogs. He pulled out shaking on sticks warm roasted marshmallows bursting with maggots that JakeEMT ate with much enthusiasm. He then tried to burp the spawn of satan onto itku2er's new Polka dot dress with nipple holes and leather undergarments including crotchless panties. But along came ITK and she decided they would walk the plank. In preparation she saw Jake running into the crapper and took chase of the Lysol drinking bandit who tripped over his own two feet. After a quick romp inthe hay we needed showers with pineapple and more Canadian beer makes us drunk and then spew and romp again then go out and climb the side of a 400lb Croatian transvestite. Who rolled over and Belched loudly and scratching it's left upper extremity and groaning loudly Look, I'm back!!! Then a rabbit with huge teeth! started nibbling on her neck and ear and was groping. She was shocked so she punched him in the big rabbit teeth. They fell into a mud pit got all dirty she took a shower with pineapple and fresh whipped creme and a cherry vodka and tequilla to drink away the horror of having carnal relations during the middle of doing the the nasty with Lone Star, she feild mice visions was extremely satisfied to find LONE in her bed under the covers waiting for her to get her clothes off and feed her oatmeal to the parrot with the broken beak and feathers that had him flying in circles in his cage thats upside down over a roaring hanging on the ceiling swing which constantly swings sideways wanting outta here. "Where's the door?" wanting outta here but the door was left closed and the window was nailed shut. Left the building in the outback with long lines of rioting tourists lobbing tear gas which caused them with murderous intent to chase after the pizza guy with a gun without any ammo. Fearing spontaneous combustion, from the pornography magazine he left with his daughter's big nasty boyfriend to read and discuss at school tomorrow at show-n-tell. The nasty hairy legs of the female gym teacher were glaringly obvious to the boys who were jealous of their teacher's great big juicy beard and moustache 18 inches long dripping with lard from the carcasses of misbehaved students that can't focus on anything said in a lecture about birds and how they reproduce. In the trees the birds chirp the rain poured lightning flashed brilliantly s it hit the power lines and it exploded! Electrocuting the bugs in his beard... ...and pubic hair
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