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Everything posted by Scaramedic
What else could have gone wrong???
Scaramedic replied to akflightmedic's topic in General EMS Discussion
I couldn't find any photos from the accident, but I did find some photos from the Cow Castle VFD website. Water Rescue Team in training. Working a brush fire. New Fireboat/Gigging Dock. Rescue 1. Peace, Marty :joker: P.S. I'm going to get hate mail for this post. -
Robots came in last week and stole my wife's birth control pills, now I'm sleeping on the couch. Damn you robots, damn you to hell!!!!
Ventricular Fibrillation in Pediatric Cardiac Arrest
Scaramedic replied to Ace844's topic in General EMS Discussion
An adult in non traumatic arrest is usually due to arrhythmia's that lead to V-fib, in other words the problem is usually cardiac in nature. Children on the other hand tend to have airway issues which causes them to crash harder and faster. Also children are better at dealing with shock, but when they crash they crash hard. This leads to the caveat airway, airway, airway with children. Sweet, short and with no Latin. Does that help? Peace, Marty :joker: -
Ventricular Fibrillation in Pediatric Cardiac Arrest
Scaramedic replied to Ace844's topic in General EMS Discussion
I pounded my brain and I can't recall ever having a little one in fib, always asystole. Peace, Marty :joker: -
Welcome to the city. Like Rid I congratulate you on your calling to serve god. We worship in different ways but I like to believe we are all serving the same God. I also agree with Rid that you can become very jaded and callous, it happened to me. I quit EMS and decided to go down a different path in life. It wasn't until the death of my father that I realized that helping people was my duty in life. I delved further into my own faith and found that it made me stronger and I regained my compassion for others, boy doesn't that sound like a cliche. Anyway I believe as long as you keep your faith you will do fine. Peace, Marty :joker:
I scan all my documents and store them in a file on my computer, that way if I need a copy for someone I just print out whatever docs I need. Peace, Marty :joker:
Here's an interesting clip of how Terrorists use Ambulances
Scaramedic replied to Ace844's topic in General EMS Discussion
OK, let me address a couple of issues. #1. The Hussein and Hitler issue. I agree that you cannot compare Hitler to Hussein, because Hussein was stopped before he could do any harm. My point was that IF Hitler was stopped in 1936 the war in Europe would not of happened. Also six million people (including members of my family) would not have been thrown into the Death Camps. My point was that in 1936 Hitler was a lot less dangerous than Hussein. The Treaty of Versailles castrated the German Army, Hitler barely had anything to work with in 1936. But 3 years later his Army was storming across Europe undeterred. I personally do not believe Hussein would have became the next Hitler, it was just a perspective I was throwing into the ring. #2. Lindberg was an ass (i.e. anti-Semitic) I just mentioned him because he was out front for the "America First" antiwar group. 3. D-Day was too late. The point I was making is that if we invaded Germany when Hitler broke the treaty of Versailles by rolling troops into the Rhineland the war in Europe would have NEVER happened, and D-Day would have been unnecessary. Roosevelt saw Germany as threat, the rest of the government and the people of the US did not. So we sat back and let Hitler build his Armies and destroy the lives of 60 million people. What would history say about Roosevelt if he would of taken Hitler down in 1936? How about "Roosevelt invaded Europe on faulty intelligence, Hitler was not a threat." Hindsight is 20/20 we now know Hitler was a threat, most people did not see him as a threat then. I am not a fan of starting a war, but in certain cases we must stop a psycho before he hurts others. If 250,000 Germans died in 1936 by the U.S. invading Germany we still saved 59,750,000 lives. Who knows what Hussein was capable of, like Mike said at one point he had the worlds fourth largest army, just as a comparison in 1936 Hitler barely had an Army. Once again just a thought, don't crucify me over it. On a side note. A2L I know New Yorkers think they are the center of the universe but guess what, people die all over this country. I have been in this game along time, I've seen people die in ways you can't imagine in Gotham. It has not lead me down the yellow brick road to the peace & love sect. Quite the opposite to be honest, I feel evil people must be stopped before they hurt others. If you want to compare useless deaths lets look at the homicide rates in the U.S., over 16,000 in 2005. As far as pacifism and just letting others hurt people without taking action, ask the people of Rawanda how that felt. War is a horrible thing, but the lack of action is even worst. Oh and one more thing, A2L we probably agree on more things than we disagree on. I am not a fan of GW, the post war effort has been pathetic, and we are putting our people and the Iraqi people in danger. We need to end this now and let them stand or fall on their own. This country and its leaders are not perfect but we try and that is better than the alternative. "All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Peace, Marty :joker: -
Here's an interesting clip of how Terrorists use Ambulances
Scaramedic replied to Ace844's topic in General EMS Discussion
A little history lesson part II. In 1936 Hitler ordered his forces into the Rhineland area of Germany, an area that was supposed to be off limits to military forces. His forces at that point were pathetic, under-equipped, under trained and basically useless. The rest of the world basically said "Bad Hitler Bad, your a bad boy" and let it go. This encouraged him to further bolster his forces and set us on the course for war. By the end of that war 60 million people lost their lives in Europe. My question is this, if Britain, France, Russia or the U.S. would have invaded Germany in 1936 and stopped Hitler would people say that it was a useless act and that Hitler was not a danger to the rest of the world? Would Joe Sr. be standing in front of a podium telling the world that Roosevelt was out of control and that the war in Germany was a "boondoggle?" History lesson part III. Most Americans were against the War in Europe until we were bombed by Japan in 1941. We even had a bona fide hero, Charles Lindbergh, who not only opposed any involvement in Europe but said that it was the British, Jewish groups and Roosevelt who were the problem, not Germany. As of November 1941, after Hitler had invaded France and started his bombings of Britain, only 1 in 4 Americans was for involvement in Europe. In poll number that would only be 25% of Americans were for the war, since it seems like poll numbers are all that is important nowadays. Does any of this sound familiar? Who knows what could of happened in Iraq, maybe nothing, maybe Saddam would have died next year of syphilis and the issue would be mute. Just please keep in mind that in just a few short years ole Adolph went from a joke to a man who caused the death of sixty million people. Peace, Marty :joker: P.S. I know this thread has nothing to do with Iraq, I just had to throw in my two cents. Back on subject. Did y'all know that several ambulance have been stolen around the country and never recovered? Scary. -
I thought this might be a fun way to further our education. The rules are simple, answer the question/define the term and leave a question/term for the next person. The question can be anything EMS; medical terms, EKG's, meds, diseases, anatomy, equipment, etc. Let's try to mix in both ALS & BLS, so everyone can be involved. This is an educational thread so don't feel bad looking it up and using Copy & Paste. Also please do not use obscure questions, I do not believe Craniofacial Dysostosis is relative to EMS. Finally lets keep it civil and have fun. I'll get us started.. Stokes-Adams syndrome Peace, Marty
To Admin & PRPG: Please do not lock this thread or give up on its subject. I feel it is an important issue to EMS workers across the nation to know if this new batch of smack is in their area. Unfortunately in EMS we do not have a strong network capability to get this kind of info to the street level personnel. A thread like this is a good resource for people to learn what new threats are out there for patients and EMS personnel. I myself learned from this thread that indeed this new mix is on the West coast, this is not the kind of info you kind find in your daily fish wrapper. Lets put aside the personal sniping and let this thread continue as a good source to track this new issue. Just my two cents on this. Peace, Marty :joker:
That settles it, I'm moving to France! Peace, Marty :joker:
I agree with the above statements, a save is someone who walks out of the hospital and continues on with his/her life. Just because we got spontaneous respiration's and a pulse does not equal a save in my books. A service I worked for used to give out "Save Award" certificates, I thought they were a joke and properly round filed them when I found them in my mailbox. Peace, Marty :joker: P.S. PRPG your new sig is creeping me out! Freaky dancing chicken oh my!!!
The etiology behind many patients who fake illness, not to be confused with Munchausen by Proxy. Peace, Marty :joker:
"Ambulance Man" As in "The ambulance man says I gots to go to the hospital" :roll: Peace, Marty :joker:
Just remember Terri what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. :glasses1: :shock: :oops: :-# Peace, Marty :geek:
Information request: Service Dogs
Scaramedic replied to Richard B the EMT's topic in General EMS Discussion
Heres a story on EMS live that might help.. http://www.emslive.com/ourshows.php?month=08 Heres a story from EMS Responder.. http://www.emsresponder.com/features/artic...p;siteSection=3 More stuff.. http://www.guidedogs.com/graduates-emergen...og%20teams.html Not allowed in Queensland.... http://www.guidedogsqld.com.au/cgi-bin/index.cgi/faq/2 An article from JEMS.... http://info.jems.com/jems/exclus04/e0604k.html -
the coolest thing that ever happened on a call!
Scaramedic replied to madmedic8522's topic in Funny Stuff
I thought this one was kind of cool. Dispatched to a private home for an elderly male with dyspnea. As I walk into the room I can hear his lungs, they are full of some kind of junk. Talk to his VNA CNA and she states it started after his tube feeding, yep you guessed she placed it in the trachea. So we shut off the pump and remove the NG tube. Pt is chronically A&OX1, his minute volume is pathetic, so I decide to nasally intubate. As I am advancing and I get to the point when they cough, I advance as he coughs, and I am in. He then coughs again and Vanilla Ensure comes flying out of the end of the tube all the way to the end of the bed. He coughs a couple of more times, more Vanilla Ensure and then starts to breath again. I kid you not, his lungs sounds improved 100%. No more audible junk, I had to auscultate to hear a little bit of rhonchi in the lower left lobe. Fire thought I was a god, my partner was pissed because he was standing at the end of the bed getting ready to hand me the BVM. Not a lot of skilled involved on that call, I just got lucky on "clearing" his lungs. Peace, Marty :usa2: -
We used to have a kid (20 something, kid to me :? ) who would fake seizures in order to get Valium. He was damned good and fooled many crews, once the word got out though he quit having seizures. I remember one night he was at the local homeless shelter and was having a "seizure." I knelt next to him and told him he wasn't going to get Valium, he went from actively seizing to trying to kick and hit me. I never treated him with disrespect, I just would let him know we are not playing this game. Like I said in time his seizures stopped and he found new and exciting ways to call for an ambulance. As far as Scientology goes, you really need to look into it further to understand what its about. The basis for Scientology is just what Paramedicmike said, I will not hijack this thread but I suggest you look into other sites like this and decide if you want to be a part of something like Scientology. http://www.xenu.net/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenu http://www.xenutv.com/ http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/Library/Shelf/xenu/ Each of us must have our own faith, I just hope you are informed before you jump on that train. Peace, Marty :joker:
Oh I just remembered another really stupid call. Dispatched at about 1am to an apartment for an unresponsive ~20yo female. Arrive on scene to find a man & woman arguing. The short version they were in bed talking and had an argument. She got mad rolled over and would not talk to her boyfriend, so he called 911 saying she was not talking to him. Dispatch took this as unresponsive and dispatched us, fire and PD. Needless to say PD had a nice talk with the young man. Peace, Marty :roll:
is RESCUE an EMS or fire department function?
Scaramedic replied to PRPGfirerescuetech's topic in General EMS Discussion
To me it comes down to a manpower issue, ambulances are usually crewed with 2 people while engines usually have 3 or 4 people. I don't believe 2 people can adequately extricate and provide pt care. So if you were to make extrication an ambulance issue you would have to pull in multiple units per extrication. This would be a drain on your available units, but the FD has a larger staff per unit ratio so they could handle it with just one unit out of service. Peace, Marty :usa2: -
We haven't seen it out here yet, it will probably take some time and an episode of ER before junkies here about it on the left coast. I agree with what others have said meth is a much bigger problem out here than heroin. I do have a question for ya PRPG. Has anyones protocols changed to allow for Narcan drips in relation to these OD's? Or are Narcan drips part of your protocols already? I hope that's not considered a hijack, I'm just curious. Peace, Marty :joker:
is RESCUE an EMS or fire department function?
Scaramedic replied to PRPGfirerescuetech's topic in General EMS Discussion
I agree with Rid its a joint venture, the medic should be with the pt and making decisions regarding their care & safety. The FD should be in charge of the logistics behind the extrication. I personally have never been the type of medic that will stand back and watch the extrication, I am usually crammed into the vehicle with the patient. :? Peace, Marty :joker: -
What was the farmer thinkin?
Scaramedic replied to Just Plain Ruff's topic in General EMS Discussion
Here ya go Ruff, Fox will probably drop that picture soon. I guess in this case crack doesn't kill it saves! Peace, Marty :joker: -
Two calls come to mind, one was a patient who called because he had a cramp in his hand. The other was a lady who called for hemorrhoids. She stated she was driving home and her hemorrhoids started acting up, so she drove home and called 911. Yes, she DROVE HOME instead of just driving herself to the hospital which she had to pass to get home. :roll: Peace, Marty
Was I wrong to open my mouth in this case??
Scaramedic replied to Connie31079's topic in General EMS Discussion
Let me this straight, you both work at the same damn station but you feel the need to bring your issues to this forum? Come on, both of you grow up and talk to each other in person. Trading insults on a web forum is not the way to handle problems between co-workers. Peace, Marty :joker: