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Everything posted by Scaramedic

  1. Where to start? #1. Using Multnomah County as an example here is a list of departments within the Multnomah County Health Department.. [align=center:5f00c4f9f3] • Health Services/Clinics • Dental Services • School Based Health Centers • Coalition of Community Clinics • Community Immunizations • Early Childhood Services • Healthy Birth Initiative • Healthy Start • STARS • WIC • Food Handlers Program • Lead Poisoning Prevention • Disease Control and Occupational Health • Emergency Preparedness • Travelers' Clinic • STD Program • Tuberculosis Program • Medicaid Eligibility • Community Health Council • HIV Planning Council • Business Services[/align:5f00c4f9f3] Seems to me that the county is already heavily involved in Medicine in Portland, and this is the norm for most cities in the nation. #2. The largest hospital in the city of Portland is Oregon Health Sciences University. A hospital largely funded by the state, which years ago took over Multnomah County General Hospital which was a county run hospital. In fact most hospitals in Portland receive local, state and even federal money to run their hospitals. A good example is the "Trauma System" in Oregon in which the hospitals receive reimbursements for the patients brought in as level 1 traumas. Once again, pretty standard across the country. #3. I said there must be a balance between private cooperation's and public safety. The profit/loss interests of a cooperation should not dictate patient care. Oversight by a county/city or state agency is one way to keep cooperation's like AMR & Acadia from skimping on patient care in the name of profit. #4. AMR has learned that oversight can tie their hands and has responded by aligning themselves with EmCare. Now they have 4,500 ER Docs on their team, who can help AMR control even more of the EMS pie. Like I said before I see this as a huge conflict of interest, I wonder how many governing bodies know that some of the MD's who sit on their EMS committees work for the same company as AMR? I would guess not many. #5. I used to work for one of the companies bought out by AMR in 1994. I was there when AMR took over as sole provider for Portland metro area, and yes I have worked for AMR. I probably will be working for them again soon, believe it or not I like AMR. I just know that they will try to do what they can in the name of profit, and that's what concerns me about private systems. #6. As far as "private fire departments" they get paid by the city or county they are covering. Do you really think a fire department could survive by getting piece work for the fires they work? "I'm sorry we were unable to save your house, here's a bill for $9,000, your insurance should cover it." Yeah right! Peace, Marty :joker:
  2. Does that look better to y'all? Peace, Marty :joker:
  3. AMR has a race car... ... ...which is the ultimate example of what is wrong with some cooperation's. The management of AMR has decided they need to spend millions on a snazzy race car. For what? To advertise AMR to the general public? The general public could care less about AMR they just want an ambulance to show up when they call 911. The race car is part ego and part "look how cool we are, now let us run EMS in your city." Meanwhile they are laying off employees in a continual effort to downsize and become more profitable. In Multnomah County (Portland, OR) they came in and bought out two of the three big players in the ambulance biz. They then went to the county and convinced them that a county wide EMS provider was needed, thereby forcing the third company out of business. This is a typical model for cooperate America, kill any competition. One last thing AMR is owned by Laidlaw, yeah the bus people, which also owns EmCare. EmCare is a nationwide ER Physicians group with over 4,500 MD's working in ER's, and sitting on EMS councils. Can anyone say conflict of interest? I am not anti-cooperation I just feel that there needs to be a balance when it comes to the publics interest. In response to issue of socialization, are you advocating that Fire Department become a private entity? Explain to me why Fire Safety should be a City/County function but not EMS. Peace, Marty :joker:
  4. Thank God it was only paintballs. It really wakes ya up doesn't it? Glad your safe, be careful out there. Peace, Marty :joker:
  5. Yes Yes Yes I'm on Top!!!!!
  6. [marq=up:0d44f5f8c2][align=center:0d44f5f8c2]I see the marquee thing has caught on. Oh, and I'm on top!!![/align:0d44f5f8c2][/marq:0d44f5f8c2]
  7. From the above links FAQ page.. That means Yes! So that is potentially a call someone on this board might run on someday. :oops: OUCH OUCH OUCH!!!!! It also says to wear it when you go out, like I said before a majority of sexual assaults take place at home. I agree with Terri, the way to stop rapes is to remove rapists from society, i.e. 38 cal. retroactive abortion! Also self defense courses for a more realistic approach. Damn real world I like Terri's approach better. :twisted: Peace, Marty :joker:
  8. These buttons do the scrolling.. Oh and I am on TOP
  9. [marq=down:cacc13d43e]WRONG I'm On Top![/marq:cacc13d43e]
  10. [marq=left:7c3008cb7a]Marty Rules, Terri Drools!!![/font:7c3008cb7a][/marq:7c3008cb7a] I'm on Top
  11. I'm on Top!!!!! Again!!![/font:12010324b9]
  12. DENIED!!! I'm on Top!!!!!!
  13. Any moment now! But once again I'm on top!!!!
  14. 1999 was so 7 years ago!!! I'm on top now!!!!!!
  15. No your not Terri!!! I'm on top!!!
  16. Sorry Ma'am wrong, I'm on top!
  17. Apparently the women is supposed to wear it anytime she in danger of sexual assault. Considering that most rapes happen in the victims home this would mean a women would have to wear it 24 hours a day to be effective. Am I the only one that thinks this is unhealthy? From what I know about a women's A&P the vagina is not a real fan of foreign bodies, especially for long periods of time. PID, TSS are just a couple of things that come to mind in regards to this device. In my opinion this will end up harming more women via infections than it helps by stopping sexual assault. Peace, Marty :joker:
  18. [align=center:dacfba044e] [/align:dacfba044e] [align=center:dacfba044e]MAGEN DAVID ADOM ADMITTED INTO INTERNATIONAL RED CROSS AND RED CRESCENT SOCIETY [/align:dacfba044e] [align=center:dacfba044e]After 57 years of waiting, Israeli and Palestinian Emergency Services are admitted into the International Red Cross[/align:dacfba044e] [align=center:dacfba044e]New York -- June 22, 2006 In a historic moment, American Friends of Magen David Adom (Website) are proud to announce the admittance of Magen David Adom (MDA), Israel’s first-aid and disaster relief organization, into the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Society. The decision , which took place in Geneva, Switzerland at the 29th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent voted to accept both the Palestinian Red Crescent and Magen David Adom. Both organizations are now full voting members, and received crucial funding to assist in their life-saving work. “This is a historic moment for Magen David Adom and for Israel, as well as for the Palestinian people,” said Executive VP Daniel Allen. “We hope that this acceptance will lead to a new era in Middle East humanitarian cooperation. It is a triumph for those who put human life over sectarian politics. ” The MDA has been working side by side with the International Red Cross for years, responding with state-of-the-art technology, expertise and emergency services to global disasters like that of Katrina last year on the US Gulf Coast and Tsunami relief in Southeast Asia. MDA responds to 600,000 calls a year throughout the country, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Magen David Adom is committed to its continuing work with the Palestinian Red Crescent Society to save lives in both Israel and in the Palestinian Territory. “While nothing has changed for MDA on the ground, we are satisfied that this long overdue recognition will make our job easier and allow us to fulfill the Jewish mitzvah of saving lives around the world, by opening doors to us that have been closed for so long,” says Allen. Israel’s MDA experts have trained numerous members of the International Red Cross as well as the Palestinian Red Crescent in everything from essential first-aid to complex trauma treatment. Even while holding observer status, Israel has been able and willing to participate in vital international relief missions coordinated by the International Red Cross to countries such as India, Turkey, and the United States. This along with the close relationship between American Friends of Magen David Adom and the American Red Cross will remain unchanged. [/align:dacfba044e] Congrats to MDA, this was way overdue. Peace, Marty :joker:
  19. I used to subscribe to JEMS it seemed informative and had a lot of good articles about EMS issues. Peace, Marty :joker:
  20. Your initial ABC's are just a quick assessment, is their airway clear, are they breathing, do they have a pulse. At that point it is just checking the baseline of where your pt is. Now the question becomes what to fix first. If the pt. has stopped breathing due to a foreign body you must first remove the foreign body, abdominal thrusts, mcgills, etc. You've cleared the airway now, is the pt breathing on his own? No, give some BVM ventilation's and make sure you have chest rise. Then its time to deal with whether or not they have a pulse. If they do cool, if they do not its defib time. Like I said your initial ABC's are just a quick assessment, you fix the problems after you have checked those three. Hope that helps. Peace, Marty :joker:
  21. I've noticed a few things about bellicose and SkylinePCG... 1. They are both from Florida. 2. Both have not filled in one bit of personal info in their profiles. 3. Skyline is such a successful and happy Paramedic/FF that just 8 months ago he wanted to move to Gotham. Bellicose has been an EMT for a whole 4 months now. Here's my opinion based on the above, you are both about 18-20 years old, you volunteer with some backwoods FD and you have visions of a heroes glory. Sky I seriously doubt you are a Paramedic, none of your posts even have a glint of knowledge about EMS in them. Bell you are just too green and excited about something you don't know and your trying to boost your ego by lying on a website. How can I say that you ask? Goes back to the profile, why is it the guys who talk the most smack never let anyone know where they work, or even what city they work in? Why is it they do not even put an age or sex in their profile? Simple they do not want anyone to find out who they really are. They're afraid somebody might go "Hey that's Billy Jo Jim Bob, he ain't no Paramedic, hes just a probie out at Mooseknuckle VFD" So they hide behind the anonymity of the internet and create a life where they can be something more than they are. You two are the daydreamers in the back of the class, staring out the window with visions of unobtainable glory. Do not waste our time with your rabid and extremely unfunny insults. Peace, Marty P.S. See that, that's my name, that's who I am. I have a blog that explains everything, I hide nothing.
  22. Mommy I'm scared!! :shock:
  23. Actually take 4, its obvious you have no sense of humor. Learn to take a joke, learn to laugh, just like everyone laughs at your pathetic little penis when you shower at the gym. Peace, Marty :joker: P.S. See I can be an asshole too, did it prove anything? NO, so what is the point of your petty little insults? :roll:
  24. Is this the same group that monitors exactly when I get my food so they can call 911 and interrupt my lunch? Bastards! Peace, Marty :joker:
  25. Oh and Whit..
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