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Everything posted by Scaramedic

  1. You mean this post?
  2. Sounds like they need Jack Stout Dust!
  3. In this order. 1. Get another job. 2. Tell your employer to ram his job up his ass. 3. Start your Para pre-reqs. 4. Become a Paramedic. 5. Get a Para job at a much better company. I also work in a border city. Out of about 90 pages of protocol, 4 pages are devoted to patients wanting to go across the state line. The gist of our protocols says it depends on the levels of the system and what Med Control wants. The main reason is you must cross one of two bridges to get into the other state. During half of the day these bridges can be parking lots. A ten minute transport can turn into an hour. So it is not always up to the patient where they go. LEO's/Fire have no say in it, nor should they.
  4. Life Assist
  5. Significantly, now it's down to about $5 an amp. Not much more than Lido. Dirt cheap compared to Glucagon that goes for over $100 an amp.
  6. And that Gentleman is the exact moment this country started it's decline towards nothingness. [sub:668d39d802]Just kidding Ladies.[/sub:668d39d802]
  7. Or you can use Firefox, download the add on Customize Google and it does not allow Google to backtrack you.
  8. Why did I know Avenue Q and the Internet is for Porn was going to come up in this topic.
  9. [spoil:26d1688446]Of course. I love that website.[/spoil:26d1688446]
  10. Umm Wrong, Wrong and Wrong. #1. This patient is alert and orientated with a stable BP, that means you try chemical cardioversion first. #2. It is a WIDE complex tachycardia per the OP. Not a narrow complex or a complex of uncertain type. So vagal maneuvers and Adenosine are not called for. #3. Amiodarone is an anti-arrhythmic it does not increase the rate of conduction. In fact it delays conduction by slowing repolarization. In other words in DOES NOT speed up the heart. Your thinking of an adrenergic like Epi or a parasympatholytic like Atropine.
  11. Wendy, as far as I was taught your dead on. Maybe the Docs have more but that was perfect by me. Also as I understand it is a matter of hours. I've also been told that as Rigor relaxes it will cause muscle movements.
  12. [align=center:114915ee06]Let me say it this way. This is me before Paramedic school. This is me after Paramedic school.[/align:114915ee06] [spoil:114915ee06] [align=center:114915ee06]May God have mercy on your soul! :twisted: :twisted: [/spoil:114915ee06] [/align:114915ee06] [sub:114915ee06]Just kidding, you'll be fine.[/sub:114915ee06]
  13. OK, everyone who went to Paramedic school and read Dubin's book has got to know why this works. Remember where he talks about the experiment with the frog legs?
  14. Hey he made the same promise to me!!! You two timing son of.... I also lost it, good ALS debate is far and few between here and having someone come in and muck it up was beyond frustrating.
  15. Yeah, learned that the hard way. I asked a 14 yo if there was any chance she was pregnant on a syncope call in front of her dad. He went ballistic on scene and in the ER when they asked the same thing. Turns out Dad was the Dad. :shock:
  16. So he is a FDNY hosemonkey? No wonder he says JEMS rated them #1. In their top 200 cities EMS poll they go by population. New York is #1. It has nothing to do with quality of care, it's just population. What an idiot. FDNY's finest, NOT. :roll:
  17. Transcara has a nice ring to it though.
  18. You don't have to apologize for anything. Also I doubt your feelings about Fire based EMS are any different than most everyone here. Have you noticed there aren't any Maltese crosses on this website. :wink:
  19. Thanks 'Zilla, your so sweet. Seriously though, we should note if a live birth is killed/died after the birth? I always thought it was times pregnant-gravida and live births, miscarriages, abortions-uni or multipara. But I didn't know we should include living children AND children that died after birth in that number. Cool, I learn something new everyday.
  20. "what to ask a pregnent pt" You lied to me, you said you were on birth control!! Are you sure I'm the father?
  21. I know that feeling. We were so low on Basic's I was running with Director of Ops. The one before the one we shall not name.
  22. Here are some premade powerpoints. http://missinglink.ucsf.edu/lm/ECG_learning_modules/
  23. Look at his location Dust, you know what PUM he is talking about. Their Basic-Medic.
  24. The problem as I see it Wendy is the reference posts would just be ignored. Much like the site rules are glossed over in the quest to get online and start posting. Yeah we could make some sticky threads that address those issues but getting people to read them is a horse to water situation. AK, I still have nightmares about that breakfast! :shock:
  25. No, that's my wife when she wakes up in the morning.
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