I want to say that at least here in the organization I work for, We have alot of very super paramedics, and the thing that I find when I step back and watch the paramedics deal with the wet behind the ears new EMTs are that they tell them, get in there and get your hands dirty, I am not talking about doing something that could potentially kill someone, but get in there, put 4x4's on the bleeding while the paramedic is dealing with more life threatening things. Too many times I have seen EMT's go on a call as a new EMT and when the patient is in the back they just sit there with that deer in the headlights look. That patient that is lying on the stretcher is the same patient that you read about in your EMT book and the same patient that you practiced on in your skills. Thank goodness for the place I work, I have been an EMT for 18 years and so far, knock on wood, everyone I have partnered with loves to work with me, and no i am not patting myself on the back, but i have the experience behind me, and the paramedics value my knowledge just as much as I value theirs. I agree whole heartedly that I think Education needs to be more intense and along with that have more of the old timers to add the words of wisdom I have heard over the years which leads to common sense. I am going for my paramedic this fall, and I will be damned if I ever forget where I came from or where I have been. Both paramedics and EMTs should work as a team, because if not, then you might as well shut your ambulance doors and call it a night.