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    sayre, pa
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  1. I would have to say there was at least 7 inches of intrution into the frame.....lol
  2. Congrats on passing your paramedic. I too just passed NYS paramedic. My graduation was today 6/23 and I took the NYS practical and NR practical the same time through our paramedic program. I am from the Elmira area. Take care and stay safe.
  3. All I can say is I would hate to be the passenger and open my door.....Watch out for that first step....its a doooooozy!!! lol
  4. I believe there is one way to look at this.....FIRST yes an ALS tool was used, so what? It was used in a pinch and achieved (key word) the job. SECOND Just because it may have seemed like a small, insignificant, call. Understandably the patient was scared enough to call 911 thus it was thought of as a dire emergency to the patient, EMS came and took care of the problem in a way that caused no harm to the patient nor any death or destruction. Sometimes in EMS you use what ever means you have necessary to alleviate the fear and discomfort of your patient AS LONG as you follow any protocols (yes, I know there probably is no protocol for ant removal from a tonsil) and you do it in a respectable manner. If I had an emergency that was out of the norm and I called EMS, I would hope that they would be smart enough to use common sense and help me in any way possible as long as it did not harm me or my property. Way to go Ug. There's my 2 cents.
  5. Hi, My first day of paramedic class is 8/21, I am also nervous, but know this is what I truly want, and I have come to have faith in myself to give it my all. I just wanted to say good luck to you and if you ever need to vent about class, since we are both going through it, give me a shout..... pacerman13170@yahoo.com take care and once again, good luck dave
  6. Hi all, Just wanted to share my news as I am quite excited about it....I received my acceptance papers for paramedic class, I will be starting on August 21st 2006, Just thought I would let you all know, and if anyone has any good tips or short cuts let me know...take care and stay safe. your friend dave pacerman13170
  7. completely horrified him
  8. supercalafragilisticexpialidocious
  9. Hi all, Just wanted to tell you all, that this fall I am going to try to take a paramedic course. I figure after 18 years of being an EMT, it is time to move on, while I am still up and kicking (yeah I am 36..lol) anyway, does anyone have any good suggestions or tips on entering the world of paramedic? or even any funny stories....let me know, thanks Dave Pacerman13170 www.myspace.com/chemung
  10. Hi, I live in Chemung NY (about 15 minutes from elmira, if you look it up on the map) and I work just over the border in Sayre, Pa....I am an EMT-B with an ambulance corp www.gvems.org and I volunteer as and EMT/FF, Captain and president with a fire dept in chemung www.chemungfire.com take care and be safe..... dave
  11. Hi Dust, even though i am fairly new to emtcity, my prayers and thoughts go with you. I have enjoyed talking with ya in the chat rooms and the fun that we all had...especially truth or dare....lmao. please stay safe and shout out when you can pacerman13170@yahoo.com your friend dave
  12. I plead the fifth, but I must say that my high school will never, ever be the same again..... The person below me, is a naturalist (one who is naked ALL the time!) giggity, giggity, giggity...oh yeah
  13. I want to say that at least here in the organization I work for, We have alot of very super paramedics, and the thing that I find when I step back and watch the paramedics deal with the wet behind the ears new EMTs are that they tell them, get in there and get your hands dirty, I am not talking about doing something that could potentially kill someone, but get in there, put 4x4's on the bleeding while the paramedic is dealing with more life threatening things. Too many times I have seen EMT's go on a call as a new EMT and when the patient is in the back they just sit there with that deer in the headlights look. That patient that is lying on the stretcher is the same patient that you read about in your EMT book and the same patient that you practiced on in your skills. Thank goodness for the place I work, I have been an EMT for 18 years and so far, knock on wood, everyone I have partnered with loves to work with me, and no i am not patting myself on the back, but i have the experience behind me, and the paramedics value my knowledge just as much as I value theirs. I agree whole heartedly that I think Education needs to be more intense and along with that have more of the old timers to add the words of wisdom I have heard over the years which leads to common sense. I am going for my paramedic this fall, and I will be damned if I ever forget where I came from or where I have been. Both paramedics and EMTs should work as a team, because if not, then you might as well shut your ambulance doors and call it a night.
  14. I have a bizarre question......Where I work, an ambulance service that runs about 4700 calls a year, will not let us wear an EMT badge because they say it looks too much like the police and that is dangerous, but half the time if you watch, trauma life in the ER, they all come in wearing badges, which i think is very professional, what are others peoples opinions? thanks, Dave
  15. Hi, I know there is a site out there called, i believe, www.findarticles.com that might help.
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