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Everything posted by Callthemedic

  1. I can speak for an Army medic alone. Even though I no longer hold the title, I am one. The difference between an Army medic that merely holds an MOS and one that can be defined as anything you think a medic should be, is defined by the soldier themselves. Remember that. YOU define the term "medic". When your duty calls for you, define it..........make it more than an MOS description. If not for Sgt Leslie Brock, who is the definition of the term, I would have been just a description of an MOS. I looked for something greater than a mole skin hander-outer but it requires a leader to show the way too. Look beyond skill sets into your soul and be what they hope is coming to thier aid when they call "Medic!!" BTW, that is where I got the inspiration for the screename.
  2. ............AND meanwhile back at the thread. Stick with facts and objective data here. Pt reports "stressed" but that is subjective. We want objective findings. After all, she may say "stressed" for a cornucopia of symptoms. She is not the trained professional, you are. I recommend that you collect objective data in the form of a hx to r/o psych consult instead of starting there with nowhere to go. 2nd what Dust said. Every patient needs to be scrutinized with the same objective exam regardless of cc. I would ask this LOL what she means by "stressed". Pain? sob? Confusion? S.A.M.P.L.E. M. P. and E. should be interesting.
  3. Ok then, fine ER Doc, what do I see and feel on visual inspection of the side of her head with the pain? What do I feel if the side of the head where the pain is coming from is palpated? Do I smell anything unusual that might indicate infection or poor hygeine? These are basic physical exam questions that have not been addressed. Everybody is ordering lab magic and it could be some old Cracker Jacks tangled in a hard mass.
  4. Although Hammer threw the "parasite card" on the table, nobody suggested visual inspection??? ERdoc has you all at the ER and none of you have laid your hands on your patient yet? Are there skill sheets I'm not aware of since I've been out of the loop?? Just saying........first tool out of the bag is your five senses. Use your sixth sense to know when something isn't quite right, but never before the others.
  5. Just popped in and saw this thread. I would check the bedding before ordering tests for some obscure zebra. Maybe she has severe bedhead (aka tight rows). Maybe the .38 she hides under the pillow is giving her a special type of cranial bed sore. Tests?? How about visual inspection first? Let's not go right to the invasive procrdures on the first date.
  6. I will sum up the ideas of this thread in one sentence. Sale benefits, not features. Sales is a vocation in which I can proclaim that I am fully qualified. Product features and a form of high glycemic carbohydrate are nice to use as decoration but the prospect must first see a need they have. I say use donuts and pens as a 2nd contact, after a need is established to be used as a reason for the prospect to think of you and all the benefit you will bring to thier business. Anyway.....I couldn't resist posting to a sales thread even though I can see it might already be dead.
  7. Freedom Fries only state I torched my French dictionary back at resolution 1441
  8. Veiled intentions
  9. Was going to go with 'fastidious', but is educated just enough to understand that the scholarly crowd is not voluntarily celibate.
  10. Doesn't own a thesaurus
  11. Do they even know they are quoting Nietzsche?
  12. *secures United States flag on the summit* I claim TOP for all those who serve it, all those who live under its protection, and all those who love it as I do. I claim TOP for the United States of America. This shall be called Mt EMT City from this day forward. All registered members of EMT City are hereby granted conditional naturalization to it, which is, dependent upon their allegiance to its position, which in doing so, shall always be held in higher regard and shall remain on TOP. Regulation #1 It shall be flown at the highest point, refered to as TOP Regulation #2 There is no need for this regulation Welcome to Mt. EMT City. Please pick up your trash when you leave. Thank You
  13. Nice graphics Down there I can barely see them from on TOP
  14. Chumps I'm on TOP
  15. I may have to decline this job So I can be on TOP
  16. Pretty close quarters in a tank Jenni. We would be very close. Anything could happen. Whatever might happen, I would be on TOP, just like I am now. I have a job starting tomorrow so looks like I may be out of this game.
  17. *raises 1st Tank colors* I wouldn't touch that if I were you. 1st Tank is on TOP!!
  18. Is that long enough? I'm on TOP
  19. Wrong poo brain, I am on TOP
  20. I'm TOP
  21. I wanna be on TOP of Jenni So now I am Deal with it
  22. ...of Call........TOP
  23. Certainly some papers somewhere are in need of distribution. I'm on TOP
  24. Because I am on TOP
  25. Ouch!!! That's classified "out only" dude I'm on TOP
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