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    Downstate, NY

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  1. Not sure whether to laugh or cry... I'm sure that will be true soon enough. For regular its only 3.40ish here, but as Memorial Day approaches I'm afraid of what is going to happen to that value. -skibum
  2. For the guys, howabout a model of "Six" (Tricia Helfer) from Battlestar Galactica? She's already a robot... -skibum
  3. Garfield.... what's not to love. Lasagna and laziness
  4. That is great Thanks Richard.
  5. Hi Richard, I didn't see your questions answered yet (maybe I missed it, I just skimmed) Yes, essentially Alpine is downhill skiing, and cross country is just that. Technically, it is different equipment and different skiing styles, but as far as what they are, there you go. In the context of this thread, I believe this is what you are looking for: Tyrolean Traverse To save you from going there, in a nutshell this is a method of using ropes to traverse steep pitches. In other news for the ski patrollers here, I passed my senior EMM 2 weeks ago. My patrol director peer pressured me into doing it. I'm not one for titles and that seems to be all "senior" is really good for. Nonetheless I passed and I thought the exam was relatively simple, so if you're considering it, go for it Perhaps next year I will try the ski and tobaggon portion, but with grad. school and a 17 month old at home, I couldn't do it this year. Hope all is well to the 'HH'es. When is your mountain projected to close for the season? We should make it to our projected date of 4/20. Not bad for a southern NYS mountain, eh? -skibum
  6. In an effort to reincarnate this thread (as discussed earlier)... How's the ski season shaping up around the northern hemisphere? Personally, here in lower NY State, my mountain opened the weekend of Nov 17 with conditions much better than anticipated. And opening day we had a major accident with numerous fractures and head injuries (snowboarder vs. tree). But for the most part it's looking like a pretty promising ski season. Ski safe. -skibum
  7. I agree, Walter is great
  8. Hammer- I PM'd you the link. Also note, with the setup on here for the youtube embedding, it automagically puts a link right below the embedded clip. Here's another site you might be interested in, being an avid outdoorsman: www.steepandcheap.com I've found lots of neat things there, including skis that are probably cheaper than you could get pro-form. -skibum
  9. Just remember your ABCs and you'll do fine! Good luck
  10. Found this today. A pretty interesting perspective on the training in ski patrol.
  11. That's where working for the Mountain comes in handy. I've got a friend in ski school that's going to take my little one on.
  12. Sounds good... This is the mountain I patrol at: Belleayre Mountain It's nothing that big or unique, but it's the closest to where I live and work. I've been an alpine patroller here going into my 5th year, its been fun and I've learned alot. I can't wait for the season to start! And hopefully next year I'll be able to get my son out on the slopes, he'll be 2 by then. I think this year will be wishful thinking :wink:
  13. Volunteer BLS Ski Patroller here. I spend my time at Belleayre Mountain here in the NY Catskills. Where are you? Volunteer or Pro? -skibum
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