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Everything posted by ChanceAndCircumstance

  1. They just audio swapped it with some type of creepy majestic music.
  2. Sorry if you were thinking of something else by the title. I don't mean to be misleading of course. I am not sure if anyone has seen one of the newer YouTube videos starting to trend or not; but if not here ya go! These types of calls I enjoy to rather be on the EMS side than fire. I would also watch the video with the volume down...and avoid the religious arguments in the comments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cg9PWSHL4Vg
  3. Are you from the area of Kent Island?
  4. I practice by the standards I was taught. Everything I was taught in my training was needed to pass the written and practical exams. It wasn't really my place as the student to say that's wrong, oh you can't do this, or that's outdated, especially at times I wanted to say stop with your field experience stories. Most of the class was irrelevant stories to the current topic that the instructors would always talk about. Anything I said to the instructors would mean squat because of their experience and place in that class. I am currently out of Maryland. I lived in the deep eastern shore by St. Michael's where I worked as a volunteer firefighter/emt, and then I moved up state and was able to land a gig as a part time firefighter/emt near Annapolis. I have been loving it ever since. My initial plan is to volunteer as a firefighter or emt and keep my certs up wherever life takes me. If I can ask where the studies are when you said "The whole idea of rapid extrication/KEDs/longboards is being questioned and most studies are showing more harm than good.". It had me thinking because when I was in training to become an EMT one of the instructors said their biggest pet peeves is when they take a patient into the ED after falling down a flight of stairs,or involved with a MVA and the attending tells them to rip all the stabilization off the patient and it putting the patient in danger. Now I am going to go with what the ED attending is saying over what my EMT instructor is saying, unless he or she is a practicing physician. So cutting to the chase, why do EMS providers even bother with stabilizing patients if it may be causing more harm or have to take it all off anyways once the patient gets to the hospital? For the moment being I am going to follow what I have been told to do, until things change.
  5. So first aid isn't a special skill? I don't completely agree with that. It's a special skill set that separates me from the wannabe hero that thinks he has a shot to be featured on the news so he goes and pulls a victim out of a car without proper stabilization. This scenario actually happened by me, the bystander had no reason to remove the victim out of the car. The car was intact, no severe trauma, not like the car was on fire, and the breathing was fine. I would have all the time in the world (not literally) to remove that patient safely without the chance of causing more possible injury to him. This can only be done by being properly instructed about the skill of safely stabilizing a patient and safely removing him or her from a car. Chance is your regular Joe off the street isn't going to know how to perform it or know the dangers. I mean it's surely not rocket science but still something that has to be taught, learned, and then practiced. I am always open to criticism and judgment, it'll help me learn. I am new to this professional and always willing to learn from people with more skill.
  6. That Mercedes Benz E-class is something I wouldn't mind driving These are the two ambulances that my agency runs. This is a 2011 Ford, it's not really that common by me. Below this is an international/horton medtec. These are a whole lot more commonly ran around my area.
  7. If there's another unit on scene and I haven't been dispatched to help, I won't stop. I've had that happen to me when I was on a MVA scene. If I roll across an MVA that just happened and there is no one on scene then I'm going to stop. I had that whole golden hour thing pounded in my head, I'll do everything in my protocol allows me to do until additional units arrive. I was coming home from a class at college and in front of me on the highway I saw a car go across the grass median, and then into some brush in the woods on my side of the road. I have special skills that I have been trained with and can use them (that and I also carry my own jump bag in the car) so I stopped and helped. Law or not I don't think it should be questioned if you should stop to help or not. That's just my 2¢
  8. Hi guys! My name is Kylie and I have been a volunteer EMT for about a year now and recently landed my first paid part time firefighter/emt gig in the eastern shore part of Maryland while I attend college. I have been creeping on this website for a little bit (sorry lol) and liked setting so I finally pulled myself to sign up. Hopefully you guys dont mind giving out a little advice here and there and i'll try to do my part Best of wishes!
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