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Everything posted by SooC

  1. Medibrat: Has the one name been released or the person released from the hospital? Im trying to find more info as I know some of the guys that work out of Sudz.
  2. yay for northern ontario
  3. Volunteer EMS allowing female medics to wear skirts on scene? Wow. That seems like its asking for trouble.
  4. Urban, no ordering confusion at Starbucks....Dark roast grande....black!
  5. Nothing this year.....but then again, I did find Starbucks this year- coffee is much better there!
  6. Extra 02? Between the spare D tanks that should already be on your truck and the M tank in your vehicle- why the need for extra 02? Your service also doesnt supply your size of gloves? Or the gloves are for personal use?
  7. ...so your service provides what exactly? ...an empty vehicle? Arent there regulations as to required amounts of equipment on your vehicle? Isnt it your responsibility to make sure your vehicle is fully stocked before you book on? Please correct me if Im wrong.
  8. Ive heard rumblings about standards/regulations being implimented into transfer services. This could be very beneficial for many reasons. I have tried to look into it but there doesnt seem to be much on the internet just yet. Ive heard through the grapevine that a standard will be implimented within the next two years, but have nothing to back up that claim. Let me know if you hear more. I do look forward to the day that there is a standard in place and some of these less than reputable companies are forced to clean up their act or fold.
  9. Download epocrates. Quick drug reference. I used it alot doing transfers, I assume it would be great for EMS as well. www.epocrates.com
  10. In lab, both practice and evaluated, I see alot of the same-side strapping. But that doesnt surprise me as the school teaches, <middle, bottom, tops, legs head> so the leg thing doesnt surpise me
  11. As a paramedic student we are required to get a flu shot in order to participate in clinical and field placement. No choice.
  12. In some parts of this province we dont have enough Drs to staff Emerg let alone have them riding out on the ambulances! Might be a nice thing to have someone to transfer the patient care to when arriving at the hospital!
  13. ...and that is why I like (now that I am no longer going through it) Ontario's graduated licensing. As a brand new driver, one has to drive with a person for a year (or 8 months I believe if they took a Drivers Ed class) before they were allowed to drive solo. There are also a bunch of other restrictions on their driving, but its the "supervised" driving that makes it a good plan!
  14. Candian Tire Money is given out by the store at the time of purchase. You would recieve a percent of your purchase in Candian Tire Money which we all collect and can be redeemed for the face value of the "money" towards a purchase. The "money" is in bill form in denominations of 5cents, 10cents, 25cents, 50 cents and a dollar. Example, I spent $160 at Canadian Tire last week and recieved back $1.90 in Canadian Tire money. Clear as mud?
  15. My partner did that in final practical testing- it was rather confusing as to how I was to tape the head- not having a c-collar to tape over lol...Also, its interesting to see SMR done without headrolls lol (failing criteria Razz) lol
  16. In going with the same topic of field references, Ive been recommended "The Streetmedics Handbook"- That is different from a BLS reference, more aimed at looking at differential diagnosis in patients (as I understand anyways). Anyone used this? (sorry if this is a thread hijack )
  17. Very well said Rid! I am glad there are others here who feel the same way I do. It certainly is a challenge for those of us who know the truth- to share with others how far He <did> go to save us!
  18. Good grief Dust- You dont need someone to tell you the lifeguard was hot- All lifeugards are hot JK
  19. "legally have to act in an emergency".......is this a volunteer lifeguarding job- if it isnt- Im guessing that your "legal responsibility" does not come into play- since this is a paid position- its their responsibililty (much different than pulling over for a car accident is it not?) "It was a girl in her teens who was suffering form heat exaustion from what I could gather from my 5 second pt. assessment "- sweet- I want to be someone who can asses in 5 seconds . As little credit as lifeguards are given, treating for heat exhaustion- and recognizing it isnt rocket science. Well, it seems from what is being said, this maybe could have been handled better by both parties....another thread thoroughly beaten to death
  20. Vs is right- When I am working as a lifeguard/ "first aider" for an employer, I am the one responsible for the pt involved. I do the pt care until EMS arrives. Its my call whether or not I accept help until then. When someone comes suing (Im a Canuck- that word isnt in my vocabulary so pardon me if it is spelled wrong ) the blame will fall on me if there was an act of negligence or inappropriate treatment. Thanks, but Id prefer to move on with my my career plans- I doubt services hire medics with criminal records .
  21. The service I plan on working for has an 0700-1900 shift, then a manditory 1900-0700 on call that comes automatically with each day shift. So 12 hrs at the base and 12 hrs on call at home- not too bad- I didnt mind it when I rode out there.
  22. Wow- thanks Rid! Looks like that will be very helpful!
  23. Even though I took my Pharmacology class this past term and passed....I am still hopeless at calculating dosages/IV drip rates etc. Besides the fact that the teacher was completely useless in teaching this section of the class, the textbook we used was just as bad as it only briefly mentioned the types of calculations we will use as medics- but did very little elaboration. I am looking for medical math resources that may help. I wonder if anyone has any recommendations- Thanks for your help.
  24. Thats right Kev, he likes us Ontarians better :wink: jk...and lets hope dust's ego doesnt get too big- 7 pages on his 'farewell' thread :shock:
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