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Everything posted by B_Robbins

  1. Paramedicmike, I can see how your skeptical on it. If your not prior military, I wouldn't expect you to understand. The whole thing is being planned now and like I said, they prefer me over the Corpsmen. The Corpsmen can't go anyway because they're two of them and they have annual training for that week. See how the size of a unit matters now? Now since I'm planning, if you have an answer instead, I'd appreciate it. Your very correct about there being a reason DOH doesn't have an answer. It's because they don't know. That is why I posted this after all Yeah its real training with a real LOI with real CO authorization…You guys seem to know more about how the military works then where I can find resources to help me make a smart move What are you guys skeptical about? Im just trying to get good solid advice from a few pro's. I clearly came to the wrong place. Thank you
  2. Its a small unit and they know me. Besides the skeptics though, I really just need resources to help my deciding. Thanks all. Anybody from Colorado? That be very helpful.
  3. What size pants we talking bout???
  4. Everything is staying within scope. My question though…do I even have a scope if I'm not working under a physician?
  5. A group of Marines are going to the mountain for a few days and want me to join them as their EMT. Apparently the Navy Corpsmen aren't digging the avalanche hazard terrain. Anyways, I'm a VET and know these guys really well so I've been preferred over others. I will volunteering as a civilian with no medical control. Am I allowed to do this in the state of Colorado? Called the dept. of health…no clear answer. Its a grey area apparently considering I'd be dealing with the military. I am state certified and my biggest fear is loosing that if. Thanks for review or any answers. Cheers
  6. Hello everyone. My name is Brandon and I just passed registry. Looking forward to picking your brains for information! I just left the Marine Corps and stumbled into an EMT course a few months back, turns out I really love it. Thank you for having me here.
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