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Everything posted by LittleFirecracker

  1. WHAT! Things have changed. You didn't used to have to pay to chat and now you do. I have lost my job and have no financial income coming in and this is when it's the crucial time that I need someone to chat with and you have to pay to chat. NUTS. I can pay a phychologist if I had the money. This is probably why I have not come back because I new that there would be a cost. You know God never decides to charge us for talking to him. Just think about that. If you are charging for people to talk, then you have lost your faith that God will meet all your needs(bills) in His time. I would like to stay here and chat was my most important thing, but if it's gonna cost me anything I don't think I will be coming back. I'll miss yall. Dina Krasny
  2. Hello. Sorry I was away so long. I have been rejected by many like Mary and Joseph. I have hopefully found myself a permanent barn to live in and call home so I can relax.

  3. I will trow in my 2 cents, but I will say this, determining whether you transport or do emergency calls does not conclude or decide whether someone is really part of EMS. Just as you have an immediate emergency to a response call, during transport a stable patient can automatically without any warning code on you or have a complication, and being a certifide EMT or paramedic I think answers the question are you really part of EMS? That's all I have to say.
  4. The show that inspired me to follow my dream of becoming a Firefighter, EMT and Paramedic was the show Emergency 51. I used to have a lunch box, a little fire ladder and a emergency 51 helmet. At six years of age, when Firefighters responded to my house because my brothers car caught fire, I came running outside with my fire ladder and my emergency 51 helmet and said, "I am ready". The firefighters smiled at me. Furthermore; I also new I wanted to help others who were sick and injured because in 1982, I was stabbed 15 times, and because of the compassionate and dedicated hearts that did not give up on me, I knew I had a calling to be a part of the medical field and help others through tragedies, but before I was even allowed to begin my education in the EMT classes and continue on, I had to conquer many trials and tribulations in life so that I was being prepared for the challenges that I would be faced with in the future. Currently, as of Jan. 10th 2005, I am a EMT student, and I will be finished in May 2005. I sincerely ask for your prayers and support, for it inspires me to pass my tests and go on. There is nothing more I desire now then to dedicate my compassion and empathy to those who are hurting and who are sick. When I have the opportunity to help others in need, I feel like I am the richest person in the world, and what an overwhelming feeling. The feeling of winning the lotto is nothing like helping someone who is sick and there strength is being inspired by your love of your heart. To all those who dedicate your hearts, I would like to take a moment to say,i am grateful to you all, and that my prayers go out to you, your families and all your brothers and sisters in the fire and EMS services. I look forward to chat with yall. 23 years later, I am still praying to find the paramedic who never gave up on me. In conclusion, I am having the opportunity to express my gratitude to all those who take so many risks everyday to help others. My love to you all. Signed (The Little firecracker) who will climb one rung at a time. And like the trick candles on a birthday cake, I will not burn out until God calls me home.
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