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  1. I don't have a very long winded or super fantastic idea, but why not have 2 seperate fto's evaluate the candidate at the same time on the same day without communicating with one another about the evaluation. Therefore if the evaluation is similar you know it was reasonable and lacked prejudice. For the scond part of your post, I would say most agencies i've ever worked for have had some sort of variation of the state exam before, during, or after precepting. The other thing most agencies do is they have a checklist of skills and duties they must preform while precepting before they can move on. This is verified by their FTO's. The agency I'm currently working for made you do these things and do a shift with the director of operations and another with the CEO. This felt like overkill but it was not without its merits, they get to really know how their employees work and what they can expect, and can easily decide if you need more training time or not.
  2. I understand the principal of this policy however there is a lot left to consider. First, as a Paramedic I want to see where in my job description retreiving equipment is written, and even if taking care of your own equipment is in there, picking up other crew's equipment is probably not. Further if it is not written I would like to see the policy for my raise for my added responsibility of retreiving other crew's equipment. Next I also see the management point of view its been stated many times but just to hammer it home equipment is expensive. Further, I'm not a complete rebel, and I dont suggest you be either, I wouldn't purposefully wait an extended period of time, and i wouldn't purposefully try to leave the equipment there either. The policy clearly states "if possible" which means a supervisor could deem it possible when you do not and vice versa leaving your butt in a sling. As far as possible solutions perhaps we couild add a line with a time limit of what acceptable waiting length is. ex: 15 mn past conclusion of patient transfer. Perhaps you and the hospital can work out an exchange program? The hospital we work with here just puts our equipment in a closet, bu we frequent the ER 2 or 3 times a shift per vehicle with 4/5 vehicles in service at a time so not usually a problem. Good luck and keep us posted with what happens.
  3. I've been working at my job for almost 7 years, and Never met my medical director.
  4. Jersey might be the only job options, don't even know yet !!
  5. After slaving away in NYC EMS for the past few year, I've finally gathered up enough money and more importantly enough courage to purchase a house. Despising NYC, and most of its occupants has me buying a house in Cresco, PA. The short term plan is to commute once a week work 3 12 hr shifts in NYC and commute back, long term plan will be to secure employment in PA. I have already applied for and received reciprocity. Are there any specific agencies I should be applying to or avoiding? What exactly is 'medical command'? And anything else that you feel I should know about EMS in the Pocono's ?
  6. 18 is the age to become an emt, 21, is the age to get hired at most places because of driving insurance reasons.
  7. the OGP app is a joke and inclues maybe 7 pages of 700. You will not find copies of the OGP lying around or on the internet as thats akin to giving terrorists a key to the city.
  8. The problem with being under 21 is the cost of insuring you to drive. Most underwriters think it unreasonable to give a teenager that much responsibility. I am not from CA so I will not be able to comment on specific places that hire under 21. I would advise looking for a job without the need for you to drive.
  9. I work there voluntarily, I gave up shifts in manhattan to be there.
  10. I'm glad for you. My experiences tell me otherwise. If you want to learn something go to school. Stay home read an A&P book, read a chemistry book. Look through the many threads here plenty of information available.
  11. The subtle clues give you the most information. Despite TV messy lockers have yielded the best results. I look for lockers with house hold items, mostly kids items (you'll find video games computers and odds and ends) might not be a treasure magnet but great way to make some money. If youre looking for antiques, and treasures you need to find out about the owner of the locker, where they worked how often they were at the facility etc... lockers unopened for long time are great.
  12. I raise, breed and sell freshwater stingrays I also go to storage auctions as seen on Tv lol
  13. All the Volly services in NYC have a direct line to be called, and ALL ALL ALL still listen to radio's and jump calls. However like the young buck original poster they don't bother with medical calls you might learn something useful on, they tend to volunteer for social status and to do "hot jobs" like GSW's... FDNY CAN write up voluntary ambulances who respond "outside their area of primary response" (PAR) .. CPMU got in trouble for going to a GSW they "jumped" that was across the street from central park. My advice to the original poster. Practice putting a bandaid on a dog if you need to learn how to take care of GSW's (no don't shoot the dog just pretend) you'll get more out of the bandaged dog then on buffing truama's. ALSO FDNY will not hire you over anyone else because of your volunteering. If you take civil service exam your time no matter how many calls you do or pretend to do will give you more points and a better score. However you will get less than someone with veteran status, and the same as the person working transport for minimum wage.
  14. I also don't work for FDNY but I am an FDNY contracted 9-1-1 medic in the bronx. The doc's advise is very relevant here.
  15. Firstly good luck with PA school. I have not taken a program at Emergency Care Program (here after refered to as ECP) but as a former instructor there I can tell you plenty. ECP is one of the worst run programs in this city. Most of the instructors lack any real experience. Most of them have never worked 911 inside the city, they mostly work interfacility jobs. Example day I went to "orientation" at ECP one of my recently graduated no expirience never worked as an EMT students from another program was sitting across from me. Finding jobs in NYC is difficult right now, especially as an EMT, FDNY has an overflow, and most private companies do also. However most places don't care where you went to school so being from ECP or anywhere else is fine as long as you have a state card) You will likely get a job working interfacility transport making btwn 10-12$/hr Starting pay at FDNY is 14/hr(ballpark) private hospitals make more but are hard to get a start in.
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