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Everything posted by tskstorm

  1. tskstorm


    Thanks ruff, I'll check it out
  2. Good summation. The links I gave you are places that are free to start with, I usually recommend power point slides from temple university which they have for every subject in ems, however they are down for maintainance, been about a month now. As far as specific and personal recommendations: Richard Beck Pharmacology for the EMS Provider 3 ed. AAOS Pharmacology applications AAOS Paramedic Airway management Benumof Airway Management Managment of the difficult and failed airway (multiple authors names escape me) As CH stated though, do you feel confident enough with your limited exposure to perform this procedure just by reading recommended books?
  3. I usually put slightly higher then my current rate, but it needs to be balanced with the level of benefits offered. Meaning, I wouldn't leave a job now, for less benefits/pay.
  4. How many firemen does it take to change a light bulb? Four - three to cut a hole in the roof and one to change the bulb. Q: Why don't Deputy Fire Marshals look out the window in the morning? A: So they have something to do in the afternoon. Q. What does CHAOS stand for? A.The Chiefs Have Arrived On Scene. If - H 2 O - is on the inside of a fire hydrant, what is on the outside? K 9 P Q: What is the first thing off the truck at a trailer fire? A: Lawn chair.
  5. http://www.scdhec.gov/health/ems/rsi.pdf http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=11&ved=0CFQQFjAK&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cchseast.org%2FPortals%2F33%2FResidency%2FRapidSequenceIntubation.ppt&ei=d3npS5f0NYH58Abi9bznDg&usg=AFQjCNH124drzgrdC3OI27om99eNiOA_eA dozens more available on google.
  6. Absolutely. I find some of the best ways to learn is to just drive around when not on a call, or to drive too the calls, under directions of your partner not a GPS you blindly follow but something that still requires thinking. I don't advise driving with a patient on board if you're unfamiliar with the area! I know when I first started I took a road map one night, and memorized the names of about 45 streets in order as they ran across the major avenues. This neighborhood had a tendency to rip street signs down to slow emergency responders to the fights/stabbings/shootings.
  7. It was 240 something yesterday when this was first posted. jumped 60 places in a day because of this forum, Lets spread this to our departments and bump it another 100 places!
  8. tskstorm


    Truthfully I have to write a paper about how people view the poor. The professor asked us to create and have people answer a questionnaire so we know how people view them to base our papers on. I think its all a load of bull. That's the price I pay for taking a sociology course! Any answers given are supposed to give me an idea of peoples biases or the myths they think about the poor, I already had a great concept of this however I'm trying my best to do whats asked. These answers will never be seen by anyone except me, well and the forum, but I mean they will not be used in the paper or seen by the professor or anyone else.
  9. I have gone through tom tom, garmin, and others, in dash and portable, ranging from $200 to $1000. I have the same problems with them all. So price has nothing to do with it. Knowing your area, means out of 1000, calls you need the map for 1 or less of those jobs. I have seen too many new providers come in and use gps to every call, including down the block from the hospital, and around the corner from our posting location. This is very unfortunate, that the CFR's couldn't find the patient, however this is a system failure from jump, why was the nearest ambulance 5 miles away ? Inside the 5 boroughs of NYC that is close to unheard of you can go from the top to bottom of a borough in 8-9 miles, especially, if it came over as a cardiac condition (heart attack) or an unconscious (because we almost always get it as an unconscious) it would be dispatched as a dual response(als and bls) if the ALS was that far away, theory being cfr's can start until bls arrives, bls can continue to start treatment until als arrives. Further I know it was an ALS assignment as FDNY CFR's are only assigned to ALS medical jobs, they also get sent to bls, mva's, needed for entry or to carry etc... This is one example of many why NYC needs to stop closing hospital and their EMS departments. Our call volume steadily increases, yet the FDNY in its infinite greed, refuses to give more units out to hospitals. They think they can do it all, with a declining budget at that! The last few warm days we were averaging 4200 calls a day, Even in a city with 250+ ambulances, that's still a lot of calls per unit! It is actually overwhelming, too often we hear on the radio, "any units available in the borough I have 5 priority assignments holding, and a total of 12 holding" Had there been more units available this problem would not have occurred.
  10. Truthfully, GPS units are traditionally unreliable. A good knowledge of your response area is something you should take pride in. You should not need a GPS, maps are good for those once in a while occasions you can't remember or cant find something but should be an exception not the rule.
  11. tskstorm


    Part of a Sociology project I'm supposed to get people to answer a short questionnaire. If anyone is interested in helping me out it shouldn't take very long, ans based on peoples answers could start a good debate. Poverty Questionnaire 1. What race are poor people? 2. Are poor people all alcoholics? 3. Are poor people all drug abusers? 4. How old are poor people? 5. Do they live in city or suburbs? 6. Are more poor people male or female? 7. Are poor people lazy? 8. Do all poor people have one or numerous kids? 9. Is lack of education a reason for being poor? 10. Is low minimum wage to blame for being poor? 11. Are all poor people unkept? 12. Is government assistance enough for poor people to survive? 13. Is social mobility (moving up or down in class) possible for the poor? 14. Do the poor pay taxes? 15. Do all poor people steal? Thanks in advanced
  12. Oh gosh I sure hope so! Then again I would have thought his License would say Last name : God First name: Para
  13. The acronym seems to be missing from my vocabulary... elaborate on ALTEs?
  14. Welcome to the city, interesting thoughts... Some food for thought because I'm a jerk, are there not priests who become priests after already having and maintaining another job? Just because he is a priest doesn't mean he doesn't have skills that can help you? Without a priest who will boost morale? You are going to kill a child? Not only that but a child with a child ? you keep the prostitute who you would assume is under 30 and can repopulate the earth? what if the prostitute is a male? what if the prostitute has norplant and cant get pregnant for 5 years? Why do we assume being a prostitute is a bad thing ? Do we know why thats their chosen line of work ? Is the prostitute from the US? or another place where prostitution is legal(vegas included)? You think by getting rid of the lawyer, the Police officer and other survivors wont try and reestablish the law they were familiar with?
  15. I'm not advocating to keep the officer, just askinq questions
  16. Unfortunately, I will only give you the information given to me, and as my professor did to us I will do to you, assume someone who's title is not specified is female I will say its a male, assume its a male, I will say its a female. No ones right or wrong just interesting to see everyone's perspective. It essentially is supposed to be based on your bias what you envision an Army captain is or a prostitute etc... We were randomly assigned 1 and were sitting in a group of 10 and argued our positions, since we can't really do that, I'm not sure it matters which one you are. However in the interest in seeing some new different responses, choose one, make it random (assign each a number and put it in a hat and pull 1 out) or your favorite, but state who you are and how/why you chose to take on that role. Edited for quote error
  17. Capable of all of the above. ------------------------------ What if I told you the Army captain was an overweight 45 year old female captain of the latrine, and she's spent her entire career cleaning the latrines? still think she's capable of the enforcement ?
  18. No one, tell me who from your 7 will though, and why you think they're capable.
  19. I've seen too many people just put radio numbers in without checking, and putting badges/shield numbers in the wrong/reverse order... Sometimes its a mistake sometimes its on purpose. The thing about logging in that drives me batty is when people put GOD/Bart/XXXX as riding third ... that pisses me off, just unprofessional nonsense.
  20. Will the military officer know law? or will he only know army S.O.P. Who will be the judge with no lawyer? the army captain? ... the residency comment was to someone who killed the older physician and kept just the medical student...
  21. So no law or order in your society? Eventually you want to rebuild and repopulate the earth that's why you kept the blind girl and the prostitute yes? So then who will build the law and order portion of your society when it grows?
  22. So the 1st year medical student .. with no residency done will suffice? No law in your society? Just open to interpretation there's really no rules except what I stated in the first post
  23. Open to interpretation ... Who said the prostitute was a female ?
  24. so you're dumping the Priest, Lawyer and Army Captain? So your society will have no faith, no law, and no army?
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