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Everything posted by tskstorm

  1. Congrats on the move!
  2. haha thanks for sharing
  3. we have people from all over the world here !
  4. 0 ? 0 what ? he should wait 0 hours? I didn't realize a new class started every hour !
  5. Welcome
  6. This has been discussed until exhaustion, as Scuba suggested ... please use the search.
  7. I just have one comment, I've always been taught, If the death is questionable enough for you to put the monitor on its good enough to be worked, because obviously you had doubts on whether or not the patient was dead to begin with. I don't see any reason to not work this code, especially being as CPR was in progress.
  8. oops .. sorry ... so yea ... know your ACLS drugs !
  9. I think it should count ... not feeling pain is not feeling pain!
  10. Probably so...
  11. tskstorm

    Gift Ideas

    How about a private indoor picnic ... have a trail of Hershey kisses or heart shaped chocolate candy leading the way to the picnic area from when she first walks into the place, maybe some balloons in the room a small gift something homemade ...poem or something ... play her favorite music make her favorite food ... perhaps get a henna tattoo kit, and well you should know the rest...
  12. I agree in sorts, but the bottom line is really, Anthony was quite nice about his answer, much nicer than most.
  13. As stated earlier, this was involved on an episode of house, considering there are only a handful of cases present, I don't think its likely many EMS personnel have seen such a case, but if anyone has, it would be great to hear about it .. As others have stated now that we have the solution to the riddle if people want to know more about the disease they can look it up ... and people who researched it to find out the answer probably did read information about the disease.
  14. Is there any point to this post? Did you have a problem with the thread?
  15. okie dokies, I think he was saying that perhaps home meds are what his friend didn't understand... no biggie
  16. He's probably a paramedic student he did state "someone who went to a different school than me" Plus look a the title line "paramed"
  17. no problem Thx for the acknowledgment though!
  18. Just a short little quip here for you all to chew on, The company I work for is quite large, and almost every unit in the company approximately 30 9-1-1 units in the 5 boroughs precept students. Most of these units precept students ALS and BLS units. Some more than others, there is no preceptors trained or chosen, whoever works the unit that day is the preceptor for that student. On the flip side for FTO's they go through company training and new hires to the company must be trained with FTO's ...
  19. Could be any of the following ... take your pick! Children's Internet Protection Act of 1999 (US) Camera & Imaging Products Association Classified Information Procedures Act Chartered Institute of Patent Agents Canadian Information Productivity Awards Colorado Independent Publishers Association Canadian International Pharmacy Association Cornell Institute for Public Affairs (Ithaca, NY) California Independent Petroleum Association Congenital Insensitivity to Pain with Anhidrosis Council on International and Public Affairs Center for International Programs Abroad (Emory University) China Investment Promotion Agency Common Integrated Police Application (India) Curriculum Improvement Partnership Award Citizen Initiated Performance Assessment Canadian Insolvency Practitioners Association California Information Practices Act Certified Islamic Professional Accountant
  20. Have you asked a criminal this ? How could you possibly know this ? If this was true why are there so many gang retaliation shootings? If everyone carries hand guns, criminals will carry around machine guns, if everyone carries machine guns they will carry something larger ... etc.... Again I sit on the fence when it comes to gun control, I see arguments from both sides, but your contention seems quite ridiculous without some way of backing it up.
  21. Poor grammar on my part should have read " this letter doesn't really do anything for the argument that standardized tests are slanted against blacks" ... It was implied by Lone Star that this author had good reading and writing skills therefore standardized testing is fair across the board ...
  22. Welcome to the site, easy does it on the caps though.
  23. don't need it in NY
  24. Although I think the whole standardized testing is slanted against blacks is nonsense ... this letter doesn't really do anything, he had to dictate the letter, meaning he obviously couldn't write, and we have no idea of his reading ability ... but if he in did fact dictate the math portion, he was obviously proficient in basic math skills ...
  25. hey now I only said I thought that 80 was the upper age limit I didn't say miss Terri was only 80 ... I thought she was more like 140 ...
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