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Everything posted by tskstorm

  1. Pharmacology is dynamic, Things are always changing .. I don't see how there could be a standard book. we have a contraindication of allergies to nuts or soy and contraindicated in pt's with hypersensitivity to atropine and its derivatives. It is currently only in protocol for asthma locally further if approved by medical director you are to mix albuterol and ipratropium together. There should be no problem in children under 12 we routinely give the adult dose to kids over 6y/o and a half dose to kids under 6y/o
  2. The name is a bit misleading but back to the OP In this economy, you should take everything with a grain of salt, everywhere there are cutbacks if this company is still hiring, and you are looking for a job, don't over think it ..
  3. According to what I hear on the streets they prefer to hire from within, medics who are previously certified have sometimes made the choice to get hired as an EMT and upgrade to a Medic with the department, meaning they retake medic class. Official Policy is more than likely they will hire anyone with appropriate credentials.
  4. yes they're hiring! http://www.doctorsambulance.com/application.html
  5. I know I don't like thinking about my future demise but I think everyone's right, should die doing something you love if you must die.
  6. To any of the above people who say speeding is dangerous etc... you're all right but this is a dynamic process, even in the most controlled scenario I can think of, its still dynamic! If one was to say we could exceed the speed limit by XX MPH anything above that is unsafe we would need to evaluate the exact road, lets say the exact same road with the exact same conditions and I mean EXACT were in 2 different places, say NY and TX ... but NY's top Speed limit is 65 and in Tx's say the Speed limit is 75MPH if they were both driving 85MPh it doesn't look so bad for the TX crew, but OMG the NY crew is driving 20MPH over ... and is "unsafe" what's the real difference ? just the base speed limit ... Speeding is a perspective when it comes to safety and your comfort level. Speeding is loud and clear when you are in your personal vehicle, in an ambulance due regard is what it is. The formula for kinetic energy is KE= momentum squared / 2*mass so yes speed kills but isn't that relevant ? a person going 4 MPH has a 4 times greater chance of dying than the person going 2 MPH ...
  7. I never claimed I didn't speed, I just think the way that was said was funny. I was always told the reason we have such low speed limits around most of new york because more often then not people don't really follow the speed limit they follow the speed limit +10 mph, so if the speed limit was 80 people would do 90 etc... Speeding with a patient on board is more than likely unnecessary but it is what it is ...
  8. Why not start a thread about it ? instead of hijacking his ?! CongratS again dude !!!
  9. This sounds like something a teenager trying to get out of a speeding ticket might say lol
  10. I have to agree I think its just because they can .. I know on the rare occasion I'm pulled over I make sure to mention I work EMS in the city ... Usually results in a warning instead of whatever I did that was questionable lol ..
  11. I personally have been on the fence on whether or not I want kids my deciding factor to why I want children is when I'm 60-70-80-90 I want someone around to take care of me, etc... ?No nursing homes for me please...
  12. Makes perfect sense ... anything available is a resource
  13. ahahahaha .... CongratS dude!!
  14. Being a Paramedic vs EMT changes how you think and what you ask, if you're asking different questions how can you have had practice asking them Better education leads to better patient care I'm sure we can all agree to that right? That's why I think people who intend to be Paramedics should just go straight through it and start offering the best care they can give right away. PA school's around here are only 18 month to 2 year programs, and the only reason it takes them that long is they don't do clinicals while the didactic sessions are still going on. I see that as being similar although I'm completely aware you need a bachelors and a lot of pre-reqs to get into the program itself. FD or PD are on at least half of our calls without us asking for them, so I don't see it as subcontracting I see it as using your resources.
  15. You're absolutely right, but you need to have been there at the level of care you want to ultimately provide, an EMT and a Paramedic will 90% of the time look at the patient differently. EMT see's an MI a Paramedic see's a Inferior wall MI... You can't learn the needed bedside manners of a paramedic by working as an EMT I also feel it must be said, Just because one is in school to be a paramedic for a year doesn't mean you stop working as an EMT. You should be working as an EMT until the Paramedic class starts and during it, plus internship/clinical time you should have seen a significant amount of patients to develop some bedside manner. When there is a patient involved and PD or FD is around they are resources to me, I use my resources to suit me best. I try to keep the big picture in mind, If my partner and I aren't tasked with the menial tasks we can focus more on patient care. What good is a CFR FF or CFR LEO on a cardiac arrest unless you delegate them to assist you?
  16. You coming with us squints?
  17. My question here is if the FD is so superior ... why did they leave the crew alone knowing there was a 3 floor walk down?... and knowing the size(weight) of the patient? Who told them they could clear the scene? FDNY FF's have a bad habit of clearing themselves off the job once we arrive.
  18. It's just as stated .. This is just a failure on the part of laziness. If the patient didn't want to sit in the chair, and wanted to walk which does happen despite how much you try to talk a patient into a stair chair or other device every now and again, I wonder why they didn't have the patient sign an RMA for it. Reminds me of why I like having a signature on the RMA line for even the simplest of things. "Oh you just want an ice pack? No problem, but I just need some basic information and a signature"
  19. When originally taught the IO skill, we were taught the many uses, however after thumbing through my protocol book, it does seem that the current case is as you stated its pretty much only used in arrest situations, however I'm certain we could get an order for such if the situation warranted it.
  20. Shouldn't speaking to peoples and patience be skills you are taught from the time you are age 5 and older? Why must one be an EMT to learn these skills ? Scene control can and probably should be delegated to LEO's. If you're talking about controlling the LEO's and CFR's who have lost their heads on a job such as an MCI your control should be limited to what effects patient care, or by assigning them simple mundane tasks that wont interfere with patient care. No EMT class teaches such things.
  21. I'm with Anthony here, no one has mentioned the use of Lido for an IO and it is certainly not in protocol, I wonder If one could call medical control for an order....
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