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Everything posted by tskstorm

  1. Recently people have broken into ambulance by breaking windows, taking crews personal belongings as well as Company equipment mainly the GPS These ambulances were secured, and we even have alarms on some of the vehicles, people are just plain rash, one of the ambulances was broken into in the ER Ambulance bay. One Ambulance was broken into with a RMP/Police vehicle parked right behind it, of course they were upstairs assisting the crew, but this is some rash stuff!
  2. Granted but your Vanilla Coke was Chilled with liquid Nitrogen I wish that April will go by quickly!
  3. I must imagine that there must be some sort of ambulance service in the area? Even if private? If not why doesn't a private company pick up the "ESD" ?
  4. It would make sense to say who we are contracted under, but not much about EMS makes sense
  5. My ambulance only says "mount sinai" or "NYU" etc... no where on the 9-1-1 subcontract units does it say transcare, and we aren't permitted to wear anything that says transcare, come to think about it the only thing that says transcare is my check lol
  6. Transcare AMR CityWide Senior Care Assist Midwood Northshore Hunter ambulance Hunter EMS Just to name the private companies, there are also hospital based EMS. None are union, all the benefits stink, all offer flexible scheduling to my knowledge. If you need more help or specifics please Just ask exactly what you want to know.
  7. I thought he was referring to his local system, I know what site I'm on sometimes :\
  8. Not quite sure where here is to run such a search but I"ll take your word for it. We are making cuts here as well. I personally envision EMS going back to how it was about 20 years ago, with 12-15 minute response times to arrests, unconscious patients, diff breathers etc... because of the lack of ambulances and the increase in call volume, Its only spring and I've seen our call volume go to about 3400 calls for the day, Last summer, I think on the busiest day I can remember we hit 4400 calls, I predict this summer we will hit about 5000 calls a day, with even the critical patients having long waits due to long response times, Last summer I was responding to middle priority jobs an hour after they were called in because, there was no one available to do the call. If anyone reading this is not aware I live and work in NYC. The fire department the primary provider in the area is also cutting 30 units, and reducing another 160+ man hours a week. This summer there will be hell to pay! lol
  9. A close up look at the tail lift of a McNellie Ford Transit. Look at the thought that has gone into it. When the rear door is swung up, duplicates of the exterior lights it covers are revealed and operated. How about that ?
  10. http://hotjobs.yahoo.com/career-articles-j...ver_go_away-641 Jobs That Will Never Go Away by Romy LeClaire Loran, FindtheRightSchool.com Choosing a career path can be challenging. Half of all college students change their majors at least once as they travel the sometimes bumpy road that will lead right degree. If you want to follow your dreams as well as provide for a certain future, take heart. As long as human beings continue to inhabit the planet, there are many worthwhile and fulfilling jobs that will never go away. Accountant As long as there are taxes, there will be a need for skilled accountants to work with clients, helping them keep their books in order. While accounting technology becomes more sophisticated, many accountants also assist clients with the technological aspects of record keeping and tax preparation. An online degree can prepare you for this field by providing accounting coursework and career training. Many assistant accountants begin with training and an associate's degree. Armed with a bachelor's degree in accounting, you could make an average annual salary of $63,180, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Computer Support Specialist If you thrive on helping your friends and family solve their computer woes, consider becoming a computer support specialist. With computers playing such an important part of daily life, computer support specialists provide their clients much needed technical assistance. As a computer support specialist, you will meet with clients in person or answer questions remotely, via Internet, or on the phone. Many computer support specialists either have a bachelor's degree in computer science or an associate's degree in a computer-related program. In 2007, computer support specialists made an average annual salary of $45,300, according to the BLS. Entrepreneur To be an entrepreneur you need to be an independent, outgoing risk taker as you establish your own business or company. Although it may be hard to know whether a business will succeed, there will always be a need for a variety of goods and services and businesses to supply them. An online degree in business can help make your dreams a reality, as you earn your associate's or bachelor's degree. Although salaries can vary greatly with the self-employed, small business owners made an average annual wage of $36,000 to $75,095 in 2008, according to Pay Scale. Mechanic As anyone who commutes or runs to the store knows, we live in a nation of automobiles. If you know the make and model of every automobile that zips by and have an interest in what's under the hood, consider becoming an automotive service technician or mechanic. Automotive service technicians and mechanics diagnose problems with cars and light trucks and fix them. Mechanics need to be analytical, good problem solvers, and willing to work with computerized diagnostic tools and programs as well as traditional tools. You can also specialize in an area such as brakes or cooling systems. Online career training can get you started. Programs range from six months to two years. Mechanics made an average annual salary of $36,480 in 2007, according to the BLS. Teacher As long as human beings continue to have children, there will be a need for teachers. If you enjoy working with young children and want to teach, you can make $50,040 on average annually if you are an elementary school teacher, and $52,450 annually if you are a secondary teacher, according to the BLS. Elementary teachers have the pleasure of teaching all subjects. Secondary teachers also get to follow their bliss. By focusing on specific certification areas, secondary teachers specialize in the subjects they want to teach. Many online programs can get you started towards a bachelor's degree in education and certification. Whatever your calling may be, with the right degree and career training, your career prospects for these much-needed jobs can help keep you from becoming outsourced or even worse, obsolete.
  11. No matter how busy the pediatric ER is why would you leave a child unattended If he was waiting more than 30min a Update to dispatch and a Supervisor would have been sent It was new years eve? think about it!
  12. he worked for FDNY out of station 17 Good guy from what I remember, guess not lol
  13. So i saw this link in an article on yahoo, and at first it seemed kind of silly, but after reading how to get two packages of Huggies diapers and a pack of wipes for 1$ I thought this might be a good read... http://neverpayretailagain.blogspot.com/
  14. Can you provide any sort of documentation to support this? Sounds like you are talking about an advanced directive or health care proxy as opposed to a DNR *edit* Seems like this was already addressed slow typer this morning lol --------------- To the OP, Only care wanted should be rendered, If the family/patient only want assistance getting up should help them get up, and get a RMA based on your local protocol. I can't count the times families panic and call 9-1-1 when their family member is dying, even though the family member has a DNR. The family just doesn't know what else to do.
  15. thanks but your about 15 months too late lol
  16. There is a Psych evaluation as part of pre-employment, however out of the many people I know who have taken part of it, say it was complete nonsense, and mostly geared towards why they wanted the job, why they wanted to be in EMS, and about how they deal with Stress. I myself might have to be looking forward to this with all these hospital closures!
  17. Maybe we should just trade in our ambulances for horses, and I do mean horses, then we don't have to worry about mvc's or what lane to travel in/pass in, just try not to get run over by a semi!
  18. Okay, but shouldn't a driver be aware of their surroundings, and see where the emergency vehicle is? Oh well neither here nor there, thank you though.
  19. You're supposed to turn of lights and Sirens on all Bridges and Tunnels, there is no shoulder for the cars to pull onto and you will probably create more difficulty and danger than necessary for everyone.
  20. NY says you're supposed to pull to the right, but drivers who pull to the right are few and far between. As far as things go here, you pass where ever and how ever you can or else you will sit in midtown traffic like everyone else and it will take you 45 min to get the the chest pain pt 5 blocks away... In traffic this bad even when passing right or left you are still only driving a handful of miles per hour all collisions should be easily avoided! I don't see what the big deal about passing on the right is, I've taken 3 or 4 different EVOC classes given they were all nonsense, but I never heard anything about passing on the right. Someone fill me in?
  21. We all know NYC is a completely separate animal however, If a crew is at a hospital past 40 minutes and a Lt. is available, they will send the Lt. to come figure out whats wrong, if upon arrival we are getting unsatisfactory treatment from the Triage staff, we will call for a Lt. to come and deal with it. In the event the hospital is just busy and neither the hospital nor the crew are being jerks, and there are 3 ambulances or more, in triage, for 30 or more minutes, the hospital will go on redirection. Redirection is almost like a miniature Diversion, Redirection acts like diversion where no new ambulances can go to that hospital however, the largest difference are 1 Diversion is a courtesy OLMC can still give us permission to transport to that hospital, Redirection you will get redirected to the next most appropriate hospital even with OLMC 2, Redirection is implemented by EMS not by the Hospital, its a management tool of our system, its also a punishment to the hospitals, in an age where hospitals are always looking for more money this is a way of keeping it from them. A lot of Triage nurses will take a 1 minute report find you a bed and sign and time an unfinished PCR and say give it to me when you're done just to keep the patient flow steady. A lot of times when multiple ambulances are in the Triage area waiting someone will remind the staff that the hospital will have to go on redirection if they don't get a move on, and when they hear those words they do move. I'm sure I'm missing some differences and I'm sure some other NYC personnel can add to this. I don't know if the explanation of how things here work will help you any, my initial thoughts would be anytime you are waiting over 30 minutes notify your supervisor and have them notify appropriate hospital personnel.
  22. that looked like it really hurt .. ow
  23. Santa's not real? :'( How old were you when you lost your virginity?
  24. You can always call telemetry and push the blame on them
  25. tskstorm

    Arming EMT's

    I know we have discussed being armed and wearing a bullet proof vest numerous times. The NYS EMS Safety committee will be meeting and this is on the schedule to be discussed. This started because of an EMT killed on the job while actively helping someone. Story here
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