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Everything posted by tskstorm

  1. On the website is a list of the currently elected staff members ... and information on what they as an organization does.
  2. GVAC is where he currently volunteers, how is this offering him a new career? I jokingly said I should apply based on my tremendous experience.
  3. I've been an EMT about 2 years, I average about 10 calls per shift, 4 shifts a week ... that's about 2000 patients ... Maybe I should apply ! By the way GVAC is where jerillyn/beegers/whatever her name is now on here, volly's so one phone call to her and im sure she could enlighten us to exactly what the situation is .. http://gvacnj.org/ if anyone wants to browse around ..
  4. If your going to spend money on something make it multifunctional Look at something like this .. http://www.lapolicegear.com/surefire-e2d-d...flashlight.html It has a design which allows for quick self defense. Just a thought (me I have a 3$ flashlight and an extra battery ... works for me)
  5. Weed laced with PCP # Slang Terms for Marijuana: Weed, Pot, Bud, Herb, Grass, Reefer, Ganja, Green, Mary Jane, Cheeba, Dope, Endo, Buddha, Smoke, Wheezy # Slang Terms for Marijuana Laced with Other Drugs: With PCP - Boat, Loveboat, Chips, Donk, Illies, Illing, Lovelies, Love Leaf, Killer Weed, Supergrass, Wack, Woolies, Zoom, Fry, Frios (Spanish), Yerba Mala (Spanish) With Formaldehyde (embalming fluid) - Boat, Loveboat, Fry, Amp, Drank, Clickem, Ill, Illy, Wack, Wet, Water-Water With Cocaine - Chronic, Banano, Caviar, Champagne, Cocoa Puff, Gremmies, Lace With Crack Cocaine - Chronic, Bazooka, Cocktail, Crack Back, Fry Daddy, Dirty, Geek, Gimmie, Juice Joint, Liprimo, Oolies, P-Dogs, Torpedo, Turbo, Woolies # Potency-Related Terms: Low-grade - Schwag, Dirt weed Mid-grade - Middies, Skunk High-grade - Kindbud, KB, Hydro (hydroponically-grown), Nugs, Trees, Dank, Sensimilla (Spanish for "without seeds"), Kif (crystals shaken off high-grade buds, pronounced "keef") # Use & Users: Blunt - L, L-P, Bob, Philly, Dutchie, Gars Joint - J, Jay, White-Boy Thai Sticks - bundles of marijuana soaked in hash oil Shotgun - inhaling smoke forced into one's mouth by another's exhaling, usually with a blunt Dusting - adding another, powdered drug to marijuana Clambaking/Hotboxing - having a marijuana session in a tightly enclosed space (i.e. - in a car with the windows rolled up) 420 - "International Pothead Code" - time for smoking marijuana (4:20), date for marijuana holiday (April 20) Head Shop - a store that sells paraphernalia and smoking accessories Heavy user - Pothead, Weedhead, Airhead, Head, Stoner, Burnout, Fiend
  6. I'm sure there is a chance it is that, but I wouldn't know, and my patients had no idea.
  7. recently there has been what seems an epidemic of bad weed in Spanish Harlem and midtown ... the calls are coming in mostly as all sorts of things but the text will say something like, dizzy, lightheaded, confused. They are basically calling because they are having bad trips ... Most will up and say I was smoking weed but I don't feel right, I don't smoke that often to get like this. They have been presenting tachycardic, hypertensive, and dilated pupils. Normally this is not such a big thing, but yesterday when I rolled into a hospital, one of the Dr's was talking to the patient he became unresponsive, and the hospital had a difficult time trying to get him back. This was my 5th call like this in the last 3 days, just wanted to give everyone a heads up and see if anyone else had any calls like this ?
  8. Medic: Why did you call 911? Pt: I got asthma and I don’t want to die like my son. Medic: He died of asthma? Pt: Yes he was running from the police and got shot but he would’ve run faster if he didn’t have asthma.
  9. Its production ended in 2002 I would assume many differences in protocol as things are always changing. I certainly don't own it but thought someone might want to try it out and let us know if its any good
  10. Actually in the game you start off as an EMT and based on performance advanced to a paramedic if my understanding is correct
  11. How can one do proper CPR without exposing the chest? Are the appropriate landmarks not visual based?
  12. I remember seeing one, but with a quick search I couldn't re-find it to add to it ... I was just browsing through Amazon adding assorted items regarding EMS for my collection and ran into this. Amazon video game [web:0394214637]http://www.amazon.com/911-Paramedic-Pc/dp/B00005QX4S/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&s=software&qid=1225556961&sr=8-11[/web:0394214637]
  13. How you missed Spanish and Spanglish in your list I will never know
  14. FD5 this isn't my thread so I can only make an educated guess that it is somewhere in between drunk and inebriated. Well there would be a large difference between a college kid who has had one beer, one who had 12 beers and a one who had a keg of beer. I'm referring to either of the second two when the word intoxicated is involved. I would like to think when we use the word they are at least legally over the limit. I'm sure we all know one or two people who can have 12 beers, and still be A&O but they are still intoxicated and unable to make an informed decision and should be treated under implied consent.
  15. I think most are missing the title of the thread .... INTOXICATED, I don't normally go around calling people who had 1 beer who are A&O Intoxicated.
  16. Already posted http://www.emtcity.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=13402
  17. [web:17bf926c19]http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081023/ap_on_sc/sci_scotch_tape_surprise[/web:17bf926c19] Scotch tape to Field x-ray? Sure why not.
  18. There is a GOP update I just saw today midazolam will also be offered IN ...
  19. I have not seen any medics use it. I am unfamiliar with why IN Narcan was approved. Some of my class instructors are on the Remac board (our protocol board) I will address it with them when I see them, most likely not till Thursday. I am guilty as charged Scott I'm a medic student.
  20. If your legally intoxicated at any age and not driving or giving anyone a hard time NYPD will leave you be as long as you go to the hospital. If they refuse PD will say " you can go to the hospital or you can go to jail" My poor grammar may have lead you to believe that what I stated was only for underage drinkers but it is for everyone. Anyone who refuses to go to the ER who is intoxicated or impaired by any substance will have me calling PD, If i can not not talk to patient into going. Intoxication is a medical condition and should be treated as such. On a side note, If PD arrives on scene before we do, and the person who is intoxicated doesn't want to go to the hospital and is capable of ambulating they will tell them to get up and keep moving, most of our regular drunks know this and when they see us get up and walk away when we approach them. I'm certainly not chasing them down, but I will write up paperwork to document what happened and move on with my tour!
  21. Use it in NYC ... ALTERED MENTAL STATUS 1. Begin Basic Life Support Altered Mental Status procedures. 2. Begin an IV infusion of Normal Saline (0.9% NS) to keep vein open, or Saline Lock. 3. Administer Dextrose 25 gm (50 ml of a 50% solution), IV/Saline Lock bolus. NOTE: A GLUCOMETER (IF AVAILABLE) MAY BE USED TO DOCUMENT BLOOD GLUCOSE LEVEL PRIOR TO DEXTROSE ADMINISTRATION. IF THE GLUCOMETER READING IS ABOVE 120 mg/dl, DEXTROSE MAY BE WITHHELD. 4. Administer Thiamine 100 mg, IV/Saline Lock bolus. 5. In patients with diabetic histories where an IV/Saline Lock route is unavailable, administer Glucagon 1 mg, IM. (Thiamine need not be administered to these patients). 6. If there is no change in mental status, administer Naloxone up to 2 mg, IV/Saline Lock bolus. If IV/Saline Lock access has not been established, administer Naloxone up to 2 mg, IM or IN. NOTE: IF AN OVERDOSE IS STRONGLY SUSPECTED, ADMINISTER NALOXONE PRIOR TO DEXTROSE AND THIAMINE. 7. If there still is no change in mental status or it fails to improve significantly, repeat Dextrose 25 gm (50 ml of a 50% solution), IV/Saline Lock bolus. 8. If there still is no change in the patient's mental status or it fails to improve significantly, repeat Naloxone up to 2 mg, IV/Saline Lock bolus. If IV/Saline Lock access has not been established, administer Naloxone up to 2 mg, IM or IN. 9. If there is still no change in mental status, contact Medical Control for implementation of one or more of the following MEDICAL CONTROL OPTIONS: MEDICAL CONTROL OPTIONS: OPTION A: Repeat Naloxone, up to 2 mg, IV/Saline Lock bolus (IM or IN if IV/Saline Lock access has not been established), up to 3 additional doses. (Maximum total dosage is 10 mg.) OPTION B: Transportation Decision.
  22. I worry more about being vomited on, or my truck vomited in!
  23. No there would not be, and in the services I've worked in or rotated in I have never seen communication devices such as 2 way radios in the back of the truck. So I guess I'm never supposed to give a notification ? If i need to give a notification I would think my partners hands are tied in the back taking care of the patient... So who calls the notification to the ER when waiting on scene an extra few minutes to call it in is significant to patient outcome and possibly detrimental patient care?
  24. All runs should be ALS until proven otherwise ... They should treat it as any other altered mental status patient. Until you can rule out everything that can cause an altered mental status patient you should not assume he is just intoxicated.
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