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Everything posted by tskstorm

  1. North east, possible Harlem river drive? Fairly certain HRD is 50 still not 55
  2. On my paramedic field rotations, I'm starting to get a lot of heat from my preceptors for not being aggressive enough. I accredit my lack of aggression to three things, the first being I'm only like 25% through my class, and simply just don't have enough knowledge. They have been expecting me to have knowledge of things we haven't been held responsible for in class yet, and although this isn't an excuse, it's just a fact. We have a new head instructor this year, and our program is not up to the historical standard of our program. Part of this is, we are just being introduced to protocols because of major changes for January 2008. They didn't want to teach us wrong the first time, and didn't want to teach us things ahead of time. So lack of that knowledge is a big part. I've rectified this the best I can by reading ahead, started memorizing the new protocols ahead of time. My second problem is my patient exam and interview. We are also just being introduced into vectored exams, and further assessment tools, and again this is stuff our preceptors expect us to know. I have addressed my preceptors explaining to them we just haven't covered these things, and for the most part they don't seem to believe me, or the other students. To rectify this, I'm here looking for advice on vectored exams, important questions to ask every patient etc... Any advice at all on these subjects are greatly appreciated. Last problem, is confidence, sitting in their ambulance, I feel like it's their show, and I'm only along for the ride. I have no problem doing anything when/if they ask me to but If not asked or prompted I tend to sit back and wait. This is a problem no one can do anything about except myself, and I feel I wont be able to rectify this until I'm further in the program and am more knowledgeable in all subjects of patient care. (P.S. I batted around where to put it students or patient care. Its a student issue revolving around patient care. So I put it here simply because it will probably get more notice here, please move if needed. Thanks) ~TSK
  3. Practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect. Just keep at it ... in acute cases look in the AC, more often then not you can hit a vein there by pure dumb luck, in patients who are most likely going to be in the hospital try to avoid the AC, as the hospital will probably pull it and start a new one. As far as anatomy of the veins itself, look and feel for it before doing anything. Not sure what else there is to say. Try a hospital rotation in the ER? do some bloods? Sorry if it doesn't help
  4. tskstorm

    Bloons 2

    thats bloons D2, they have a regular bloon 1 2 and 3 as well
  5. The more things you say, the more I don't like about you. 16 year old children should not be exposed to the things we see. Not to mention they shouln't be around all the communicable disease's we have. Not to mention the reprocussions we now face as 'professionals'
  6. Our ALS intercept official policy says, one BLS person drives the ambulance, with the medic in back and other BLS person drives fly car behind. How often that happens is slim to none, because there usually aren't 2 cleared drivers so they either A. leave the non-driver in the fly car till we return, B. Wait on scene till a supervisor comes, C. Lock it and leave it.
  7. In response to the Doc, I just wanted to say, Since I've started being an EMT, I've had a few job interviews for other jobs outside of EMS, because hell being an EMT doesn't always pay the bills, especially when you are being froze out. I noticed all the interviewers who asked about past job experiences or specifically about my job as an EMT, were very interested about my EMT expirience. Side note: It also showed me how little education these people had about EMS as a whole but that wasn't the point! I had interviewers asking me questions about EMS calls, and systems, and not relative to the job. Just agreeing with most interviewers seem genuinely interested in EMS expirience, at least in my expirience.
  8. If you hate maps, invest in one of these. http://www.amazon.com/s.html/ref=pd_lpo_k2...QCTF7345DE4QCBZ
  9. It takes time, After about a year, I know almost every street in the 5 boroughs of NYC. If I can manage that you can manage your area I'm sure !
  10. Community colleges with Bachelor's ? the way your plan is, I see 2 years in community college, (little to no credit's will carry over for this combination major/minor) 4 years Bachelor degree Pre-med/minor criminal justice 4 years of med school, then few years of residency? 4?5?(don't remember) Or do you think you are going to do 2 year community college 2 years to Bachelor pre med/criminal justice, then med school, and residency? You need to start answering posts with more then just simple answers. Barley begins to answer BEorP's question.
  11. hot damn, someone really taught you how to shoot for the stars! Thats some heavy coursework you are looking at, good luck!
  12. I'm only a medic student but I'd be more than happy to help if and where I can If interested pm, and I'll reply with a phone number.
  13. http://www.upstate.edu/emergency/emstat/ I checked all over and don't see anything about a BS. If you see something please post it ....
  14. Salary in Chattanooga TN: $41,000 Comparable salary in New York (Queens) NY: $64,016.01 I don't know anyone in queens who makes 65K who can buy a house without assistance from wife or girlfriend making similar wage. Houses in the ghetto are 750K here, decent house between 1-2 mil. Enough about cost of living though. I don't necessarily think we should have to become basics before medics, but thats just how it is.
  15. The money really doesn't sound all that great, a basic with the FDNY gets "After 5 Years $39,179" Not including night time differential, meal allowance, and other benefits. Mind you you get all this for 120 hour course, not two years of Paramedic school, So the sum of money doesn't sound great to me. As it was said plenty of other jobs pay just as well with just as little to no education. In todays day and age I look at 40K y/r to be just above minimum wage, anyone who would put two years of school and 10K-12K of money for education should want more and for what we do, deserve more(for the most part.)
  16. Eh, I can deal with the smell, seen enough necrotic flesh in my box, however, its just an inappropriate instructor behavior.
  17. Cell Phones are awesome, My classes policy is, turn all sound off, if you need to pick up a call, or text or whatever floats your boat step out of the room and back into it quietly. My medic instructor hasn't picked up his cell phone in class, but he does a lot more concerning inappropriate, unprofessional things. He wears the same clothes 2-3-4 days in a row, he farts in class, and some other things I've noticed that haven't been consistent. This is now a new post, and I think i will repost it.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeAbmX63S2k http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chrwoetIrlI
  19. We are poor, we use the jamishidi.
  20. its so annoyingly addictive and frustratingly hard ! o well i beat it
  21. im on 29 !!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhh almost there then ill find another one
  22. Its only 30 levels i think, I'm up to 21 ... almost there!
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