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Everything posted by tskstorm

  1. tskstorm


    I don't think Doc D is capable of unfouling himself!
  2. Cool, we don't do it here, practically ever.
  3. Actually, we don't have any line of duty death benefits. However, would be an interesting lawsuit if a family wanted to pursue it, wouldn't get jack if you were there just because.
  4. Good first post, welcome to the city.
  5. You get negative 2 rep for poor presentation, horrible grammar, and a condescending attitude. Ignorant was a good summation. You will learn, here on this forum, you are at the bottom of the barrel, you're an EMT or "just an EMT" as you put it. Even at that you manage to sound completely incompetent, and undereducated. You think mastering 5 trauma skills makes you a medic ? Get a real education, then we can talk. You're complaining about living in a bay for AIT? Good luck to you when things actually get rough. It is without a doubt that you fail someone with your attitude. You don't want to put gloves on you don't want to protect yourself no problem you will fail someone by passing disease from one patient to another. Could be as simple as rhinovirus. Or fail yourself when you're attitude gets you in the wrong place at the wrong time and you catch a bullet in the head.
  6. tskstorm


    No reason for that Ben ... He certainly is not the brightest crayon in the box, but he's still a crayola.
  7. Well you know I can't close it .. but that was my unofficial closing!
  8. tskstorm


    Finally someone else on board with me about him.
  9. Oh that's good, glad to hear it, show's what I get for sticking my nose where I have no clue.
  10. tskstorm


    Good luck in school!
  11. Sometimes knowing the person is more of a reason to not stop and help
  12. tskstorm


    Not only is it time to let the thread die, its just time to let doc d post whatever he wants and for the rest of us to ignore him till he is bored and moves on. His nonsense is unbelievable.
  13. tskstorm


    No you certainly cant. Cheers
  14. So the service will continue on the private inter-facility and direct emergent call side? That's good, at least the people there will still have jobs.
  15. I have stopped off duty twice in my career. Once witness traumatic arrest. Did my immediate CPR help? No dead is dead, but that was not something I could drive away from. Second I was on a date at an ice skating rink, (This Ice skating rink was in my primary area of response at one of my jobs) someone fell backwards nice open laceration to the back of their head, and someone with a rental skate with no skills rammed into her, with the front of his skate going into the top of the pt's head. I took no immediate action just moved myself to the side, when the EMT's working the rink showed they didn't have a clue and asked the patient to stand up I shoved them out of the way, took over patient care. Told them to call 9-1-1 and I maintained the patient and began minor care prior to the units arrival. I will admit there is a certain 'cool' factor that was involved here since I was on a date. I don't see car accidents in the realm of my stopping. There is too much that can happen to me to hurt me long term as I mentioned earlier. Is it a little cold hearted? Maybe, but besides trying to calm a patient and holding c-spine what can you do for these patients? Please note: I'm not saying I would not call the accidents in to 9-1-I
  16. tskstorm


    Welcome to the city. Good posts to start keep it up.
  17. tskstorm


    No. 'nuff said.
  18. Mercy killing it is.
  19. I have a unique point of view here. For extrication or gaining entry into an apartment we have 2 choices. NYPD Emergency Services Unit or FDNY ENG company. It isn't an option actually but we make it one. If we call over our radio for extrication/entry we automatically get FDNY ENG. If we ask the officers on scene to call they will get NYPD ESU. So if FDNY were to try this there call volume would drop and ESU's would go instantaneously up. I would go out of my way to make sure FDNY wasn't getting paid. However there would then be a strain on NYPD's ESU units. Now the city would have to pour money into NYPD budget, and if you know anything about NYC policies and budgets FDNY is the last to get cut. It would just cause much chaos here. In general this just sounds like a bad idea.
  20. That's fine as long as you realize you're talking from a limited perspective. So when you make broad statements you make yourself sound horrible. I spent my time in the sand box. I'm not going to spout my branch division etc... It doesn't make a difference. Just know when you post on here, people are coming from a wide range of experiences.
  21. You will start a sh!t storm with this post. However, unless I'm required to by law (there are a few places) No I will not. IF another car comes plowing into that mess, who's going to pay my health/home bills ? Who's going to take care of my family? You have no barrier of protection, no one slowing down traffic, if it was at night no visibility on your person(reflectors anso class2 whatever the heck we're required to wear now.) No thanks.
  22. In NYC we tend to drive with our lights on, and sirens selectively, we wont always force traffic through a light if its too dangerous for them to do so. To many cares into a major intersection for example. If we're driving 50/60 on a highway there is no point either. For the most part we use a few siren blasts at the intersection to make sure all traffic is stopped and we roll through at a slow speed. In NYC there are 3 times when sirens are used full blast, 1 you work for HATZOLAH they drive everywhere full lights full sirens, whats wrong with the patient is irrelevant, 2, you get a "lights and sirens job" and you work for a transport company (read get an assignment for a misplaced peg tube or chronic pneumonia you are 2 hours late to pick up) or for the NYC EMS/911 Units a pediatric arrest or similar. So lights on is as good as saying they came in lights and sirens. whether how we do it is good or bad isn't the point just clarifying. As a rule unless I am giving a notification to the hospital I will not use lights and sirens. No point in shaving seconds off a transport time to sit in triage for 25-30 min. If we're going to go right into a trauma slot or similar, then yes. I wouldn't use mechanism alone if it was up to me. However policies dictate otherwise certain mechanisms require a notification and emergent transport. Falls greater 2 times height, pedestrians/bicyclist struck over 5 mph etc...
  23. Most likely how it would get handled here as well. Side note, one of the cafe owners customers approached the officer, not the other way around, had he ignored or brushed off the customer who was speaking to him could you imagine the backlash and bad publicity?
  24. Has to be the first positive thing I've seen anyone post about AMR. Them buying out a small company does sound just like them though.
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