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Everything posted by tskstorm

  1. If these bands or anything else is in the way or compromising to patient care it gets removed by any means necessary. However the key here is compromising to patient care. If I need to start an IV they need to go.
  2. RMA is refused medical assistance. As per local Abdominal pain protocol, she should have been carried down the stairs by stair chair. We offered the pt and pt's mother refused it, and signed accordingly.
  3. I agree with others, careful what you say here. No reason to be so over the top. Although when I read your statement the first time I read it to be if you good at improvisation they will call you a doc, and if you aren't you're a the other thing you said. Based on the replies I'm not sure everyone else read it the same.
  4. Our batteries die all the time, its an unfortunate side effect of having vehicles run 24/7 without being turned off. So once they do get turned off, don't usually turn back on!
  5. Will a 1/2 inch work ?
  6. Okay so its just a preference thing. Thanks.
  7. Yup the knew ones are flush with the ceiling. and have 6-7 medium sized LED's lighting it up!
  8. Yea funny, how no one had anything to say and then *poof* 6 pages worth.
  9. Yea I'm not to picky. Anything can be used to splint. As long as it gets the job done.
  10. It is possible and likely it was a lie. She might have been looking for a settlement, but I know she didn't get one. Patient care was never compromised.
  11. Oh don't pick on the navy, they have enough problems lol
  12. Didn't take it that way at all. Thanks for your opinion.
  13. Mom's complaint was that we didn't take vitals among other things (I only shared this part because it was relevant to the thread the rest isn't) I probably should have mentioned when I was being interviewed I was informed mom was a certified EMT-B. It scared me more that she was a trained EMT calling for her daughters menstrual cycle then anything else. Nothing within the course of care with us went wrong or had any affect. 30 seconds from putting the vehicle into drive and back into park. I can not speak for what may or may not have happened inside the hospital which they requested to go to.
  14. Oh I see, I assumed you were also a Paramedic outside of the ARMY. http://handbook.muh.ie/trauma/Chest/TensionPneumothorax.html http://www.tacmedsolutions.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/TCCC-Sztajnkrycer-Needle-DC-Prehosp-Disaster-Med-2008.pdf interesting study. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.malefi.org/Assets/2007/Med-midclavicle.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.malefi.org/conference-07-nav.htm&usg=__BykkRx0oq9mEKIrECdUBCscHZa8=&h=1536&w=2048&sz=582&hl=en&start=5&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=0nCVhgfJzQmMNM:&tbnh=113&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dneedle%2Bchest%2Bdecompression%2Bvideo%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26channel%3Ds%26tbs%3Disch:1 It really is pretty simple if you practice. As I stated before have different people from the unit lay down and palpate the ribs!
  15. Great way to pass some time and have a good laugh!
  16. Are they used often or only with arterial bleeds?
  17. There are a few and I beleive there are a few contracted civilian medics out in the sand box.
  18. You're keep your head up, actually, keep your head down in the book! Almost there, any other questions please ask so we can help you!
  19. My best advice for you is to make someone from the unit lay down and count his ribs. You can't be good at it if you don't practice. Further I question your ability to properly perform 12 lead EKG, specifically electrode placement, if you can not properly palpate ribs.
  20. Welcome to the city. You will receive better responses to your posts if you use proper punctuation. I am always guilty of slipping, especially in my early posts, but in general it seems to help. Good luck!
  21. Pt's family member. No the 13 year old with her menstrual cycle did not code!
  22. On our newest vehicles we now have LED's in the patient care compartment, beats the heck out of the domes!
  23. Whats AGM for us non Canada people?
  24. Thank you for appreciating it. You're welcome.
  25. Thanks man, Someone told me it was lowered again but good to know!

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