They way I look at it is that EMS is a continuing spectrum from field to hospital. If we get things done in the field, great. If we get the patient to the hospital really quickly and provide necessary care enroute, that's good too. I mean, if you are 3-5 minutes away from the hospital, and you have a critical asthma patient who needs intubation, and well, you just can't get the tube, I think it is the more responsible thing to control the airway using BLS techniques and get to the hospital where a respiratory therapist can give it a shot in a controlled, well lit environment. EMS works on a time/procedure factor. If it will be quicker to start a life saving procedure in the field, do it. If it will be quicker to get the patient to a hospital to have them do it there, it is in the patient's best interest to do that. This attitude of "if you didn't do the skill in the field, you are just lazy/incompetent/etc. etc." needs to stop. Too many providers are putting their egos above patient well being.